BCVA was measured at 4 m using the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) chart (retro-illuminated light box: EVA Tester; STZ Biomed, Tübingen, Germany) and was recorded in decimals. The BCVA was entered into the electronic case report form (e-CRF) as a decimal value and automatically converted into logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) value.
Color vision discrimination was measured with the Lanthony D15 desaturated color vision test (Luneau, Paris, France) performed under a constant illuminance of 270 lux white light (D 65 standard illuminant) within a Standard Light Box (Judge QC; X-Rite Inc., Grand Rapids, MI, USA). The sequence of the caps was entered into software
9 available at
https://www.torok.info/colorvision/d15.htm, which identifies entry errors and automatically calculates the Total Error Score (TES).
10 The TES was then entered into the e-CRF (for procedure protocol, see
Annex 2). The output of the test was also printed as hard copy, which then became a source data sheet to be uploaded into the central database.
Perimetry was undertaken using the Octopus 101 perimeter (Haag-Streit, Köniz, Switzerland). The peripheral visual field was examined by semiautomated kinetic perimetry (VF kinetic; VFk) using the III4e and I3e Goldmann stimuli presented randomly along each 15° meridian at an angular velocity of 3° s
–1. The blind spot was defined by presentation of the I4e stimulus at 2° s
–1 starting from its presumed center along each 30° meridian. The area of the blind spot was automatically calculated by the perimeter. Each isopter was corrected for the reaction time of the given individual, which was calculated from each of three reaction time vectors placed within normal regions of the central field
11 (for procedure protocol, see
Annex 3).
The central field was assessed by standard (static) automated perimetry (VF static; VFs) using Program G1 and stimulus size III and a 4-2-1 dB threshold strategy, with the appropriate near correction in situ. The sensitivity at each individual stimulus location at the immediately preceding visit was used as the starting value for the staircase of the subsequent visit to reduce the number of stimulus presentations prior to the first reversal and, therefore, mitigate against the perimetric fatigue effect,
12 which is associated with a prolonged bracketing procedure. An inappropriate starting value would have induced a greater systematic error than any inaccuracy in the threshold estimate arising from the use of the previous values of sensitivity, particularly as a triple crossing (4-2-1 dB) of threshold was used at each location and at each visit. Furthermore, the presence of within-individual and within- and between-session variation in response further mititates against the impact of any systematic error associated with the derivation of the threshold estimate in this manner, particularly in the presence of more substantial confounders such as the perimetric learning
8 and fatigue effects.
The peripheral field was assessed before the central field. The right eye was examined before the left eye for each perimetric modality. A 5- to 10-minute rest period was given between the two examinations.
The standard printout from each type of perimetry for each individual at each visit was stored in a web-based electronic database specifically designed for the study. In addition, the database separately stored the mean reaction time, the reaction time–corrected area for each of the two isopters and for the blind spot, the number of incorrect responses to the false-negative and false-positive catch trials, the magnitude of the Mean Defect (MD) index, the BCVA, and the refractive correction. The outcomes in each eye for the peripheral and central field examinations comprised the reaction time–corrected areal extent of each isopter and the MD index, respectively.
Electroretinography was performed binocularly according to the ISCEV standard, applicable at the time of the study,
13 using Espion E
2 Electrophysiology Consoles (Diagnosys LLC, Lowell, MA, USA) and single-use Dawson-Trick-Litzkow (DTL) fiber electrodes
14 (Diagnosys LLC). The electrodes were standardized since the ERG is influenced by the type of electrode. Each site had a supply of individually packed DTL electrodes, and each electrode had a separate serial number. New DTL electrodes were used at each visit for each individual, and the serial number of the given electrode was entered into the e-CRF by the local investigator. The use of the correct electrode type was confirmed by the local monitor of the study and further verified by the sponsor. Pupils were dilated with either 0.5% or 1% tropicamide, as appropriate. The active electrodes were placed at or just above the margin of the lower eyelid to ensure contact with the lower limbus of the cornea. The reference electrodes were on the zygomatic fossae, and the ground electrode was on the central forehead. An impedance of <5 kΩ was required for each electrode. The custom software prevented recording of the ERG until 20 minutes of dark adaptation (DA) had been completed. The DA ERGs comprised the 0.01 cd·s·m
−2 (interstimulus interval [ISI], 5 seconds) rod ERG (DA 0.01), the 3.0 cd·s·m
−2 (ISI, 20 seconds) combined rod-cone standard flash ERG (DA 3.0), and the 12 cd·s·m
−2 (ISI, 20 seconds) strong flash ERG (DA 12.0). The photopic ERGs comprised the light-adapted (LA) 3.0 cd·s·m
−2 (ISI, 0.5 seconds) standard-flash “cone” ERG (LA 3.0) and the light-adapted 30-Hz flicker ERG (LA 3.0 flicker) and were recorded after a 10-minute software-controlled light adaptation to a background white light of 34 cd·m
−2 in the Ganzfeld bowl. The recording technician ensured that the eyes remained open throughout the light adaptation period by observation of the eyes via a camera built into the Ganzfeld bowl (detailed description in
Annex 4).
An encrypted file of the outcome of the ERG at each given visit for each individual was created by the Espion Console and uploaded into the central database on a protected web server (
Fig. 2). The software and database format were specifically developed for the study (Diagnosys UK Ltd, Cambridge, UK). The central readers in electroretinography (two experienced electrophysiologists from Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK) were responsible for reviewing/analyzing the ERG and were masked to the identity of the site that had undertaken the recording.