SMG solutions (Tyger Chemicals Scientific Inc. [Ewing, NJ] or Ashland Inc. [Columbus, OH]) were produced in various dilutions based on the maximum allowed concentration in cosmetics and other personal care products as determined by the European committee on cosmetic standards. These standards report the maximum allowed concentration of SMG as 0.5%, which is 39.06 mM. We rounded this number to 40 mM of SMG (for ease of computation and communication) using this concentration as our “max allowed” concentration for all subsequent dilutions. Thus, our SMG treatment groups were as follows: group 1 = one-quarter max (10 mM; n = 3), group 2 = one-half max (20 mM; n = 6), group 3 = three-quarters max (30m M; n = 3), group 4 = max (40 mM; n = 3), and group 5 = approximately 6× max (250 Mm; n = 8). Unbuffered solutions were used for groups 1 through 4 and 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate solution (Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. Louis, MO) was used for group 5 only. The osmolarity for each solution was measured using a vapor pressure osmometer (Wescor Inc., Logan, UT) and was as follows: group 1 = 189 mOsm, group 2 = 215 mOsm, group 3 = 223 mOsm, group 4 = 250 mOsm, and group 5 = 664 mOsm. The pH of the solutions were 9.6 for the buffered solutions (group 5) and 10.9 for the unbuffered solutions (groups 1–4).
To administer the cross-linking solutions, an 8-mm Hessburg-Barron corneal vacuum reservoir (JEDMED, St. Louis, MO) was attached to the rabbit's corneal surface as per the manufacturer's guidelines using the attached syringe suction apparatus. The 250-mM SMG group (group 5) was treated for 5 minutes. This treatment was repeated on a weekly basis for a total of 7 weeks and was the only group in which repeat treatments were carried out. The subsequent groups (groups 1–4) were all treated as a one-time treatment only but for 30 minutes, with solutions exchanges every 5 minutes. For all the groups, the reservoir was filled with 500 µL of SMG cross-linking solution. Immediately after treatment completion, the treated eye was irrigated with balanced salt solution, and the control contralateral eye was treated identically with the carrier solution. After the procedure, a pea-sized amount of erythromycin ophthalmic ointment USP 0.5% was applied to the treated eye daily for 3 days.