Many methods have been devised to assess the mechanical properties of ocular tissues. These methods report different mechanical parameters, many of which are changed by crosslink formation. Understanding what these different parameters mean is critical to interpreting the overarching body of work. See
Figure 2 for an explanation of various measurement parameters.
Generally, two factors will affect the mechanical property change induced by crosslinking:
Evidence from biomolecular studies suggests that not all crosslinking protocols form crosslinks in the same position. Even within photochemical crosslinking techniques, the crosslink position may differ. For example, studies suggest that riboflavin / UV-A and WST / NIR form crosslinks in different locations throughout the collagen hierarchical structure.
42,73 For nonphotochemical crosslinkers, like decoron or transglutaminases, different crosslinking mechanisms are suggested.
Crosslinking does not modify all mechanical parameters in the same way. For instance, crosslinking may significantly increase tensile strength, while not increasing viscosity.
74 Further, different types of crosslinking may modify mechanical properties differently.
75 To understand why, it is necessarily to refer to the hierarchical microstructure of collage in the cornea (see
Fig. 3). Individual collagen molecules form helical tropocollagen, which in turn make up microfibrils (coated in proteoglycans), which make up fibers, which make up lamella, which interweave through the bulk of the corneal stroma. The location of crosslinks within this hierarchy is structurally important. For instance, if crosslinks are only formed within corneal collagen microfibrils (as may be the case in enzymatic crosslinking), it could be surmised that the cornea will better withstand tensile stresses. However, if no additional crosslinks have been formed between collagen fibers, they may slide over each other as easily as before crosslinking, resulting in a relatively unchanged shear modulus, as has been shown to be the case in CXL for keraotoconus.
76 Conversely, if chemical crosslinking increased binding between proteoglycans surrounding the collagen fibers, essentially increasing gelation, shear modulus may increase significantly but tensile strength may be relatively unchanged. Understanding and modeling the mechanical effects of various crosslinks in a hierarchical collagen structure has remained challenging.
Thus, when choosing a biomechanical measurement to assess crosslinking efficiency, consideration should be given both to the anticipated mechanical change and desired outcome. For instance, if the desired clinical outcome is inhibiting keratoconus progression, enzymatic digestion may be the most appropriate metric. However, if the desired outcome is reducing the risk of postsurgical ectasia, measuring the tensile strength of the cornea may be the best indicator. Similarly, if the crosslink formation is anticipated to occur between proteoglycans, a shear modulus measurement may be most sensitive to crosslink formation. If the crosslink formation is anticipated to occur within microfibrils, a tensile strength measurement may again be best.
The crimping and tensioning of collagen fibrils is also an important consideration. The tension on collagen fibrils during crosslinking may affect the number and type of crosslinks formed.
77,78 This is an important consideration if crosslinking is being induced in tissues ex vivo where IOP is exogenously maintained or tissue which is dissected and therefore has no tension. Collagen molecules are still slightly “crimped” in their natural state. Under tension, they straighten. Different crosslink formation may differently affect this uncrimping process and other deformation mechanics.
Finally, biological tissues, and particularly the cornea, exhibit mechanical properties which are highly dependent on environmental factors, such as hydration state of the tissue, tissue boundary conditions, pre-stress, and other pretreatment effects. Thus, even for studies using the same protocol and reporting the same mechanical parameter, results may not be comparable.