Researchers have historically sought for a relevant, less-invasive, radiation-free biomarker that can predict future cardiovascular accidents.
30–33 The present study suggests that retinal fundus images might be a promising modality for predicting cardiovascular accidents by reflecting the CAC status. The deep learning algorithm moderately discriminates between individuals having high CACS with their retinal fundus images and performs better when the threshold for abnormal CACS is increased. Interestingly, the performance increased rapidly when the threshold was changed from 0 to 100, whereas above 100, the improvements were marginal. This implies that discriminative features related to high CACS exist in retinal fundus images and that neural networks can perceive when the CACS is above 100. Through the analysis of performances with inpainted images and the activation maps, it is conjectured that such visual patterns reside mainly in the configuration of temporal retinal vasculature and to some part in the fovea.
This study aligns with previous efforts to estimate cardiovascular risks from retinal fundus images. It has been reported that the deep learning algorithm is capable of learning visual patterns from retinal fundus images to predict major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) in 5 years with a moderate performance (AUROC about 0.7),
20 let alone other CVD risk factors such as age and sex. Whereas MACE is a binary label, CACS is a continuous variable that is often used in clinical practice as a stratified categorical value. Several guidelines exist to help interpret CACS in the context of cardiovascular risk of a patient. A widely accepted guideline of CACS does not use it as its actual value, but uses it as a categorical value to divide into different groups that require different types of care and interventions. For example, the guideline on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease suggested by the American Heart Association states that CACS >400 with other complications would indicate very high risk of cardiovascular failure whereas CACS <100 translates to the low risk and 100 < CACS <399 means intermediate risk.
34 At least when dividing the CACS value into categories, dividing by 0, 1–100, and 101–300 (or 400) has some consensus.
35 In addition, many studies have shown that patients with CACS >100 are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease in the future and undergo cardiovascular intervention or surgery. According to Jung et al.,
36 the CACS cut-off value for predicting coronary revascularization was 111.0 among Koreans. Therefore various thresholds for high CACS were tested in this study to evaluate whether CACS could be predicted using deep learning algorithms, for which performance seemed to saturate at 100, which can also be considered a clinically significant value according to the previously mentioned studies.
Age, sex, and the presence of hypertension, which are CVD risk factors, are well known to have a moderate relationship with CACS (e.g., an elderly man with hypertension would have higher CACS). In this study, retinal fundus images had an approximately similar predictive performance as age in predicting high CACS from no CACS. Also, a combination of known cardiovascular risk factors showed higher AUROC, as can be expected from the well-known relationship of these factors with CACS. However, retinal fundus images also had an additive effect on increasing AUROC to nearly 90% when combined with age, sex, and presence of hypertension, suggesting retinal fundus images may provide additional information unrelated to these previously known risk factors.
Retinal funduscopic examination has been considered as a method of detecting various eye diseases rather than CVD. However, retinal fundus images provide an overview of retinal vasculature, which could exhibit the signs of apparent cardiovascular burdens, possibly associated with high accumulation of CAC. High CACS would incur hypertensive vascular changes such as increases in stiffness in retinal vasculature and alternation in venules, which may not be readily identified in fundus images of subtle cases. Deep learning algorithms, which operate on a pixel level, may perform superiorly to human experts when it comes to capturing such minute changes that would have otherwise failed to attract humans’ attention. The algorithms seem to inspect retinal vasculature based on the observed heatmaps around the main retinal vessel branches as shown in
Figure 3, and perhaps the algorithms can perceive visual characteristics that reside in the eyes of patients with high CACS other than the well-known features of hypertension. Interestingly, the performance exacerbated markedly when the retinal vasculature was erased from the input images, while performance decreased by a lesser degree when the fovea was erased. These results support researchers’ long belief that the retinal vasculature provides meaningful features assessing cardiovascular burden, including CACS.
20 The fovea, which is known to play a key role in predicting sex with retinal fundus images,
20 may not act as a clue in assessing cardiovascular burden. Still, further investigation is warranted to specify which visual patterns are recognized by the algorithms.
However, this study has several limitations. Future external validations using heterogeneous datasets acquired from various retinal fundus cameras are warranted. Furthermore, ethnicity in our study is heavily skewed towards Asian populations, and the same trends may not be observed in other ethnicities. Also, there were a relatively smaller number of cases with high CACS, although more than 20,000 individuals were included in this study, which also raises the need for further evaluation in larger studies. Constraints in resources rendered more rigorous statistical analyses infeasible, with a small sample size limiting statistical power for the comparison of performance among settings with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Finally, the question of precisely what features predict CACS still remains unanswered. For such reasons, our findings should be carefully interpreted with deliberation. Despite these limitations, the strength of the present study lies in the novelty of the unprecedented dataset, unique in its composition and scale. We evaluated more than 40,000 retinal fundus images of more than 20,000 individuals, along with CACS evaluation from CT scans, all acquired on the same day. With the availability of retinal fundus images for both eyes, we observed empirical advantages of using two eyes for the prediction of high CACS.
We demonstrated that visual patterns of retinal fundus images in subjects with high CAC could be recognized by deep learning algorithms, and such patterns may reside in retinal vasculature rather than the fovea through ablation tests and heatmap analysis. Ideally, a deep learning algorithm for predicting high CACS could be run at the time a patient takes an automatic retinal fundus photograph, because only a few additional computations are required. We believe that our experiments are an early beginning in paving the way to implementing an additional screening method for the risk of CVD in an accessible and affordable way. However, the current performance is incomplete for the system to be deployed in clinical settings and warrants improvement and rigorous validation in heterogeneous external datasets. Additionally, the prediction of CACS in a direct manner from retinal fundus images also seems to be an interesting research direction that deserves further investigation.