To increase the control over the measurement conditions, experiments were performed on central corneal buttons punched from ex vivo porcine globes.
Figure 2A shows representative images of the same cornea sample measured at 0° and 30°. The measured Brillouin frequency shifts were converted to longitudinal modulus of elasticity using
Equation 1, using the incident laser wavelength of 660 nm and assuming a constant index of refraction and density of 1.37 and density of 1080 kg/m
3 for corneal tissue.
26,31 Figure 2B demonstrates the difference in longitudinal modulus of elasticity, derived via Brillouin microscopy, between identical corneas (
n = 10) measured at 0° then 30°. The average longitudinal modulus of elasticity ± standard error of the anterior third section of the corneas at +30° inclination (2.66 ± 0.03 GPa) significantly differed (
P < 0.01) from the same corneas measured at 0° inclination (2.60 ± 0.03 GPa). As an isotropic sample control, index-matching, lubricant gel was placed on the posterior side of the cornea and measured at each inclination. The gel at 30° and 0°, 2.37 ± 0.06 GPa and 2.37 ± 0.04 GPa, respectively, did not significantly differ (
P > 0.05) and the difference between the two was within instrument sensitivity (10 MHz). To test for unwanted changes in Brillouin-derived longitudinal modulus of elasticity due to dehydration and/or temperature changes between scans, (
n = 10) corneas were measured at 0° (M
0° initial) followed by a repeated measurement again at 0° (M
0° repeat); replicating the time between measurements at 0° then 30°. As shown in
Figure 2C, the average difference in longitudinal modulus of elasticity between the repeated measurements (M
0°repeat - M
0°initial) was not significantly different than zero (
P > 0.05) and within the instrument sensitivity, indicating no change in frequency shift due to the time between scans.