The current study involved calculations based on the most comprehensive, empiric model and measurements of the shape of the retina.
3 The principal finding is that it is mathematically possible for the retina to hang below the visual axis sufficiently to obscure the view to the fovea without the fovea becoming detached. Hence, if the fovea cannot be seen, it is not necessarily detached. This has implications for prognosis and the urgency of pursuing definitive repair.
An ancillary implication is that if the examiner cannot visualize portions of attached retina within 1.03 mm (approximately 2/3 of a disc diameter) below the fovea, then it is not possible for the fovea to be attached in an emmetrope. For more myopic eyes, the distance from the macula that can be obscured without requiring macular involvement was only minimally larger (presuming a similar arc angle from the ora to the fovea, when in fact this might be smaller in a myope because the ora serrata is located proportionately more posteriorly both from the Atchison model and a previous empiric study
6). Our presumption for this is that the magnitude of the change in the length of the eye (approximating a sphere, and in the extreme case becoming a prolate ellipsoid) simply did not yield enough dimensional change to alter the (relatively imprecise) clinical observational implications meaningfully.
When the fovea cannot be visualized, an OCT (or possibly an ultrasound, perhaps an A scan might be more accurate than a B scan) might allow definitive evaluation of the macular status. Although this study did not evaluate this specifically, we have had some experience with finding foveal detachment (
Fig. 3) but have not identified a case in which it was definitely uninvolved. Even if the current study has grossly erred in determining the arc from the fovea to the ora serrata, the maximum overhang is about 2.4 mm, hence the same inference process as above can be applied, but the variation with increasing myopia was miniscule.
An important consideration in these calculations is that it represents the “worst case scenario,” the mathematical maximum extension of the retina as constrained by the arc length that is detached. That is, it presumes that the retina hangs like a cable and that it does not have another, posterior “lobe” of retinal detachment shape that might involve the macula. The clinician knows from experience that the latter is commonly the case. A classic situation is that a bullous superior retinal detachment is billed as macular sparing, but a more shallow, subtle, macular-involving zone of detachment posterior to the larger, more bullous portion was overlooked, establishing macular detachment.
There are many areas of possible deviations from our idealized mathematical model in the biologic variations in the true state. One set of key assumptions were that the shape of the retina approximates an ellipsoid with the sagittal section describing an ellipse, and that in the static, examining position, the retina hangs completely as a catenary without a more posterior lobe of detachment. This seems intuitively reasonable because the degree of bullous configuration in a retinal detachment does shift (although not as much or in distribution as in the classic exudative case). We adapted Atchison's empiric model of an ellipsoid, but even that is only an approximation as there were relatively minor deviations.
3 Distantly, a hanging cable was thought to have assumed a shape of parabola. With its axis of symmetry parallel to the y axis, a parabola is defined by three parameters, which can be determined to satisfy the boundary conditions and the path length. However, the computation is more complex than with the catenary and no closed form solutions can be obtained. The parabola is “slimmer” than the catenary and dips deeper. Looking for a triangular shape, one would find even lower minimum point (and no uniqueness). We posit that the catenary is physically the most appropriate shape in our case.
Our model also addresses the static situation as the clinician might encounter it upon examining the eye, choosing not to consider effects on temporal changes in the configuration that might be present with saccades or position.
Another possible shortcoming of this study is that it did not rigorously assess for possible stretching of the retina, which might would overestimate the sagging distance in a macular spared retinal detachment. From the physical point of view, the catenary shape of a chain may be derived from the balance of forces acting on chain's segments. For a catenary, any force of tension exerted by the chain is parallel to the chain. In a more realistic, three-dimensional picture of the detached retina, there will be lateral forces (in the xy-plane) that would prevent the sagittal cross-section from hanging freely and thus would shorten the vertical reach. The Young's modulus has been calculated ex vivo for the retina and found to be about 1/100 that of standard rubber, meaning retina is very deformable.
7 The elasticity of the retina has been evaluated using acoustic radiation force optical coherence elastography (in ex vivo porcine retina) finding the outer retina layers to be more elastic than the inner layers.
8 Another study used Brillouin microscopy in ex vivo murine retinal, but did not find a difference between the inner and outer retinal layers.
9 The retina is a nonhomogeneous solid, and we are suspicious that in vivo it would likely demonstrate neoHookean characteristics
10 due to its more complex, interlocking, and cellular structure. We hypothesize, however, that the tiny differences in specific gravity of subretinal fluid (minimally different from vitreous fluid in the acute retinal detachment, because the protein concentration, which determines of specific gravity
11 – about 1.02 g/cm
12 the retina (1.04)
13 and vitreous (1.0053–1.008)
14 would seem to be of minimal gravitational impact to effect stretching. If the retina did stretch, it could hang down even further below the optical axis before peeling off at the fovea.
Other limitations of the elasticity assumptions are that we have ignored any effect that a tear in the retina (which, if large, could be very important) might have on the distensibility of the retina. Conversely, we have ignored the possible restrictions in elasticity that local or regional pathology, such as amputated chorioretinal scars or epiretinal membranes, might induce.
Careful clinical evaluation and examination should continue to inform optimal assessment of macular status, but mathematical modeling lends a modicum of comfort in avoiding mistaking an impending macular involvement for the actuality of macular involvement.