MP was missing at MHs of all stages and recovered after successful surgery. The area of the MP defect at the MH corresponded to the area of the OPL defect. The retinal flap, including plexiform layers in stage 2 MH, contained MP (
Fig. 4A). The honeycomb appearance of MP surrounding the MH corresponded to cystic spaces in the OPL
15 (
Figs. 1A and
5A). These appearances are thought to be caused by MP in the plexiform layers, particularly in the OPL. The retinal flap in stage 2 MH and operculum in stages 3 MHs contained Müller cells,
24 and they contained MP. This result suggests that the Müller cell cone contains MP. Consequently, the present results support our hypothesis that MP is largely localized in the OPL and Müller cell cone. The shape of MP plane after surgery changed with the tissue repair by Müller cell proliferation and reconstruction of sensory systems, but the MPOV did not differ before and after surgery. MPOV did not correlate with BCVA or pathologic changes in the outer retina. A fellow eye developed PVD with pseudo-opercula containing MP, and the MP distribution type of this eye changed from the ring-like type to the central-dip type. This result implies that a part of the Müller cell cone was damaged with PVD, and a central dip was formed. Another eye with a central dip and incomplete PVD developed MH. Therefore, the central-dip type MP distribution might be a sign of Müller cell damage that could advance to MH development.
A previous histologic study in monkey eyes
1 showed that MP is present in the plexiform layers, and a recent study in human eyes showed that the MP was largely localized in the foveal OPL as well as in the IPL and outer nuclear layer.
25 The characteristics of the MP appearance in MHs are well explained by the concept that MP is mainly localized in the OPL. However, the present findings do not deny the localization of MP in other layers, such as the IPL. We did not evaluate the diameter of the IPL defect. The diameter of the IPL defect seemed to resemble that of the OPL defect in many cases. The corresponding rates between the diameter of the MP defect and the OPL defect were high in stages 1, 3, and 4 MHs, but these rates were relatively low for stage 2 MHs. This poor correspondence was because of the difficulty in determining the size of the MP defect in stage 2 MHs. The retinal flap hampered determination of the exact area of the MP defect. Three parameters, that is, the diameter of the MP defect, minimum diameter of the MH, and maximum diameter of the MH, correlated with preoperative BCVA and final BCVA (
Table 3).
26 Preoperative and final BCVA was worse in eyes with a larger diameter of these three parameters. Among them, the minimum diameter of the MH had the highest correlation coefficient; therefore, the significance of the size of the MP defect as a predictor of visual acuity in MH cases may be lower than that of the minimum MH diameter.
Vitreofoveal traction is generally considered to be the main cause of MH.
22,27 From close observation by biomicroscopy, Gass suggested that the change from a yellow spot to a yellow ring in the center of the fovea is an initial sign of MH development.
22 He described that a yellow ring was formed by the centrifugal displacement of paracentral retinal receptors and xanthophyll, caused by tangential vitreofoveal traction, and it was accompanied by foveal detachment. A small dehiscence occurs in a yellow ring and progresses to MH. He claimed that 75% of cases of MH were associated with a prehole opacity that resembles pseudo-opercula and that prehole opacity was composed of vitreous cortical collagen, ILM, and Müller cell processes. Four years later, Gass emphasized the importance of the Müller cell cone that might contain MP and functioned to adhere the retinal receptor cells at the foveal center.
3 Considering the theory of the mechanisms of MH formation combined with Müller cell cone concepts, Gass suggested that vitreofoveal traction induces centrifugal migration of Müller cells that contain MP, and that a yellow ring is observed biomicroscopically. The disruption of the Müller cell cone leads to dehiscence of the central fovea and proceeds to MH development. According to this hypothesis, we thought that the origin of a central dip of MP was a centrifugal displacement of Müller cells by vitreofoveal traction, or a defect of the superficial part with pseudo-opercula by PVD (
Fig. 6). When the PVD is incomplete and tractional force still exists, as shown in
Figure 9A, the eyes with a damage to the Müller cell cone, that is, the eyes with a central dip of MP, develop MHs. In eyes with complete PVD, as shown in
Figure 8C, the incidence of MH development is probably low.
28 In our previous study,
11 the rate of central-dip distribution was 12.5% in the healthy population; in contrast, the rate was 40% (10 of 25 eyes) in the fellow eyes of the present MH patients. This result indirectly suggests that subjects who developed MHs tended to have had a damage to the Müller cell cone. The evaluation of MP distribution may be useful for identifying early changes in the foveal structure that induce MH formation.
MHs close by proliferation of Müller cells and reapposition of retinal tissue at the edge of the MH.
29,18,30,31 The MP profile in closed MHs showed a dense pigment spot at or near the center of the MP plane. The origin of the dense pigment spot was unclear, but the pigment spot resembled the central peak of the ring-like distribution type. We considered that the central peak of the ring-like type was formed by Müller cells at the foveal center.
11 Therefore, a dense pigment spot was probably produced by the recovered Müller cells at the fovea. Because the hypopigmented lesion in the MP plane corresponded with the defect of the OPL (
Fig. 4), the MP plane itself was considered to depend largely on MP in the OPL. Because there was no change in the MPOV before and after surgery (
Fig. 7), MP in the damaged Müller cell cone was quantitively less than that in the plexiform layers. The shape of the MP plane showed long-term changes. This result suggested that the tissue repair by Müller cell proliferation and reconstruction of sensory systems continues for a long time. The thickness of the retina differs between the nasal side and temporal side of the fovea after surgical closure of MH.
32 The difference in MP volume between the nasal and temporal sides was considered to be because of the differences in retinal thickness. The total MP volume was higher in the nasal side, which was thicker, than in the temporal side.
Pathology in the retina such as cystoid space in the outer layer and disruption of ELM and ellipsoid zone was repaired in the long term (
Table 1) and the BCVA improved gradually (
Fig. 2). In contrast, MP reaccumulated at week 2 and retained the same level until year 2 (
Fig. 6). These results suggested no correlation between BCVA or pathologic changes in the outer retina and MP. Actually, there was no significant difference in MPOV between eyes with and without pathologic changes in the outer retina, and no correlation was observed between BCVA and MPOV. These findings are similar to a previous report.
This study had a few limitations. Because the present SPECTRALIS software used to produce MP images does not have a function to measure the size of an area, we used image J to measure the size of the MP defect in MHs. However, small errors occurred in adjusting the sizes of MP images and OCT images, and the line on which the diameter was measured was not identical between MP and OCT images. Therefore, the concordance rates between MP defect and the minimum and maximum diameter of MH should be confirmed in further study by analyzing MP and OCT using the same image software. The correct determination of the edge of the OPL in MHs was difficult because of the resolution limit of OCT B-scan images. There were some errors in the value of diameters of the OPL defect. We presumed that a central dip in the MP image represented the damage to Müller cell cone caused by vitreofoveal traction based on OCT findings and hypothesis by Gass,
3,22 but this presumption needs histologic investigation. The damage to Müller cell cone may be induced by not only vitreofoveal traction, but also another mechanism such as degenerative change in Müller cells as reported in lamellar MH.
33 A MH developed in the eye with a central dip of MP, but this finding was confirmed in only one eye. Furthermore, it has been known that the concentrations of zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin are high compared with lutein at the foveal center,
34 and it is suggested that the central dip correlates with a low serum zeaxanthin concentration and may be a risk factor for the development of age-related macular degeneration, because less MP owing to central dip induces intense photooxidative damage on the cone cells.
35 Therefore, the significance of the central-dip distribution as a predictor of MH formation has to be investigated in more cases in future studies.
The characteristics of MP in a MH were attributed to the anatomic changes in the Müller cell cone and plexiform layers. MP changes supported some speculations based on previous biomicroscopic and histopathologic studies. Observation of MP distribution was considered useful not only for understanding the mechanisms of formation and closure of MH but also for predicting MH formation.