Corneal diseases are another leading cause of blindness, together with glaucoma and cataract.
10,11 They include a wide range of inflammatory and infectious diseases that can cause corneal scarring and eventually lead to loss of vision. Corneal inflammation can occur from many factors, such as ocular trauma, ocular surface diseases, corneal sutures, previous ocular surgery, eyelid malalignment, and even from diseases unrelated to the eye, such as diabetes. The success rate of surgical intervention of corneal blindness is good, but can be affected by postoperative complications and graft rejection. For corneal inspection, the most advanced imaging system that provides cellular level resolution is the in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM).
12 LSCM can image most of the corneal structures in vivo and helps clinicians to evaluate the disease state and treatment response without any physical sectioning. However, most of the LSCM instruments available for ocular imaging are contact based and hence there is a risk of corneal injury and applanation of the cornea that introduce artifacts in the images. UBM is another commonly used tool used for corneal pachymetry. UBM can image the anterior segment of the eye even in the presence of scarred and edematous corneal tissues. However, being a contact technique, UBM is also is impractical in many clinical situations such as in the case of eyes with ocular injuries and postoperative eyes. It may also cause distortion to the eye anatomy due to the supine positioning of the patient during image acquisition.
13 Both UBM and LSCM require experienced and skilled operators for obtaining high-quality images and to minimize the risk of corneal infections or abrasions. Emerging technology based on multiphoton microscopy
14 is promising, offering a greater depth of penetration and lower photo toxicity compared to conventional confocal system. Recently a safe in vivo technique using two-photon microscopy has been reported for the noninvasive imaging of the eye.
15 Nonetheless, there remains an extensive amount of translational and clinical investigation necessary before its integration into clinical ophthalmology. AS-OCT is the gold standard in measuring the anterior segment of the eye.
16 AS-OCT is a well-established technique, but routinely only measures cross-sectional data. The en face images need to be reconstructed from the cross-sectional images, which is often difficult. There have been exciting advances in en face OCT technology in research that have achieved high-quality, noncontact, cellular-level images of the corneal structures.
17–19 However, commercially available OCT ocular imaging systems lack the cellular resolution en face imaging capabilities. Undoubtedly, there is a need for high-resolution imaging methods that are simple, noncontact, and have an excellent safety profile.