An increasing number of studies have reported semiautomated or fully automated segmentation methods with the goal of improving the accuracy, consistency and speed of segmentation in diseased retina to replace the need for manual correction. Early versions of these methods were built around standard image processing techniques and algorithms.
9–14 More recently, machine learning and deep learning methods have been used, including support vector machines,
15,16 random forest classifiers,
17 patch-based classification with convolutional neural networks
18–22 or recurrent neural networks,
20,22 semantic segmentation with fully convolutional (encoder–decoder) networks,
22–26 and other deep learning methods.
27–30 Importantly, some of these methods have been applied to OCT images from patients with age-related macular degeneration,
18,20,24,27 diabetic retinopathy,
11,25 macular telangiectasia type 2,
29 diabetic macular oedema,
13,23,24 pigment epithelium detachment,
28 glaucoma,
15,30 multiple sclerosis
17,26 retinitis pigmentosa,
31 and neurodegenerative diseases.
32 These diseases are characterized by variable thinning of the inner retinal layers (e.g., glaucoma and multiple sclerosis), thickening or cystic changes in the nuclear layers (e.g., macular telangiectasia type 2 and diabetic retinopathy) or focal disruption of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE, e.g., age-related macular degeneration, macular telangiectasia, and pigment epithelium detachment). However, OCT segmentation algorithms have not been investigated in Stargardt disease despite its unique lesions, including outer retinal or subretinal flecks,
33 outer retinal atrophy with or without RPE loss, and variable loss of choroidal architecture disrupting the Bruch's membrane contour,
34–36 which provide challenges for commercial segmentation software. Kong et al.
37 assessed the reproducibility of OCT retinal structure parameter measurements and noted that the complex morphology of Stargardt disease made the segmentation challenging. Strauss et al.
38 showed that monitoring the decrease in retinal volume for Stargardt disease is possible, but stressed the need to manually correct segmentation errors in more than one-third of the OCT slices. To overcome the deficiency in commercial software and the need for time-consuming manual segmentation, Velaga et al.
39 described an “adaptive” method in which thickness measurement was calculated based on only a subset (minimum of 25 slices) of the entire OCT volume scans (49 in total) chosen by the grader to decrease the need to manually segment all OCT scans acquired. However, this approach does not address the fundamental problem of poor segmentation performance in Stargardt disease. Therefore, there is an opportunity to apply machine learning to address this clinical need. Currently, the only application of machine learning to Stargardt disease image analysis is limited to cone detection in adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscope split-detection images, as described by Davidson et al.