Supported by funds from the Foundation Fighting Blindness, Columbia, Maryland. David Birch is supported by NIH Grant EY009076. Jacque Duncan is supported by an unrestricted Grant from Research to Prevent Blindness to UCSF and NIH-NEI core Grant NEI-EY002162. Mark Pennesi is supported by an unrestricted Grant from RPB to Casey Eye Institute and a core Grant NIH P30EY010572. José-Alain Sahel is supported by an unrestricted Grant from RPB to UPMC Eye Center, a core Grant NIH P30-EY08098, the ERC Synergy HELMHOLTZ Grant and the IHU FOReSIGHT Grant.
Disclosure: T.A. Durham, None; J.L. Duncan, Acucela, Abbvie/Allergan, Inc. (F), Biogen (F), and consultant fees from DTx Therapeutics (C), Eloxx, Gyroscope (C), ProQR Therapeutics, Inc. (C), Spark Therapeutics, Inc.(C), SparingVision, Second Sight Medical Products (C), Inc., Vedere Bio (C), Foundation Fighting Blindness (C), Astellas (C), AGTC (C), and Editas (C); A.R. Ayala, None; D.G. Birch, Nightstar, Inc. (F), Allergan (F), AGTC (F), Roche- 4D Molecular Therapeutics (F), ProQR Therapeutics (F), Foundation Fighting Blindness (F), AGTC (C), Nacuity (C), ProQR (C), Editas (C), Iveric, Roche(C); J.K. Cheetham, Foundation Fighting Blindness (C); F.L. Ferris III, receives support from Bausch and Lomb (F), Foundation for Fighting Blindness (F), JAMA Ophthalmology (F), Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network (F), Janssen Research and Development, LLC (F), Viewpoint Therapeutics, Inc. (F), EMMES (F), Genentech (F), Novo Nordisk, Apellis (F), Genentech/Roche (F), SemaThera, PTC Therapeutics (F), Regenera, Novartis (F), Eyevensys (F), Kodiak (F), Merck (F), 4D Molecular Therapeutics (F), and Clear Side Biomedical (F); C.B. Hoyng, received clinical support from Bayer (F), Gyroscope (F) Gemini (F) and is a member of advisory board of Allergan (S), Gemini (S) and Horama (S); M.E. Pennesi, receives support from FFB (F), clinical trial support from AGTC (F), Biogen (F), Editas (F), ProQR (F), Sanofi (F), is a consultant for: Adverum (C), AGTC (C), Allergan (C), Astellas Pharmaceuticals (C), Biogen (C), Blue Rock (C), Iveric Bio (C), Gensight (C), Novartis (C), RegenexBio (C), Roche (C), Spark Therapeutics (C), Viewpoint Therapeutics (C), advisory board for: Horama (S), Eyevensys (S), Nayan (S), Nacuity Pharmaceuticals (S), Ocugen (S), DTx Therapeutics (S), Vedere (S), Sparing Vision (S), Atsena (S), and Endogena (S); J.-A. Sahel, FFB (F) the Gilbert Family Foundation (F), Biogen (C), Spark (C), Stargazer (C), Atsena (C), Meira (C), Pixium Vision (C), GenSight (C), Novartis (C), Opsis, Savir (C), Tilak (C), Tilak (I), Pixium (I), Gensight (I), Sparing Vision (I)