Network analyses were conducted to assess the interrelations between items of the PAI-CY 7–12. A network consists of two elements: nodes, which represent the items, and edges, representing connections between pairs of nodes.
33 Network extraction was based on graphical modeling, in which the support of the precision matrix (the inverse of the covariance matrix) represents a conditional independence graph. In such a graph, an edge represents a substantive partial correlation. Hence, linkage in a conditional independence network means that the association between two connected items cannot be explained away by conditioning on the other items. Two networks were extracted, one for the self-report format and one for the proxy-report format, as the items in these subclasses may be differentially connected. Extraction started with the Spearman correlation matrix based on pairwise-complete observations. The inverse of this raw correlation matrix was (for each subclass) based on a ridge estimate.
34 A value for the associated penalty parameter was determined by assessing the condition number of the ridge estimate along the penalty domain.
35 The value was chosen such that the approximate loss in digits of accuracy did not exceed 2. Support determination of the estimated precision matrix was subsequently based on a local false discovery rate procedure. Only those edges were retained whose posterior probability of being present equaled or exceeded .75. The resulting networks were visualized by using the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm,
36 which tends to place highly connected nodes toward the center of the network and tries to minimize the number of crossing edges. The node coordinates of the self-report network serve as the reference coordinates for the proxy-report network. Node importance was assessed through simple centrality scores,
37 especially degree centrality, which assesses the (structural) importance of a node by counting how many connections it has. It is indicative of the nodes that are central or influential in terms of the number of connections: more connections could imply deeper regulatory influence.
33,38 From a statistical viewpoint, a central item shares most of its variance with all other items. From a conceptual viewpoint, in the case of questionnaire data, a response to a central item might influence the response to other items that share a connection. For instance, a high-score response to the most central item might indicate a high-score response to all items the central item is connected to (if the items are positively connected).