In the vertebrate retina, two parallel pathways diverge from the first synapse between the photoreceptors and bipolar cells: one signaling luminance increments (ON) and the other signaling luminance decrements (OFF).
1 These dual pathways flow from bipolar to retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), whose dendrites stratify in different retinal sublaminae,
2,3 and they remain segregated in the lateral geniculate nucleus.
4,5 Visual cortex also retains a degree of pathway segregation.
The spatial properties of the two pathways have been extensively documented primarily in nonhuman primate and cat. The receptive fields of OFF RGCs are smaller than those of their ON counterparts,
12–15 as are their dendritic arbors.
14 OFF RGCs are also more numerous,
16 and the cortical tiling of OFF inputs is more focal than ON tiling.
11,17 OFF responses dominate ON responses in cortex,
18–20 and the contrast response function also differs for increments and decrements.
21 Together, these factors may explain the reported higher spatial resolution for darks than lights.
22 Analyses of natural image statistics suggest the adaptive value of this asymmetry: negative (dark) contrasts are more prevalent than positive (light) contrasts in natural scenes,
16,23,24 and efficient coding of natural images would thus benefit from the observed asymmetry.
Differences in the dynamics of the two pathways have been less studied. An early in vitro study in primate RGCs found faster responses in ON versus OFF cells.
12 This work was cited as a possible basis for an apparent motion illusion where it was estimated that brights were processed ∼3 ms faster than darks.
25 More recent in vivo work in cat has found that OFF cells in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
26 and in visual cortex
27 respond more quickly than ON-dominated cells. This latter physiologic ON/OFF asymmetry is consistent with other human psychophysical work that has found that darks are processed faster than lights.
28 Spatial and temporal factors appear to be coupled in that small, brief stimuli drive stronger OFF than ON responses in cat visual cortex, while the converse is true for large, longer duration targets.
Relatively little work has been done to study or characterize ON versus OFF pathways in humans. Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) provide a possible means of measuring the response properties of the two pathways noninvasively. Several VEP studies have compared responses to contrast increments and decrements
22,30–33 on the assumption that luminance decrements are preferentially processed by the OFF pathway and vice versa.
34 Here we build on this prior research by presenting sawtooth increments and decrements using a spatially optimized stimulation array and large study samples. The use of sawtooth stimulation was motivated by prior psychophysical work suggesting that it selectively stimulates separate perceptual channels
35,36 and that fast decremental sawtooth stimulation elicits lower contrast thresholds than fast incremental stimulation.
37 Sawtooth stimulation also activates ON versus OFF center retinal ganglion cells in a differential fashion.
34 When using sawtooth stimulation, our measurements indicate that steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) to decrements are typically larger and faster than those to corresponding increments.