The EGF participates actively in the migration and proliferation of the corneal epithelium in tissue regeneration processes.
47 The concentrations of EGF in the frozen E-PRP samples were higher than in fresh E-PRP, and higher than those found with PRGF,
32,38 or with AS
35 by another authors. The subsequent centrifugation did not modify the EGF concentration, probably because all of the EGF had been released after freezing. PDGF is a modulator of the chemotaxis and cellular mitosis of fibroblasts.
48 Of the three different isoforms, PDGF-AA, PDGF-AB, PDGF-BB, we chose PDGF-BB because it has the highest chemotactic power among the three.
49,50 PDGF-BB followed the same pattern as EGF, giving much higher values in frozen E-PRP. The concentrations obtained for PDGF-BB were comparable to those found by other authors,
51,52 and much higher than those of other researchers.
53 However, there are interesting studies that compare the GFs of samples of PRP, PRGF, and AS, but determine the PDGF-AB.
32,35,38 The positive correlation between the platelets and the PDGF-BB was probably because of this GF that is released during the degranulation of platelets.
54 Several authors have also found a positive correlation between them,
55–57 whereas others have not found correlation.
51,52,58 TGF-β1 is a multifunctional GF and one of the most important that intervene in the modulation of the behavior of ocular tissues.
59 Depending on the context, it may have proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects.
60 TGF-β1 values in the fresh and frozen E-PRP were high, but subsequent centrifugation drastically decreased its concentration. Then it could be presumed that platelets do not need to be activated to increase the TGF-β1 values. A great variability was found in the bibliography,
61,62 but TGF-β1 values found in the E-PRP were higher than those obtained by others.
32,63 However, it is known that TGF-β1 antagonizes epithelial migration stimulated by EGF, so it is better to have a lower concentration of this GF.
64 The positive correlation found between TGF-β1 and the initial concentration of platelets by other authors
56 did not occur in our study. A positive correlation was also found between leukocytes and TGF-β1 in the frozen E-PRP.
65 A strong and positive correlation was also found between TGF-β1 and VEGF-A. The presence of VEGF, dose-dependent, induces cell migration and cell proliferation, accompanied by upregulation of TGF-β1 mRNA.
66 However, cytokines derived from leukocytes, together with the TGF-β1 released by platelets and plasma-derived factors, have the capacity to induce the expression of VEGF-A genes.
67 In this way, VEGF-A and TGF-β1 cooperate to act in processes of cellular chemotaxis and neovascularization promoting the regeneration of tissues. VEGF-A is a potent angiogenic and endothelial cell mitogen that is present in platelets and endothelial cells, stimulating the proliferation of blood vessels.
65 We did not find differences in VEGF-A between any of the treatments used, although a slightly higher concentration was found in the frozen samples, probably because the expression of VEGF-A is modulated by other GF, as well as by cytokines.
68 Values in the fresh E-PRP were the same as those found by other authors in fresh PRGF, whereas the values of the frozen E-PRP turned out to be double those of the PRGF stored under the same conditions.
32 In contrast, another study found that the highest levels of VEGF corresponded to PRGF.
38 Although VEGF high values were found, they did not detect neovascularization in any of the patients treated with PRGF.
33,69 Unlike the previous GFs, we would be interested that the VEGF values in the E-PRP were not very high because the overexpression of VEGF can lead to vascular alterations of the retina
70 or maintenance of tumors.
71 Fibronectin is an adhesion protein, which is free in plasma, and is one of the main constituents of the extracellular matrix. It is one of the first to reach the place when there is a corneal wound, filling the bed of the lesion, which produces cell migration during the repair process of the corneal epithelium.
72,73 The values obtained of this protein remained constant in the four types of procedures performed. This could be explained because fibronectin is a plasma protein and its presence does not depend on the activation of platelets. The possible limitations of this study could be related to the number of volunteers from whom the blood samples were obtained to perform the trial. However, because four different treatments had to be applied and five determinations were made in each one of them, it was not viable to increase the number of individuals. To draw relevant conclusions, a careful statistical analysis was carried out using the most restrictive tests for this type of study, including a power analysis. This analysis showed that between two and four samples were necessary to obtain significant results with a 99% power between groups.