After appropriate institutional review board approval was obtained for a retrospective study, the patient records for eyes undergoing uncomplicated cataract surgery at a single institution (Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary) and using a single type of IOL (AcrySof SN60WF, Alcon, Ft. Worth, TX) were obtained. Billing data were used to identify 9185 routine cataract surgeries (current procedural terminology code 66984) occurring at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary between April 2016 and December 2018. Data were collected from the electronic medical record (Epic Systems Corporation, Verona, WI). The eyes were further selected based on implantation of 1 type of IOL (SN60WF) and a postoperative best corrected visual acuity of 20/25 or better. Eyes were also excluded from the data base search if the words “posterior capsular rupture,” “tear,” “hole,” or “rent” were noted in the operative report. This resulting dataset included the following parameters: AL, keratometry, ACD, lens thickness, sex, age, and postoperative manifest refraction. The postoperative “actual” result was obtained from the medical record and was at least 1 month after cataract surgery. Eyes were also excluded for insufficient data or the inability to calculate an outcome because an input parameter was beyond what a particular formula would allow (i.e., a keratometry of >55 diopters). A total of 1391 remained for analysis.
Using the IOL power implanted from the record and the User Group for Laser Interference Biometry suggested A-constant for this specific lens and each formula, a predicted outcome was obtained for each eye. The formulae used were the SRK, the Holladay I, and the LSF.
Next, supervised learning algorithms were developed to predict the error between each formula's predicted outcome and the actual outcome. The supervised learning algorithms tested were the SVR, XGBoost and ANN. The predicted error from each of these algorithms was used to adjust the specific formula for each eye individually to come up with a new predicted outcome. For instance, if an individual eye had a predicted outcome of −0.5 diopters using the SRK formula and the actual outcome was –1.0 diopters, the prediction error was (−0.5 to −1.0 = 0.5 diopters) for that particular eye. This was done for each eye and each formula. Next, the variables of AL, ACD, and the average keratometry were used with each machine learning model to help predict that error for each eye.
The dataset was randomly separated into 10 equal parts. Nine of the 10 sets were used to train the algorithm and tested on the remaining tranche. The software used was (Python 3.7 with scikit-learn package) and the variables that were given to refine the formula were AL, keratometry, and ACD. This was sequentially done 10 times with each tranche being used as the testing set.
The hyperparameters for each model were as follows: for the SVR: C = 1, epsilon = 0 and the kernel function was the radial basis function). For the XGBoost: Max depth = 3, number of estimators = 30, colsample_bytree = 1, scale_pos_weight = 0.8. For the ANN, the hidden layers were set at (10, 10, 10). The relu function was used for the input layer and the limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno as the solver. The models were tuned using a grid search within a specified subset of hyperparameters. If the result reached the edge of the initial range, the range was expanded and the grid search was applied again. Overfitting of the models was prevented by applying a five-fold cross-validation within the training dataset. The Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to verify a normal distribution of the data.
The mean absolute error (AE) ± standard deviation, as well as percentage of eyes within 0.5 and 1.0 diopter of prediction for each formula and the supervised learning hybrid formula were calculated.
Statistical analysis was performed by Excel. The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to compare the mean AE by the various methods. The Bonferroni correction was used to control for multiple comparisons. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.