Chicks have been one of the most widely used animal models for investigating the effects of restricted wavelength rearing on refractive error development, and they have shown consistent biometric responses across studies.
23–27 Because of this, they were chosen as a suitable model species for the present study to test whether the near-monochromatic light effects observed previously generalize to manipulations containing a broader range of wavelengths. However, as indicated above, species differ in their biometric responses to wavelength manipulations, and this precludes direct extrapolation of our results to humans. Further studies are needed to explore whether similar broad-wavelength manipulations also alter eye growth in other species. Studies in humans associating refraction and sensitivity to longer or shorter wavelength stimuli
77–79 support the notion that future research in this area may have translational benefits.
This study prioritized ocular axial dimensions and refraction as the primary measures of interest when examining how filtered light affects the growth and refractive development of the eye. Collection of additional biometric measures, such as corneal power, choroidal thickness, and cornea to sclera axial length could assist interpretation of these primary measures in future studies (as discussed by Lin et al.
23). Lighting manipulations have been shown to alter corneal curvature in chicks, although Cohen et al.
50 reported that this effect was transitory, with changes in axial dimensions being more persistent across the rearing period. Although previous studies in monkey,
37–39 tree shrew,
35 and guinea pig
29 have not found associations between red, green, and/or blue light rearing and corneal changes, several chromatic rearing studies in chick (including our own)
23,24,26 have found inconsistencies between significant refractive and axial dimension changes. This suggests that further investigation of corneal contributions to refraction is particularly warranted in this species.
In addition to the wavelength parameters, the power of the light source varied across filter conditions in the present study as was necessary to match illuminance (where blue light must be a higher irradiance than red light to match intensity in lux). We chose to match illuminance, rather than power, as this is the more physiologically relevant measure related to the biological response to light (i.e., photoreceptor activation) and downstream retinal cell activity and perceived brightness.
46 This choice is well accepted in the field, with similar methodology being used by past studies in the area.
80 Previous studies investigating changes in illuminance levels in the chick model have shown no effect of varying light intensity within the range used in our paper (as opposed to very low or very high intensities, which are known to affect growth and myopia development). For example, Ashby et al.
81 found that chicks fitted with occluders and reared under 50-lux lighting for 4 days developed levels of myopia similar to those of chicks reared under 500-lux lighting, with no differences in axial length or corneal radius between the two lighting groups. This experiment used triphosphor fluorescent lamps, with peaks at 530 nm and 620 nm. Similarly, Feldkaemper et al.
82 found that, for chicks reared under 550-lux ambient illuminance generated using a xenon lamp, wearing neutral-density filters of 0, 0.5, or 1 log unit attenuation for 7 days did not affect refraction or axial measures. These findings suggest that varying stimulus power within the range represented in the present study for steady broadband light sources or those with strong mid- to long-wavelength components (similar to our Y48 and HA50 conditions) has little effect on refractive parameters. However, a recent study has shown an effect of stimulus power, within specific ranges (spanning 70–985 lux and 49–920 µW/cm
2), on axial dimensions for flickering light with varying short- and long-wavelength composition.
54 Thus, the interaction among wavelength, power, and temporal frequency effects is an interesting topic for further investigation.
Finally, our own pilot data and those of previous studies suggest that biometric effects may not be maintained when animals are exposed to restricted wavelengths for a prolonged period. As this is an important determinant of any translational strategies arising from this approach, work is now needed to understand how filter effects change over time (e.g., with continuous exposure versus intermittent exposure that may be less likely to induce rapid adaptation of the system).