Danias et al.
10,17 were arguably the first to conceive and validate a freely available software called ImageTool to provide semi-automated counts of Fluorogold labeled RGCs on rat, and then later mouse, retinal wholemounts. This software, however, requires time-intensive preprocessing steps using separate software (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA) for images prior to generating the automated cell counts.
17 Image preprocessing is integrated into the script of our software, provided that the actual immunolabeling and resultant image capture are of reasonable quality.
The Vidal-Sanz laboratory also developed a script validated for Fluorogold-labeled RGCs on rodent retinal flat mounts and this was later validated for Brn3a-labeling with excellent accuracy (R2 > 0.94) when compared to manual counting.
4,15,29 In addition, they also validated its use in quantifying immunolabeled photoreceptors.
32 Importantly, this program is also able to distinguish between clusters of cells and automates the image optimization stages. From a mosaic of 154 frames of the retinal whole-mount photographs, retinal isodensity maps were generated using Adobe Photoshop CS 8.0.1 (Adobe Systems, Inc.), IPP (IPP version 5.1 for Windows; Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD), and Sigmaplot (Sigmaplot version 9.0 for Windows; Systat Software, Inc., Richmond, CA) commercial software.
29 The only potential disadvantage to its widespread use is that it requires the commercially available software Image Pro-Plus. Geeraerts et al.
16 developed an ImageJ plug-in to provide semi-automated counts of Brn3a-labelled RGCs on mouse retinal wholemounts with excellent accuracy (r > 0.99) that permitted the generation of retinal isodensity maps integrated into the script. Manual interventions that are required involve the outlining the borders of the retina and excluding damaged regions / artifacts from the retinal image.
16 We have integrated both whole-retinal analysis and retinal isodensity map generation into our script, which does not require the user to outline the retinal borders. A degree of image optimization is also integrated into our script, to enable the exclusion of small artifacts (“speckles”) and background blur. Heavily damaged regions or large artifacts, however, do need to be removed prior.
To our knowledge, Dordea et al.
30 were the first to validate automated RGC counts for Beta-III tubulin and DAPI-labeled RGCs with use of a machine-learning plug-in using CellProfiler open source software. It was estimated that data acquisition was accelerated 10-fold by this automated program. This software requires both an image preprocessing step involving binary contrast enhancement carried out through ImageJ software prior to quantification using CellProfiler, and an initial supervised machine-learning step to ensure accuracy in automated cell recognition for each label.
An open source ImageJ plug-in was developed and validated by Hedberg Buenz et al.
33 for quantifying hematoxylin and eosin-labeled mouse retinal wholemounts (R2 = 0.953 to 0.993). RGCs were identifiable with reasonable accuracy (83.2%) by using random forest classification based on morphological criteria.
31 Similar to our program, this plug-in initially requires the user to manually calibrate the program with a “training” set of images to ensure accurate RGC detection prior to performing automated RGC counts. Despite using high magnification (200×) photomicrographs and manually subtracting artifacts from photomicrographs prior to automated counting, some difficulty was encountered with missed nuclei associated with cell clumps or concealment by the nerve fiber layer.
33 Hedberg Buenz et al.
33 also report that the program is cumbersome when used in conjunction with immunohistochemistry or retrograde tracers, thereby limiting its versatility.
Byun et al.
34 also developed an ImageJ plug-in for nuclei detection on transverse retinal sections, which to date has not been validated for use on wholemounts. Last, Bizrah et al.
35 developed a MATLAB script to automatically quantify apoptotic RGCs in vivo using fluorescent Annexin V labeling with Detection of Apoptosing Retinal Cell (DARC) imaging (r = 0.978, R2 = 0.956). This is particularly attractive as the ability to capture and automatically quantify RGC populations in real-time throughout disease evolution, ex vivo, could provide further robustness to preclinical, and even clinical, trials whereas significantly reducing required sample sizes with repeated sampling, accelerating workflow and research output.