Episcleral brachytherapy is currently the most widely used conservative treatment for uveal melanoma.
1 Accurate radiation dosimetry and precise placement of the radioactive plaque in relation to the tumor are the two most important factors to achieve local tumor control and to reduce the risk of radiation-induced side effects.
Various techniques have been applied both intraoperatively and postoperatively to ensure that the attached radioactive plaque covers the tumor base with the required tumor-free margin. During surgery, indirect ophthalmoscopy with transscleral transillumination and different forms of ultrasound examination are commonly used.
2–8 Ultrasound examination is also the most common technique to assess plaque placement after surgery.
9–11 Other methods include magnetic resonance imaging
12,13 and the use of plaque-mounted light-emitting diodes.
For posteriorly located choroidal melanomas, it can be challenging to position the plaque correctly, which may explain why radiation failure is more common in such cases.
16 Furthermore, initially well-placed plaques may become displaced or tilted by eye movements, hemorrhages, adjacent extraocular muscles, the optic nerve sheath, or posterior ciliary nerves and vessels, which in turn can decrease the radiation dose to the tumor and cause local tumor recurrence.
11,17 High-resolution ultrasound examination can be used to correctly determine plaque position during and after surgery, but it might be hampered by varying image resolution and imaging errors.
18 Still, the development of new methods to assess and document plaque placement in episcleral brachytherapy is warranted.
Cherenkov luminescence imaging (CLI) is an optical imaging modality that relies on the Cherenkov radiation effect, where charged particles induce faint visible light when travelling faster than the speed of light through a dielectric medium.
19 Ruthenium-106 is a frequently used isotope for episcleral brachytherapy of uveal melanoma. Ruthenium-106 decays with a half-life of 373.6 days via rhodium-106 to palladium-106. Rhodium-106 has a half-life of about 30 seconds and emits highly energetic electrons with a maximum energy of 3.5 MeV.
20 Hence, the electrons from rhodium-106 have sufficient energy to induce Cherenkov radiation as they pass through the eyewall and further into the vitreous. This phenomenon has been shown in a recent in vitro study, where CLI made it possible to verify the position and tilting of ruthenium-106 plaques relative to melanin-containing tumor phantoms in enucleated porcine eyes.
20 The emitted Cherenkov radiation varies over a wide range in the visible spectrum with a peak in the ultraviolet–blue region.
21 In biological tissues, which favor the transmission of red–infrared light, the emitted photons are highly scattered and absorbed.
21 The detection of Cherenkov light in tissue is, therefore, challenging and requires highly sensitive techniques, such as the use of electron multiplying charged-coupled device (EMCCD) cameras in completely dark environments. Herein, we demonstrate the feasibility of using CLI to assess and document the plaque position during ruthenium-106 brachytherapy in patients with posterior uveal melanoma.