Corneal biomechanical properties (e.g., stiffness) are directly related to structural integrity, ocular health, and vision functions of the human eye,
1–3 and are often changed by corneal diseases
4 (e.g., keratoconus, ectasia), corneal surgeries
5 (such as LASIK), and corneal collagen cross-linking surgeries. Elastography is an elasticity imaging method developed to distinguish between normal and diseased tissues by quantifying a tissue's elastic response to mechanical loads.
6–8 Optical coherence elastography (OCE),
9 based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging, can provide higher axial and lateral spatial resolution with greater measurement precision than ultrasound and magnetic resonance elastographies.
10 Currently, corneal elastography imaging, especially noninvasive in vivo measurement, is still a challenge, and there is no widely accepted standard yet. The development of new methods to measure structural properties of the cornea has become one of the top priorities in the field of corneal biomechanics.
Brillouin microscopy has been applied for corneal biomechanical measurements following corneal collagen cross-linking
11 and keratoconus in vivo.
12 Mapping of corneal biomechanics using Brillouin microscopy is time-consuming, taking tens of seconds to minutes. Therefore the time this method takes to achieve completion of the requisite confocal depth-scans and to collect the weak scattered signals presents a challenge for patients.
13 The Ocular Response Analyzer (Reichert Inc.)
14 and CorVis ST (OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH)
15 are two commercially available clinical devices for evaluating corneal biomechanical properties. Both methods apply large magnitude (70–300 kPa; 10–40 psi), long duration (10–30 ms) air pulse for tissue stimulation that result in global corneal deformation, ocular motion, and aqueous fluid displacement. These factors confound measurements of ocular biomechanics and precludes any possibility of spatially resolved measurements that would be necessary to detect minute variations in spatial stiffness.
16 Previous clinical studies with these instruments have produced conflicting results of measured corneal stiffness for patients following cross-linking treatments.
OCE imaging systems are comprised of a static
9,21–23 or dynamic
24–26 loading system to induce physical tissue deformation and a high-resolution imaging system, for example, phase-sensitive OCT to analyze the tissue response. Tissue biomechanical properties (e.g., the Young's modulus
10 and viscoelasticity
27,28) can be derived or estimated from the applied deformation force and the observed response. In this study, a microscale air-pulse stimulator was developed for corneal elasticity imaging to provide low force (20–60 Pa; 0.003–0.009 psi), short duration (≤1 ms) tissue excitations that were spatially localized (150 µm diameter).
29 The development of phase-sensitive OCT imaging has further improved dynamic OCE imaging by enhancing the displacement detection sensitivity from a micrometer scale (for intensity measurements) to a nanometer or subnanometer scale.
30–37 In our previous studies, we reported displacement detection sensitivities as low as 0.24 ± 0.07 nm.
10 This phase-sensitive OCE system has demonstrated high-resolution quantification of tissue displacement, and it enables the visualization and analysis of laterally propagating elastic waves in dynamic OCE.
8,10,24 Previous studies involving ex vivo measurements of rabbit
32,38–40 and porcine
28,41–43 corneas have demonstrated that the stiffness of the cornea increases after corneal collagen cross-linking,
32,39,42 at higher intraocular pressures (IOPs),
41 and at older ages.
During in vivo corneal stimulation and image acquisition, physiological movements, such as respiration, heartbeat, and ocular pulsations, can cause changes in ocular surface position in addition to involuntary fixational eye motions or head motion.
44 Although the effects of physiological movements on OCT and OCT angiography have been studied,
45–47 their effects on dynamic OCE measurements have not. Optimally, mechanical tissue stimulation during elastography imaging is aligned normal to the tissue to result in axial tissue displacements. This geometric configuration simplifies the analytical methods required to derive the tissue biomechanical properties.
48 Other tissue motion during OCE imaging due to normal physiological movements (e.g., breathing, vascular pulsations, or other motion) could result in response amplifications, tissue misalignments during stimulation, as well as variations in the stimulus force delivered. In theory, these uncertainties could cause measurement variability and ultimately ambiguous clinical interpretations.
49 To address these concerns, we sought to characterize the amplitude, frequency, and timescale of axial eye motion during OCE imaging, to quantify the potential effects of these parameters on measurement variability and precision, and to assess their potential impact on clinical interpretation of in vivo OCE measurements.
In this study, the effects of normal physiological movements, such as respiration and heartbeat, were assessed relative to the measurement precision and repeatability of the prototype corneal phase-sensitive OCT elastography imaging system. We investigated the relationship between axial eye motion, heartbeat, and breathing motion using simultaneous in vivo OCT imaging of the corneal apex and electronic pulse monitoring. We also assessed the effects of axial corneal surface motion on measurement repeatability by simulating the magnitude and frequency of normal physiological eye motion in vitro with a corneal tissue phantom. The mechanical response of corneal tissues and tissue phantoms were measured in M-mode (involving repeated A-scan acquisitions over time at the same location). The primary tissue surface deformation was used as an indicator to evaluate the repeatability and precision of the measurements.