The authors thank Alexander Tomlinson, OHSU Casey Reading Center, for development of the critical data processing scripts. Carl Zeiss Meditec and Optovue provided equipment for the study.
Supported by grants from the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health (EY14231; CTB, ARG, MM), Regeneron (EY14231; CTB, ARG, MM), Genentech (EY14231; CTB, ARG, MM), and Allergan (EY14231; CTB, ARG, MM), as well as by an award from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health (EY14231). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Supported by grant P30 EY010572 from the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD), and by unrestricted departmental funding from Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY).
Disclosure: B.J. Lujan, Genentech/Roche (F, R), Regeneron (F), Lineage Cell Therapeutics (F), Novartis (F), RegenexBio Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (F), Ribomic, Inc. (F), Kodiak Sciences, Inc. (F), Translational Imaging Innovations, Inc. (C), University of California, Berkeley (P); C.T. Calhoun, Regeneron (S), Genentech (S), and Allergan (S); A.R. Glassman, Regeneron (S), Genentech (S), and Allergan (S); J.M. Googe, Regeneron (I); L.M. Jampol, Sanofi (F); M. Melia, Regeneron (S), Genentech (S), and Allergan (S); D.K. Schlossman, None; J.K. Sun, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Genentech, Kalvista, Optovue, Inc., Adaptive Sensory Technology, Boston Micromachines, J.K. Sun, Boehringer-Ingelheim (F), Genentech (F), Kalvista (F), Optovue, Inc. (F), Adaptive Sensory Technology (F), Boston Micromachines (F)