In this study, we assessed the intradevice repeatability and interdevice agreement of ocular biometric measurements obtained using two swept-source AS-OCT devices: the Tomey CASIA SS-1000, a swept-source AS-OCT device that has been used in scientific research for the past decade, and the Heidelberg ANTERION, a newly commercialized and CE marked swept-source AS-OCT device. Both devices demonstrated excellent intradevice measurement repeatability despite differences in image quality and averaging. Interdevice measurement agreement was also excellent for all biometric parameters, and measurements were similar for all parameters except SSA500. We believe this study highlights important advances and limitations in AS-OCT technology for clinical care and scientific research.
The fact that the CASIA and ANTERION both demonstrated excellent intradevice measurement repeatability is unsurprising given that this metric has effectively plateaued since the popularization of Fourier-domain OCT technology.
19–22 What is surprising, however, is that interdevice agreement of measurements between the CASIA SS-1000 and ANTERION was equal to or higher than metrics reported by previous studies comparing other AS-OCT devices. Comparisons of measurements from the swept-source Tomey CASIA2 AS-OCT device with the time-domain Zeiss Visante (Carl Zeiss Meditec) or Heidelberg Spectralis reported mean ICC values of 0.78 and 0.78, respectively, for AOD500, and 0.81 and 0.78, respectively, for TISA500.
21,22 These lower ICC values may be related to the fact that the Visante is a time-domain device with relatively poor image resolution and the Spectralis uses a shorter wavelength laser that is primarily intended for posterior segment imaging. The improvement in interdevice agreement translates into measurements that are nearly interchangeable between the ANTERION and CASIA for all parameters except SSA500.
The generalizability and interchangeability of measurements by AS-OCT devices will become increasingly important as the physiologic significance of specific measurement values is elucidated. For example, change points in the relationship between AS-OCT measurements of angle width and intraocular pressure were identified based on data from a population-based study of Chinese Americans.
17 These change points could have important implications for predicting anatomic and physiologic changes and refining current definitions of PACD. However, it is not feasible to repeat these studies for every AS-OCT device due to the time and resources required to obtain and analyze the data. If this type of measurement-specific finding was generalizable across AS-OCT devices, it could greatly enhance and expedite the clinical utility of AS-OCT imaging, especially when clinical management may depend on specific measurements, as is the case in PACD.
Interdevice differences among measurements also highlight an important limitation related to the lack of standardized methods for applying refractive correction to AS-OCT images. Optical principles, such as Fermat's principle and Snell's law, predict the path that light takes as it travels through the cornea or is reflected by intraocular structures. These principles are applied to scale and dewarp AS-OCT images so that biometric parameters can be measured. The fact that interdevice measurement agreement was excellent suggests that corrective algorithms applied by Tomey and Heidelberg are similar. However, due to the proprietary nature of these algorithms, it is unclear what assumptions are made by device manufacturers to apply refractive correction to AS-OCT images. Researchers have also applied their own independent corrective algorithms to uncorrected AS-OCT images.
26 Unfortunately, there is no gold standard by which the accuracy of these algorithms and measurements can be assessed. However, the field would benefit from some consensus about how refractive correction should be applied to AS-OCT images so that the benefit of specific findings, such as the aforementioned change points in angle closure eyes, can be maximized.
The ANTERION introduces a new feature to AS-OCT devices, image averaging, that can be used to improve image signal-to-noise ratio. Image averaging alters the quality of AS-OCT images at the cost of extended imaging time. We could not perform a direct comparison of measurements from unaveraged and averaged ANTERION images since the HEYEX Metrics Application cannot be used to obtain unaveraged images. However, intraobserver and intradevice measurement repeatability were similar for unaveraged CASIA images and averaged ANTERION images. This result indirectly suggests that image averaging has limited benefit for repeatability of scleral spur detection and measurement of the biometric parameters assessed in this study, at least when anatomic landmarks are identified by a highly experienced observer. Therefore, we recommend that AS-OCT device manufacturers optimize single B-scan acquisition modes to support anatomic studies of dynamic intraocular structures, such as the iris and lens. We also recommend that AS-OCT devices provide automated detection and registration of pupil size, as relatively small changes in pupil size can have dramatic effects on other biometric measurements.
24 In our study, both eyes of 12 out of 33 subjects were excluded due to PD differences of more than 15% despite carefully controlled lighting conditions. This finding suggests that physiologic processes apart from the pupillary light reflex can have pronounced effects on pupil size and consequently other biometric measurements.
Our study has a few limitations. First, images were acquired in a relatively short time span. Differences in repeatability or agreement of measurements may be more evident if a longer time elapses between scans. Second, the study sample size was relatively small. However, the excellent correlations between intra- and interdevice measurements and their narrow confidence intervals support the adequacy of the sample size. Our study cohort also comprised subjects with a wide range of biometric measurements and gonioscopy grades. Third, we were unable to compare biometric parameters, such as ACA, IA, and IC, that are important risk factors for angle, since these are currently not available on the ANTERION. We hope that future versions of the HEYEX software will make these parameters available for analysis. Fourth, we analyzed images only from the temporal and nasal quadrants. Therefore, it is possible that repeatability and agreement of measurements differ between quadrants, especially since the superior and inferior quadrants are more challenging to image. Finally, images were analyzed by only one expert trained grader with experience grading over 25,000 images. It is feasible that features such as image averaging may be more beneficial for less experienced graders. However, given that our primary aim was to assess the intra- and interdevice repeatability of these two AS-OCT devices, adding a second grader fell outside the scope of this study.
In summary, the Tomey CASIA SS-1000 and Heidelberg ANTERION demonstrate excellent intradevice repeatability and interdevice agreement, matching or exceeding that of previous-generation devices. While our results suggest that AS-OCT devices are moving in a direction where their measurements could be used or applied interchangeably, this practice should be exercised with caution pending the results of additional generalizability studies. In addition, neither device is FDA approved. Therefore, significant efforts are still required before swept-source AS-OCT devices and their biometric measurements become useful for routine clinical practice, especially in the management of PACD.