To our knowledge, this is the first study on the reflectivity characteristics of SD-OCT in patients with PXE. We found that the reflectivity profiles of relatively young patients with PXE are different from controls and that the RPE-BM peak reflectivity performs well in discriminating patients with PXE from controls.
Our findings confirm previous observations of OCT imaging in PXE, which describe increased reflectivity at the level of the RPE-BM complex.
3,6,21,22 This finding is also compatible with the histopathologic evidence of calcification in BM.
23 The increased reflective properties of the calcified BM cause the hyperreflectivity of the RPE-BM complex on SD-OCT, which appears to correlate with its bright reflex on near-infrared imaging.
7 Besides near-infrared imaging, late-phase indocyanine green angiography also visualizes the pattern of BM calcification.
24,25 However, quantification methods for these retinal imaging techniques are not available yet. The distance between the temporal border of the optic disc and the central border of peau d'orange has been used as a proxy for the extent of calcification.
26 The eccentricity of the border of the peau d'orange may provide relevant information regarding the progression of the extent of BM calcification, but it is unclear whether this parameter also represents severity of retinal calcification.
26 A recent study showed reduced quantitative autofluorescence in PXE, which suggests reduced lipofuscin levels within the RPE.
27 These levels were associated with the extent of calcification, implicating that BM calcification in PXE affects the vitality of the outer retina.
In this study, we investigated the use of SD-OCT reflectivity values, normalized to the GCL-IPL reference layer, as a quantifiable biomarker for PXE. Quantification of reflectivity values is hardly used, in contrast to quantification of layer thickness, because interpretation of reflectivity values is less straightforward. Since the reflectivity values are influenced by multiple factors such as media opacities and signal-to-noise ratio and SD-OCT imaging is not calibrated, absolute reflectivity values are not considered a reliable metric.
8 Approaches to obtain reliable reflectivity data include normalization to image quality or signal strength, to a reference layer, or by using an attenuation coefficient.
11,28 The RNFL or RPE has been suggested as the best reference layer, since these layers show the highest reflectivity values.
29 On the other hand, the ONL, which shows the lowest reflectivity values in the retina, has been proposed because of the best correlation with image quality.
8 For the purpose of our study, both candidates are not ideal; the macular RNFL is rather thin, and normalizing the high RPE-BM reflectivity to the low ONL reflectivity could result in a biomarker that is extremely sensitive to measurement errors in the reference layer having a low signal-to-noise ratio.
8 Moreover, the ONL represents the nuclear bodies of the photoreceptor cells, which theoretically will suffer first from a diseased RPE-BM complex in PXE. The GCL-IPL layer is, besides the RNFL, furthest away from the outer retina, and the thickness and reflectivity values of the GCL-IPL layer allow for easy segmentation. Only in the foveal area does the GCL-IPL layer almost diminish, which likely causes noise in the reference layer reflectivity. Therefore, we selected the GCL-IPL layer as a reference layer corrected for the foveal thinning by weighing the reflectivity profiles to the layer thickness to normalize the reflectivity values.
We observed a large variability in normalized reflectivity values, both between patients and within patients. The high variability between patients might partly be explained by age and the severity of the disease. However, this does not explain the variability within patients and thus the low reproducibility. It is in line with a study that found that reflectivity values may vary up to 29% due to sensitivity fall-off (decreasing sensitivity with increasing retinal depth) and patient-induced motions, such as a heartbeat, that cause axial shift.
30 Also, a change in the angle of the infrared light beam affects the reflectivity and attributes to the variability of measured reflectivity.
31 Therefore, it is complicated to obtain a reproducible measure of OCT reflectivity, which is often prone to substantial intrapatient variation.
32 Unfortunately, our data set with repeated measures was rather small and lacked statistical power to investigate the reproducibility more in depth. Future research should therefore focus on gaining insight into and improving reproducibility. Progress in OCT technology, such as the introduction of the Spectralis OCT2, providing faster imaging with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, is expected to be beneficial for improving the reproducibility.
33 Also, another approach for normalizing the reflectivity may be worth investigating. The approach proposed by Vermeer et al.
34 could be valuable, since it does not rely on a reference layer but uses a pixel-specific attenuation coefficient to characterize the retinal tissue. Even though we cannot use the RPE-BM reflectivity as an individual biomarker yet, the RPE-BM reflectivity is a reliable parameter to compare groups with a random measurement error.
We could not demonstrate a statistically significant effect of age on the RPE-BM peak reflectivity. It is known that BM calcification in PXE increases with age and is hypothesized to spread centrifugally.
25 Gliem et al.
27 recently found that the extent of calcification increases with age but has a large between-patient variability. Interestingly, our data also suggest a possible trend of increasing RPE-BM peak reflectivity with increasing age. However, we should take into account that we only measured patients aged under 40 years, and thus the reflectivity throughout life is still unknown. Moreover, it is plausible that the large variability between patients and the relatively small sample size impede reaching statistical significance. Also, it is likely that the excluded patients with PXE with CNV or macular atrophy had more severe BM calcification than patients with PXE of the same age without these complications. It would therefore be interesting to study the hypothesis that the RPE-BM peak reflectivity in PXE increases with age by including older and more severe patients with PXE or by increasing the study population. However, even though our findings provide convincing evidence that we can detect BM calcification in PXE already at a young age and may suggest that the BM calcification progresses with age, the characteristics of the RPE-BM peak reflectivity need to be validated in an external cohort of patients with PXE. Also, there was a substantial and at this moment unexplained variability between patients, which is known from other measures in patients with PXE.
27 Therefore, before the RPE-BM peak reflectivity is suitable as a longitudinal biomarker, the reproducibility needs to be improved.
Changes in BM also occur with normal aging, which means that BM calcification in PXE may represent a part of the normal aging process. Also, the RPE reflectivity increases with age, which is attributed to enlarged melanosomes in the RPE.
35 Since BM is very thin, it is hard to investigate the BM reflectivity separate from the RPE reflectivity. Both phenomena, however, cannot explain the observed difference in RPE-BM peak reflectivity between patients with PXE and controls.
Furthermore, changes in BM occur as part of the pathophysiology of AMD.
36,37 AMD may progress to a neovascular or atrophic stage due to changes in the anatomical complex consisting of the photoreceptors, RPE-BM, and the choriocapillaris.
36 Patients with AMD also have a different OCT reflectivity profile: the ellipsoid zone has a lower reflectivity than controls, which correlates with retinal function.
38 Possibly, the OCT reflectivity profile also shows differences in the RPE-BM complex due to BM calcification or other changes in the complex consisting of choriocapillaris, RPE-BM, and the photoreceptors.
39 Therefore, OCT reflectivity profiles may be an interesting biomarker to monitor early changes in patients with AMD or even as a screening tool for detection of early AMD.
Interestingly, we also found an indication that patients with PXE have a lower photoreceptor reflectivity than controls, with nominal statistical significance (
Table). The interpretation is yet uncertain. An altered optical Stiles Crawford effect may contribute to this difference between patients with PXE and controls. The optical Stiles-Crawford effect describes the phenomenon that OCT reflectivity depends on the directionality of the retinal tissue.
41 The directionality of the photoreceptors might be altered by retinal pathophysiology, which then leads to an altered absorption and reflection of light.
42 Possibly, BM calcification affects the directionality of the photoreceptors and thereby its reflectivity. However, it is also plausible that BM calcification affects the vitality of the photoreceptors by impeding the diffusion of nutrients and oxygen from the choriocapillaris. This may then cause photoreceptor dysfunction and degeneration. Despite the lack of large-scale studies providing convincing evidence, the existing literature indicates that patients with PXE have impaired retinal function. Three studies in 35, 15, and 4 patients with PXE found reduced retinal function or dark adaptation, which supports this hypothesis.
43–45 However, one study did not find retinal dysfunction in seven patients with PXE.
46 Future research should compare retinal function with OCT reflectivity to further investigate the mechanism of lower photoreceptor reflectivity in patients with PXE.
Moreover, we found differences in thickness of the total retina and in several retinal layers. Two previous studies reported on a lower retinal thickness in eyes with PXE, but these studies included later stages of PXE with CNV and/or atrophy, making it difficult to compare our findings.
47,48 Since there are no data on retinal layer thickness in PXE, it is difficult to interpret these findings. Perhaps BM calcification already affects the thickness of some retinal layers at an early disease stage. However, it is also very plausible that the segmentation algorithm attributed to the differences in layer thickness. The IOWA segmentation algorithms rely on signal strength and the higher RPE-BM reflectivity in patients with PXE may slightly affect the algorithm.
49 Last, the method of thickness measurements differs from commonly used methods (e.g., measuring along the length of the standardized Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy (ETDRS) grid). Both the uncertainty regarding why the layers differ in thickness, as well as the method of measurement, should be taken into account when interpreting or comparing the retinal layer thicknesses.
Some limitations need to be addressed. The IOWA reference algorithms that we used to segment the retinal layers are based on a three-dimensional approach, which models the surfaces of retinal layers, whereas our OCT volumes consist of seven B-scans. This might result in small segmentation errors at the fovea. However, in this study, all B-scans were visually inspected, and in case there were clearly visible segmentation errors, the A-scans in that area were excluded. Also, manual adjustment of small segmentation errors did not affect the results; the small, nonsignificant changes are seen in both patients with PXE and controls, and they follow the same direction. They will thus not weaken the differences seen between PXE and controls. Therefore, we do not assume that this has affected the validity of our findings. Then, the RPE-BM peak reflectivity might have been slightly affected in patients with PXE due to the presence of angioid streaks that were not detectable on OCT. In most cases, however, angioid streaks are visible on OCT as breaks in BM,
7 and we excluded those A-scans with our approach. This resulted in a lower proportion of included A-scans per B-scan in patients with PXE compared with controls. Hypothetically, undetected angioid streaks could lower RPE-BM peak reflectivity, but we assume that the proportion of A-scans with undetected streaks is so small that a large effect on reflectivity values is unlikely. At last, we found that the shadowing artifacts of retinal blood vessels affected the RPE-BM reflectivity, but this effect was relatively small and did not influence the large difference between reflectivity in patients with PXE and controls. However, it does indicate that the RPE-BM reflectivity might be slightly affected by above lying structures. To prevent this, an approach based on attenuation coefficients could be an option in future research.
In conclusion, we showed that patients with PXE have increased normalized RPE-BM reflectivity, presumably as a result of BM calcification. The normalized RPE-BM peak reflectivity has potential to be the first biomarker for the severity of BM calcification in patients with PXE. This finding is relevant to gain insight not only into PXE pathology but into normal aging and AMD as well. Further research is warranted to confirm our findings and to further improve the reproducibility of the RPE-BM peak reflectivity.