In the present study, we showed that sensory and non-sensory (bias) signal detection parameters could be assessed for all three types of corneal pneumatic stimuli, and this is the first study to obtain SDT parameters for such potentially problematic stimuli. We also showed using Bayesian analysis that the detection theory indices from human participants were in favor of theories based on nonprimate corneal neurophysiology (hypotheses 1 and 2). We also showed that the detection theory indices favored responses to different types of stimuli being independent of each other, based on chemical composition and temperature (hypothesis 3).
The literature on using SDT to study pain has indicated a need for careful selection of the stimulus to obtain
d′ and bias.
58,89 Since no detection theory experiments have been conducted before for corneal pneumatic stimuli, we used the somatic pain literature to choose an appropriate stimulus for our feasibility study. The experimenters in pain SDT studies have used stimuli scaled to detection thresholds
90–94 or stimuli of predefined intensities.
89,95 The advantages and disadvantages of both methods were discussed in the thesis by Tan.
89 An experiment with a predefined stimulus intensity for ocular pneumatic stimuli will not be plausible due to the unavailability of any normative data and the possibility of damaging the corneal surface with a high intense stimulus. So, it is advisable to use a stimulus that is scaled to detection thresholds. To determine whether a detection theory approach was feasible with pneumatic esthesiometry, we needed a “Goldilocks stimulus” that was neither too strong nor too weak. Studies that have previously examined the intensity of the stimuli for SDT experiments have commonly used the threshold-level stimuli, but there are suggestions from pain literature to rather use more intense (suprathreshold) stimuli to examine pain.
22,96 A very strong stimulus might be easily detectable, but it would have produced a perfect HR and no FAR, resulting in an error/difficulty in calculating SDT parameters. Participants could also adapt to the strong stimulus if multiple presentations were presented, altering the perceived intensity as the experiment progressed.
46,48 On the other hand, a weak stimulus may not be readily detected, resulting in a higher FAR and lower HR.
97 Also, in the previous corneal sensitivity experiment in our lab, with the same instrument and stimulus, participants categorized the 1.5× detection threshold stimuli as mild to moderately intense.
45,46 Therefore, pilot experimentation and theoretical considerations led us to use the stimulus intensity of 1.5× detection threshold.
The feasibility of this type of experimental assessment of corneal sensory processing was determined in terms of the variability of the detection theory indices, the number of participant discontinuations, and frequency of the symptoms of severe discomfort during/end of the experiment or severe staining at the end of the experiment. All participants completed the 40% stimulus probability experiments, but one participant discontinued the study before the 60% stimulus probability experiment of the cold stimuli for personal reasons not related to the stimulation or the psychophysical task. Five participants took extra breaks during the experiment, which were mostly due to non-experiment-related factors. Mild corneal staining was observed for three participants at the end of the experiment with the mechanical suprathreshold stimulus, but no discomfort, irritation, or pain sensations were reported by the participants. The next day, no symptoms were present, and there was no corneal staining.
In terms of study outcomes, we were able to obtain d′ and bias for all participants who completed the experiment. In addition to being able to derive detection and criteria metrics, we were able to use Bayesian analysis to evaluate different hypotheses based on hypothetical extensions of nonprimate corneal neurophysiology and somatic nociception. Higher variability in d′ was observed for the experiment with the cold stimulus and 60% stimulus probability compared to the experiment with 40% stimulus probability. A similar observation was observed for the bias indices as well. The variability of d′ of the mechanical and chemical stimuli was also larger than cold stimuli at 40% stimulus probability, but the variability of the criteria was lower and similar for all the experiments, with 40% stimulus probabilities similar across stimulus types. The criterion has been considered an unbiased estimate of bias by SDT literature, and considering the criterion was not highly variable between the stimulus types, the variability in the d′ between stimulus types was analyzed further. These observations collectively suggest that this suprathreshold protocol is feasible and safe when measuring SDT attributes of ocular surface sensing.
With the limitation of not being able to measure a neurophysiologic effect of human corneal stimulation, it was also evident from the studies that the corneal sensory information such as thresholds could not be compared between the stimulus types due to the difference in the stimulus characteristics/measurement units. However, with SDT,
d′ becomes a common measure of sensitivity across the stimulus types provided the intensity was relatively same across stimulus types. We did scale the stimulus based on the detection thresholds (1.5× threshold) to keep the perceived sensation similar across participants and stimulus types psychophysically.
89 There were no negative
d-primes obtained for the mechanical and chemical stimuli, but two participants (one for each stimulus probability) had a small negative
d′ in the cold stimulus category. The average
d′ of the cold stimuli was also low, indicating a general difficulty in detecting cold stimuli. The bias (both
c and lnβ) for all three stimulus types were generally toward the conservative side, indicating a cautious approach by the participants in their responses to the suprathreshold stimuli. There is only one previous report of ocular surface sensing based on SDT (in contact lens wearers) by Beuerman and Rozsa,
94 but the study reported detection theory parameters for corneal thermal stimuli (warm waterjet), delivered when the ocular surface was immersed in a water bath. Since the water bath produces a raised background stimulation compared to normal conditions, this experiment is more similar to the discrimination experiment for the thermal stimuli than a detection experiment. This difference in their sampling, stimulation and psychophysical task, making it rather difficult to perform comparisons between the results of their and our experiments.
As mentioned earlier, the average
d′ of the cold stimuli was lower than the mechanical and chemical stimuli. We could only speculate on the reason for the smaller
d′ for cold stimuli because there are electrophysiologic studies on nonprimate corneas, but no similar studies on the human cornea and a general assumption are that the neural behavior is similar. One possibility for the lower detectability is higher background activity of the cold receptor, and another is the non-noxious nature of the cold stimuli compared to other stimuli affecting mechano- and polymodal nociceptors (which also have been reported to have little background activity).
3,4,17,28,98,99 This sort of distinction between painful and nonpainful stimuli has been proposed before.
Our linking hypothesis explicitly assumes similar functioning in primate as in nonprimate corneas.
43 In reports about corneal sensitivity, the authors appear to assume similar animal-human linking hypotheses in reaching conclusions about the human cornea.
3,24,28 Many factors in this assumption are unknown, and making these links becomes problematic when attempting to apply SDT to a human cornea. For example, the amount of noise (frequency and amplitude of background activity) and the factors controlling the background activity are unknown and could not be controlled. After deliberation, assuming all the factors mentioned above were constant during the experiment, we analyzed the psychophysical data using Bayesian ANOVA.
The Bayes factor and Bayesian estimates find the data were in favor of this nociception theory (hypothesis 1), and this is the first time the theory has been psychophysically tested directly in human participants. Similar to the nociception theory (hypothesis 1), the psychophysical data also supported the nerve conductance theory (hypothesis 2). Since histochemical
6 and nerve conductance analyses
3 are currently impossible in living human cornea, the identification and classification of the type of nerve fibers in the human cornea have not been achieved. Even though there is still little evidence of the presence these fibers,
6 the Aδ and C fibers have been assumed to be present in the human cornea similar to the nonprimate cornea.
As described in the Methods, the mechanical and cold stimuli use medical air at different temperatures, whereas the chemical stimulus contains a mixture of CO
2 and medical air. Cold stimuli have been frequently used to evaluate corneal sensitivity in place of mechanical sensitivity, but in theory, the cool stimuli should not have any mechanical/thermal component.
33,40,101–103 According to a study by Nosch et al.,
101 room-temperature stimuli plus 10°C or 15°C (similar to the temperature of the mechanical stimuli of our study) produced the least amount of change in the ocular surface temperature (i.e., it produced only the intended mechanical effect) and suggested that if the stimulus was outside of this range (room + 10°C to 15°C), there would be a thermal component in a pneumatic mechanical stimulus. We tested hypothesis 3 with the assumption that if the mechanical stimulus had a cold component, then the mechanical and cold stimuli would be detected similarly by the participants. However, our psychophysical data did not favor hypothesis 3.
We observed a higher variability in the
d′ of the mechanical and chemical stimuli. Also, we observed a significant correlation between the mechanical threshold and
d′ and also a significant correlation between the mechanical threshold and lnβ (
Fig. 7). Even though there was no obvious grouping of the data in the mechanical threshold, we observed two groups of participants in the
d′ of mechanical stimuli. Participants had a low
d′ or high
d′, and the participants who had lower
d′ had a low threshold and lower bias using lnβ or vice versa. A similar decrease in
d′ and bias has been seen in SDT literature that analyzed the effect of anxiety,
52,58,96,104–109 although most of the articles reported changes in the β and no change in the detectability. It is also not clear whether the conservative approach by the participants resulted in a higher threshold, which in turn increased the detectability in SDT (since we used threshold from the AMOL to obtain suprathreshold stimulus), or participants really had high thresholds. In addition, we obtained a binary (yes-no) response from the participants and used a conservative stimulus probability (40%), which may have constrained the participants to choose a more conservative strategy (less false alarms).
We were also unable to statistically detect criterion changes during the experiment that might partly be due to the binary response that participants used: uncertainty was not allowed, and perhaps, this too was a drawback of a yes-no experimental design. We would need a multiple criterion experiment such as the rating SDT to analyze the changes in the criterion and evaluate the role of other psychological factors such as anxiety that, as we stated earlier, can affect the signal detection metrics.
In summary, for the first time, the feasibility of using basic yes-no SDT was demonstrated, despite the ocular surface being a relatively noisy sensory system. In addition, the experiments provided some support for corneal sensory linking hypotheses based on animal models.