Macular ischemia is one of the most important causes of visual loss in common retinal vascular diseases such as diabetic retinopathy (DR) and retinal vein occlusion (RVO).
1 It could cause disorganization of the retinal inner layers and compromise the photoreceptors in the outer retina.
2,3 The severity of macular ischemia not only impacts anatomic and functional outcomes, but is also associated with the clinical course and responsiveness to treatment for macular edema in retinal vascular diseases.
4–7 It is important to have a reliable quantitative macular ischemia classification scheme.
In recent years, optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) provides a rapid, noninvasive, and volume-rendering imaging tool for evaluating retinal microvascular changes. The parafoveal vessel density (VD) and nonperfusion area (NPA) on OCTA images are useful quantitative biomarkers for determining the severity of macular ischemia.
4,8–10 However, diffuse speckle noise on the OCTA images of eyes with a large NPA is a common cumbersome problem (
Fig. 1A).
11 It may lead to a substantial increase in false-positive vascular signals and interfere with VD calculation (
Fig. 1B). More important, these false-positive signals may impede automated NPA calculations (
Fig. 1C). Although several automated algorithms have been developed for parafoveal NPA calculations in DR,
9,12–18 none had been validated in RVO. One possible reason is that, although the NPA is usually small and disseminated in DR,
6 it could be large
4,7 and accompanied by more prominent speckle noise in RVO. Most traditional local or global thresholding methods have difficulty removing prominent speckle noise (
Fig. 1D–E). Such noise could occur consistently in sequential OCTA images; hence, even multiple image averaging methods may still be unable to remove them completely.
It is unknown how speckle noise may affect macular ischemia quantification, and whether deep learning denoising technique could improve those quantitative measurements, especially in eyes with a large NPA. This study used a novel neural network (NN) model (
Fig. 2) for speckle noise removal and binarization of OCTA images in eyes with branch RVO (BRVO). The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the denoising process may enhance the automated VD and NPA calculation, which in turn will facilitate the grading of macular ischemia in eyes with BRVO.