To speed up visual field testing, several alternative perimetry strategies have been proposed in the literature, some of which have been adopted into routine clinical use. Early methods focused on improving testing speeds by reducing the number of presentations at one VF location through the use of various techniques that dynamically change light intensity stimuli based on past patient responses.
1,10–14 Such strategies sped up tests by up to 50% to 80% compared to conventional perimetry test strategies that take up to 15 minutes per eye. Other techniques looked for speed gains by estimating the starting light intensity at a next query location and thereby reducing the number of stimuli presented per location. Dynamic strategy (DS),
10,15 Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) standard,
16,17 SITA fast,
12,18 SITA faster,
19,20 and tendency-oriented perimetry (TOP)
21 are examples of such methods. DS uses a staircasing approach as also found in conventional techniques but with an adaptive step whose size depends on the steepness of the probability of seeing curve (POSC). With this approach, DS reduces the examination time to almost 5 minutes, with a slight compromise in the VF precision.
22 TOP brings larger reduction in examination times (e.g., less than two minutes) by exploiting the correlations within nearby VF locations.
21 Although DS can still be long for some patients to perform and TOP is used as an alternative, TOP-acquired VFs unfortunately suffer from lack of precision.
23 SITA standard and SITA fast are a family of algorithms that combine Bayesian and staircasing approaches and reduce the examination duration to approximately five to six minutes.
12,17 Although SITA strategies provide a good accuracy-speed tradeoff, an implementation of a SITA-like method was shown to perform poorly when the initial stimulus is over- or underestimated.
24 A recent version of SITA strategies, SITA faster, was designed by introducing seven modifications to SITA fast and, hence, was reported to take 2.8 minutes in average providing similar VF quality with SITA fast.