A growing number of intravitreal injections are performed worldwide, with many patients requiring repeated injections, raising concerns regarding cumulative adverse effects. The conventional method of intravitreal injection is associated with an acute IOP rise, which causes significant cpRNFLT thinning three months after injection.
9 We proposed that this rise in IOP could be prevented by anterior chamber paracentesis.
It has been demonstrated that retinal dysfunction after a sudden increase in the IOP begins with a dysfunction of the cells in the inner retinal layer, and the damage extends to the outer retinal layer over time.
5,13,14 In this study, we found no significant changes in the latencies for any of the components of the ERGs after the intravitreal injection. In addition, there were no significant changes in the amplitudes of any component other than the b-waves. These results are consistent with the reports that the effects of a sudden increase in the IOP could be suppressed by an anterior chamber paracentesis.
9,15 This is in keeping with the absence of a thinning of the cpRNFLT thinning by a paracentesis before the injection as previously reported.
Our findings showed that there was no significant difference in the IOPs before (T1) and after (T3) the intravitreal injection if an anterior chamber paracentesis was performed. It has also been reported that small-diameter needles are more likely to result in an increase in the IOP after surgery because there is less reflux with smaller diameters compared with larger diameters.
4 We used a 30-gauge needle for the intravitreal injection, and the absence of an increase in the IOP postinjection period emphasizes the effectiveness of the anterior chamber paracentesis.
We have reported that intravitreal injection was performed without anterior chamber paracentesis, and the injection caused an increase in the IOP and caused considerable reduction in the b-wave amplitude.
10 In addition, the latencies of the a-waves and OPs were prolonged. We think that paracentesis before injection may be one of the effective choices to minimize the alteration in the electroretinographic function. However, although the magnitude was not much, the b-wave amplitude reduction suggests the possibility that repeated injection may cause adverse effects in the eye, especially with vulnerable retinal ganglion cell functions such as retinal vascular occlusive disease and glaucoma. The evaluation of the retinal function and structure of the retinal nerve fiber
9 in eyes that received repeated injection would be helpful for determining the ideal intravitreal injection procedure.
Given that reduction of the b-wave amplitude, signal outputs from the bipolar cells to the third-order neural cells should decrease. We cannot explain why the amplitude of the PhNR and OPs driven by the third-order neurons remained unchanged. The changes of the third-order neurons might be too small to be detected in the current study.
It is reported that local eye manipulation, such as transpupillary thermotherapy, scleral depression, and cryopexy can decrease ERG amplitude in treated eyes and the fellow eye.
16 This may raise the question whether the b-wave amplitude reduction could be found after paracentesis without intravitreal injection. We think the possibility is very low. First, because we recorded ERG after paracentesis, and the ERG did not show b-wave amplitude reduction; and, second we showed in a previous study that the b-wave amplitude did not show significant change after paracentesis without intravitreal injection.
The b-wave amplitude reduction was not accompanied by prolongation of the implicit time. The b-wave implicit time was reported to be delayed in diseases with retinal circulatory disturbance or animal models with experimentally increased IOP.
17 The discrepancy in changes between the amplitude and implicit time in the current study may mean the b-wave amplitude reduction was attributed to a mechanism other than circulatory disturbance, such as changes in temperature and the effect of injected anti-VEGF agents.
One may ask about the duration of the functional change after injection. In this study, we focused on the dynamic change of the retinal function during operation and could not obtain the information of how long the reduction of the b-wave amplitude after the injection lasted. We assumed that it would not last so long because its amplitude was not considerably low before injection. This means that it had been returned to the preinjection level in some eyes that had received the intravitreal anti-VEGF injection before. However, further study is needed to investigate the subtle change in the electroretinographic function, if any, after multiple injections.
Although blood flow was not measured, the changes in the IOP altered the OPP, which should then alter the retinal and choroidal blood flow. It is expected that the a-waves would be more affected by changes in the choroidal blood flow, whereas the b-waves, PhNR, and OPs would be more affected by changes in the retinal blood flow.
18 It has been reported that retinal blood flow decreases after the IOP is increased, but the vascular resistance also decreases, resulting in virtually no change in blood flow.
18 This suggests that there is an autoregulatory function that maintains blood flow at a constant level against these changes in OPP.
19 However, this autoregulatory function is impaired in some diseases.
20−22 In our cohort, the OPP was significantly higher after the intravitreal injection (T3) than before the surgery (T1). It is unclear how this relates to changes in the function of each layer of the retina as assessed by the ERGs. The ERG results showed changes only in the b-waves. The b-wave amplitude seems to be sensitive for detection of retinal function changes after any eye manipulation; for example, after photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy.
23 Although outside the scope of this study, the ERG responses are sensitive to short-term dynamic changes in the IOP and circulation. We observed an IOP reduction along with an OPP increase at T3. We anticipate that increased circulation would be related to the b-wave amplitude increase. However, this was not the case. This might be because the influence of the OPP increase was minimal or the influence of other factors such as the acute IOP elevation was greater. We think that the b-wave reduction found at T3 was not related to OPP changes. The retinal circulation may have decreased because of the increase in the IOP in the period from after anterior chamber paracentesis until after intravitreal injection, which may have led to the reduction in the amplitude of b-waves. We have reported that there is a significant decrease in the b-wave amplitude during a rapid increase in the IOP and no changes when the IOP is reduced.
10 The results of this study are consistent with those findings.
Horiguchi et al.
24 reported that the use of an intraocular infusion solution at a room temperature of 25°C during vitreous surgery lowered the temperature of the vitreous cavity, which in turn reduced the flicker ERGs. In this study, the anti-VEGF drug was also stored at room temperature, but the drug volume was only 0.05 mL. Thus it is safe to assume that this small volume would not have altered the retinal temperature and thus had little effect on the ERGs.
ERG changes after intravitreal injections seem to be very small and transient. This does not directly mean the necessity of paracentesis during intravitreal injection. Further investigations to assess long-term effects of intravitreal injection without paracentesis on the retina and optic nerve function should be performed to determine whether there is a real need for paracentesis in intravitreal injections.
This study has several limitations: the small number of cases, the use of different types of intravitreally injected agents, and the study of patients with different types of retinal disorders. It is necessary to increase the sample size and perform the study on one type of retinal disorder treated with the same type of intravitreal injection in the future. Second, no further postoperative changes were confirmed at later postoperative times. Thus it is not known how the decline in the b-wave amplitude observed at the end of surgery changed long term. We focused only on acute changes in the IOP and ERGs during surgery. Third, IOPs >56 mm Hg and <4 mm Hg were not detectable using our measuring device. Another method that allows for a more-precise measurement at the upper and lower bounds of the IOP would be beneficial for future experiments. The fourth limitation is that no information was obtained on the retinochoroidal blood flow or on morphological changes. Intraoperative fundus blood flow monitoring
19 or intraoperative optical coherence tomography
25 should be performed in future experiments, because this additional information could enable further elucidation of the pathological condition in relation to the retinochoroidal circulatory condition and microstructure. Finally, we excluded myopic eyes with a refraction of −6.0 D or greater or an axial length of ≥26 mm or longer and excluded eyes affected by glaucoma. However, such cases are commonly encountered in actual clinical practice. The retinal function would be assumed to be worse in those cases than in this study, and it is assumed that the effect of an intravitreal injection-induced increase in IOP on retinal function in such eyes would be greater than that on the eyes in this study.
Our results showed that performing anterior chamber paracentesis before an intravitreal injection prevented the development of high IOP, which then reduced the adverse effects of the elevated IOP on retinal function, although the b-wave amplitude was attenuated. However, performing paracentesis has several drawbacks, and it should be performed with great care. Recording intraoperative ERGs is a useful method for assessing dynamic changes in retinal function.