Figures 3B to F show representative OCT images, histological images, and graphical illustrations of the lens regeneration process at 8, 16, 22, 34, and 80 dpl. Additional time points are shown in
Supplementary Figure S1. At 8 dpl, the cornea incision caused by the lentectomy was partially healed, which was evident in the OCT image (
Fig. 3B), as well as the H&E image (
Fig. 3B’). In an intact eye, the aqueous chamber is clear, allowing light to pass through the lens (
Fig. 3A). However, after lentectomy, the aqueous chamber fills with extracellular matrix (ECM).
32 Accumulation of the ECM in the aqueous chamber can be observed in the H&E image (
Fig. 3B’) and with weak scattering via OCT (
Fig. 3B). Aggregation of migrating cells can be detected along with the ECM in the H&E image and appears as bright spots in the OCT image (
Figs. 3B, B’). The dilation of the blood vessels in the stroma is also visible in the OCT image (
Fig. 3B). The increase in iris thickness can be observed by comparing the iris epithelium in both OCT and H&E images between intact and 8 dpl (
Figs. 3A, B). At 16 dpl (
Fig. 3C), the cornea is almost healed, and a lens vesicle is observed at the pupillary margin of the Di in both the OCT and the H&E images (
Figs. 3C, C’). Compared with the iPECs, the transdifferentiated cells in the lens vesicle show less scattering contrast in the OCT image, indicating that iPECs have undergone depigmentation. By 22 dpl (
Fig. 3D), the regenerated lens on the Di can be observed. The cells at the posterior surface of the lens vesicle elongate and differentiate into LFs, giving rise to an early regenerated lens (
Fig. 3D’). The LE becomes visible in the OCT image as a thin layer with relatively stronger scattering contrast compared with that from the LFs (
Fig. 3D). At this point, the cornea has fully healed. From this stage forward, the growth pattern of the regenerated lens mimics normal vertebrate lens development in terms of sequential morphological events and crystallin accumulation.
43 At 34 dpl, the regenerating lens increases in size and LF content (
Figs. 3E, E’). By 80 dpl, the lens appears substantially larger and occupies its original position in the middle anterior portion of the eye (
Fig. 3F). At this point, 2°LFs are located on the periphery of the lens and assume a position surrounding the 1°LFs (
Fig. 3F). It is known that as lens development takes place, LFs undergo autophagy and degrade their organelles to acquire transparency.
42–44 The difference in organelle composition between 1°LFs and 2°LFs gives the cells different scattering contrast, which can be differentiated in the enhanced-contrast inset OCT image (
Fig. 3F). Although the regenerated lens has not reached the size of the original intact lens by 80 dpl, it has a mature and compact structure, with a thin anterior layer of LE, a defined nucleus filled with 1°LFs, and a developed cortex filled with 2°LFs.