Current treatment strategies for anti-VEGF agents include dosing at fixed intervals, treat-and-extend (T&E), or
pro re nata (as needed; PRN), which were evaluated in clinical trials including ANCHOR and MARINA (q4w dosing), PRONTO (PRN), and HARBOR for IVT-RAN (PRN compared with q4w dosing); VIEW 1 and VIEW 2 for IVT-AFL (q8w dosing in year 1; capped q12w PRN in year 2); and HAWK and HARRIER for IVT-BRO (q12w dosing).
6 Because PRN dosing can lead to undertreatment in clinical practice, T&E dosing has become a popular treatment strategy to reduce the treatment burden associated with fixed dosing. For IVT-AFL, T&E dosing was evaluated during the first and second years of treatment in ARIES and ALTAIR (after three initial monthly doses).
27,28 The obvious challenge of extending the treatment interval is ensuring that intraocular (i.e., vitreous) molar concentrations of the anti-VEGF agent are sufficient to reduce excessive VEGF receptor signaling by preventing binding of VEGF ligands to the VEGF receptors. Because previous studies have investigated the aqueous VEGF-suppression durations for IVT-AFL
5,29 and IVT-RAN,
17,29 but not IVT-BRO, our analysis explored this using well-established PK/PD modeling principles.
Because all anti-VEGF agents are administered in molar concentrations many-fold higher than the target VEGF concentrations in the eye, all initially inhibit VEGF completely.
9 However, because vitreous half-lives of macromolecules (or biologicals) are generally proportional to their molecular masses (IVT-AFL > IVT-RAN > IVT-BRO), a larger anti-VEGF drug would have a longer elimination half-life. These attributes of IVT-AFL coupled with a higher VEGF binding affinity would be expected to yield a longer VEGF-suppression duration.
Published data on VEGF-suppression durations for IVT-AFL
5,29 and IVT-RAN
17,29 allow the calculation of VEGF-suppression thresholds for these agents. Using these thresholds and reported values for binding affinity, the current model was used to calculate a representative VEGF-suppression duration for IVT-BRO. Although reported dissociation constants are orders of magnitude smaller for IVT-AFL than for IVT-RAN and IVT-BRO, the calculated VEGF-suppression thresholds are relatively close, indicating that in vitro binding affinity differences may not quantitatively translate directly into in vivo inhibition. This is likely because of differences in physical–chemical conditions and target turnover. However, the rank order for IVT-AFL and IVT-RAN is consistent for the binding affinities of the agents and their VEGF-suppression thresholds, providing the rationale for the binding-affinity weighting that was used to derive representative values for the IVT-BRO VEGF-suppression threshold.
There are some inherent limitations in our model, and where possible we have attempted to minimize their impact. Indeed, any shortcomings in the published PK parameter estimates used (such as missing initial, intermediate, or terminal phase samples) will be propagated to the PK parameter estimates. Caruso et al.
24 performed a model-based meta-analysis to determine consensus values for the intraocular half-lives of IVT-AFL, IgG antibodies, Fab fragments, and IVT-BRO. Consistent with this, in our model, intravitreal drug half-lives have been estimated from serum/plasma and aqueous sampling. Although the true relationship between PK in the vitreous, aqueous, and serum has not been fully characterized, we can use a concept called “flip-flop” kinetics to support the selection of published drug half-life parameters used in the model.
23,24 Our model also assumes serum ≈ vitreous half-life for IVT-BRO and aqueous ≈ vitreous half-life for IVT-AFL because these have been proposed as valid surrogates on the basis of this principle.
Target-mediated drug disposition is the phenomenon in which a drug binds with high affinity to its pharmacological target (in this case the VEGF ligand) to such an extent that this affects its PK characteristics. It is a saturable clearance mechanism for biologics, but here the current one-compartment model excluded target-mediated disposition and clearance effects because these are usually not relevant when the concentration of the drug is higher than the concentration of the target. These factors only play a role when drug concentrations approach that of the target. Our subsequent comparisons with the reported clinical effects of the anti-VEGF agents further support the appropriateness of our approach, despite its simplicity.
We acknowledge that the uncertainty regarding a specific half-life estimation propagates to the respective VEGF-suppression thresholds. Because the VEGF-suppression threshold and duration for IVT-BRO have been estimated from the VEGF-suppression threshold for IVT-AFL and IVT-RAN, any uncertainty continues into the estimation of these parameters for IVT-BRO. The modeling shows the effects of this uncertainty using the lower and upper limits of the IVT-BRO VEGF-suppression threshold on the estimated VEGF-suppression duration. Additionally, the half-lives are average values for the studies and, at a patient level, half-lives will vary between individuals leading to a potentially wide range of half-life values and VEGF-suppression durations within a patient population. Future analyses modeling the proportion of patients with different VEGF suppression durations would also be of value.
The molecular weight of IVT-BRO results in the shortest half-life of the three anti-VEGF agents; however, the high initial drug concentration partially compensates for the faster elimination. In the current model, using the half-life for IVT-BRO reported in the prescribing information (4.4 days)
3 rather than the 5.1 days from the medical literature, the corresponding time point at which the IVT-BRO molar vitreous concentrations decreased to levels approximately equal to those of IVT-AFL changed from approximately 43 days to approximately 32 days. Accordingly, the estimated VEGF-suppression durations for IVT-BRO also decreased from an average of 51 days to 44 days. This shows that the elimination half-life of respective molecules contributes largely towards the potential durability profile of each agent.
Despite the acknowledged limitations, our modeling approach is consistent with those of other groups. Relative to IVT-RAN VEGF suppression activity after 30 days, Stewart and Rosenfeld
10 calculated that similar VEGF suppression activity would occur with IVT-AFL 0.5, 1.15, 2, and 4 mg after 73, 79, 83, and 87 days, respectively. Fauser et al.
5 measured VEGF-A levels in 27 patients with nAMD, collecting a total of 132 aqueous humor specimens before and after IVT-AFL administration, and established that the mean VEGF-suppression duration below the lower limit of VEGF quantification (<4 pg/mL) was >71 (±18) days. In a separate study of 89 patients with nAMD, the extended VEGF-suppression duration with IVT-AFL versus IVT-RAN translated into a twofold decrease in clinical activity of choroidal neovascularization as measured using spectral domain optical coherence tomography.
29 Muether et al.
17 measured VEGF in the aqueous humor of 38 patients with nAMD treated with IVT-RAN and estimated the VEGF-suppression duration to be 36 days.
In the current analysis, the OSPREY trial, a head-to-head comparison of IVT-BRO and IVT-AFL, was used to examine simulated vitreous molar drug concentrations with BCVA data.
25 With IVT-AFL q8w after three initial monthly doses, the vitreous molar drug concentrations remained above the calculated VEGF-suppression threshold throughout the study and gains in BCVA were maintained to week 48.
25 IVT-BRO molar drug concentrations were calculated to fall slightly below the estimated VEGF-suppression threshold toward the end of each q8w dosing period. When the IVT-BRO dosing was extended to q12w, molar drug concentrations dropped further below the estimated VEGF-suppression threshold, where they remained for longer periods of time. These prolonged drops may have been clinically relevant because the overall BCVA gains decreased when the IVT-BRO concentrations remained below the VEGF-suppression threshold during the q12w extensions. The prescribing recommendation for IVT-BRO is 6 mg monthly for the first three doses, followed by one dose of 6 mg every eight to 12 weeks (∼56–84 days).
3 Given the potential loss of effective VEGF suppression with IVT-BRO after day 48 to 59 or even as early as 37 days as determined by our model, caution might be recommended before extending dosing intervals beyond these timeframes.
It is not possible to perform a similar comparison of PK levels and functional outcomes using published data from HAWK and HARRIER because of the study designs. In both trials, IVT-AFL was injected with fixed q8w intervals but IVT-BRO was injected q8w or q12w depending on functional and anatomic measures of disease activity.
26 The available q12w-only BCVA data do not reflect the total population because poor responders were removed from the q12w dosing groups in the pivotal trials.
26 Relevant large-scale studies where q12w or longer treatment intervals were reported up to two years for IVT-AFL or IVT-BRO are shown in
Table 3. The proportion of patients maintaining q12w dosing with IVT-BRO after the three initial monthly doses in HAWK and HARRIER was 56% and 50% through week 48, and 45% and 39% through week 96, respectively.
3,26 In comparison, by week 96 of the pivotal VIEW trials, 48% to 54% of patients treated with IVT-AFL were maintained on q12w dosing.
30 In the ALTAIR and ARIES trials, by the end of year 2 (weeks 96 and 104, respectively), ∼47% to 60% of patients were treated with ≥12-week IVT-AFL treatment intervals and ∼27% to 46% were treated every 16 weeks.
27 These data suggest that on average, higher proportions of subjects would be treated with q12w or longer intervals with IVT-AFL than with IVT-BRO. This assessment is based on indirect comparisons of the agents with different dosing regimens per agent.
Overall, the VEGF-suppression durations after single intravitreal doses can be ranked as IVT-AFL (71 days)
5 > IVT-BRO (approximately 51 days [model derived]) > IVT-RAN (36 days),
17 which is consistent with the molecular characteristics of the anti-VEGF agents and their associated vitreous PK after intra-vitreal injection. The PK/PD modeling indicates that this behavior is preserved for multiple-dosing scenarios and provides a possible rationale for the differences in functional outcomes observed in clinical trials of IVT-AFL and IVT-BRO, and in the proportion of patients who can successfully be maintained on a q12w dosing schedule.