Consecutive patients with glaucoma who had undergone visual field testing at a tertiary eye center in east India from 2017 to 2020 were screened. Details retrieved from the hospital database included slit-lamp findings, Goldman applanation intraocular pressure, logMar best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), gonioscopy, fundus biomicroscopy, and visual field parameters. Because media opacities such as cataract may potentially influence contrast and the visual field, patients who had undergone surgery with intraocular implantation (AcrySof SA60AT single-piece hydrophobic lens only; Alcon, Geneva, Switzerland) were included in the study, but patients with aphakia, other types of lenses (e.g., those with yellow tint), or intraoperative or postoperative complications were excluded. Patients with associated retinal pathologies, high myopes (>6 diopter sphere), cataract of any grade, or neurological conditions that could potentially affect the visual field were also excluded. The study conformed to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional review board of LV Prasad Eye Institute, Mithu Tulsi Chanrai Campus, Bhubaneswar, India.
The visual field was evaluated with a Humphrey 750 Visual Field Analyzer (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA) using the Swedish interactive thresholding algorithm and 24-2 test strategy (and 10-2, if needed, for defects involving the center). Visual defects were defined as glaucomatous if they corresponded to disc findings and glaucoma hemifield tests outside normal limits or to pattern standard deviations with probability < 5%; fixation losses < 15% and false positives and false negatives < 30% determining reliability. Only reliable fields were considered for inclusion, and unreliable fields (false-positive and fixation losses > 15%) were excluded. Patients were stratified into groups based on glaucoma severity mean deviation (MD): group 1, MD < –12 dB and > –20 dB; group 2, MD < –20 dB and > –30 dB; and group 3, MD < –30 dB. Eyes with early glaucoma (MD > –12 dB) were excluded.