We retrospectively demonstrated using Fourier harmonic analysis that the time serial postoperative change in corneal irregularity differed between the surgeries for recurrent pterygium and primary pterygium. The surface asymmetry index and surface regularity index were higher in recurrent pterygium than in primary pterygium of the same size, as reported previously.
10 Our results contribute further detailed information on corneal irregularity based on the four components of Fourier harmonic analysis (spherical components, regular astigmatism, asymmetry components, and higher-order irregularity). In accordance with the progression of pterygium, the higher-order irregularity component was reported to increase in primary pterygium.
13 Conversely, in our data of recurrent pterygium, regular astigmatism, asymmetry components, and higher-order irregularity were high preoperatively, suggesting that recurrent pterygium caused larger corneal irregularity due to the three-dimensional elevation of the proliferative tissue and roughness. The values of these components significantly decreased postoperatively, but each value remained significantly higher than those in the primary pterygium group. Therefore, resection was shown to be effective in reducing corneal irregularity. However, asymmetry components and higher-order irregularity, which were not corrected with spectacles, remained higher than the normal-range values as reported by Tanabe et al.
17 In primary pterygium, pterygium size and all four components of Fourier harmonic analysis were significantly correlated, demonstrating that the greater the primary pterygium size, the larger the postoperative corneal irregularity that persisted even after 12 months. In contrast, in recurrent pterygium, pterygium size and each component of Fourier harmonic analysis were not significantly correlated at 12 months postoperatively, although the value of the corneal irregularity was not small. This result implies that small, recurrent pterygium induces a large postoperative corneal irregularity and also suggests that the effects of primary and recurrent pterygium on the ocular surface are different.
Subsequently, 3-mm- and 6-mm-diameter Fourier harmonic analyses were performed. Nearly identical tendencies were revealed in both analyses for all parameters. Resection of pterygium is clinically considered when it induces visual loss by threatening the visual axis, restricting eye movement, or leading to the occurrence of astigmatism.
18 A previous study reported a tendency for large-diameter analysis to more sensitively detect larger asymmetry and higher-order components in Fourier harmonic analysis even in otherwise indistinguishable patients.
13 Considering the varying size of the postoperative scar, topographic analysis in multiple diameters would be beneficial to fully characterize the postoperative changes in corneal irregularity.
There was no significant correlation between the size of the recurrent pterygium and each component of the Fourier harmonic analysis, contrary to findings from previous studies investigating primary pterygium. In our study, recurrent pterygium first advanced on the rough cornea, in which some type of irregularity induced by primary pterygium resection remained. Therefore, the size of the resected primary pterygium possibly affected the degree of corneal irregularity in recurrent pterygium. Ideally, we would have assessed the scar made by primary pterygium resection, but it was impossible because most of these operations were performed in another institution with insufficient topographic data. Fourier harmonic analysis would be beneficial for detecting and evaluating corneal irregularity due to recurrent pterygium because even small recurrent pterygium could result in large corneal irregularity that is not corrected with spectacles. Because Fourier harmonic analysis of the cornea can detect regular astigmatism and irregular astigmatism accurately and quantitatively, it accurately indicates appropriate correction for visual acuity after pterygium surgery, such as contact lens prescription, that can correct irregular astigmatism.
The timing of pterygium resection is sometimes clinically problematic. Our results showed that recurrent pterygium caused large asymmetry components and higher-order irregularity, which could not be corrected with spectacles and significantly decreased with excision. In both primary and recurrent pterygium, a larger size leads to larger corneal irregularity.
10,14 Therefore, if possible, they should be resected while small. However, the recurrence rate is not negligible.
16 When pterygium recurs, even a small size could result in larger corneal irregularity than that in primary pterygium. Furthermore, recurrent pterygium is more adherent to underlying tissue than primary pterygia and sometimes has a scar around the medial rectus muscle; therefore, a greater surgical technique is required.
19–21 Hence, the prevention of recurrence is very crucial.
The current study has a few limitations. First, due to the observational nature of the study, some examination data could not be collected from the medical charts, such as the uncorrected visual acuity and best spectacle-corrected visual acuity. Higher-order irregularity and asymmetry were not corrected with spectacles, and the uncorrected visual acuity was an important parameter. Further studies that include observation of these variables for a period of at least 12 months are required. Additionally, blinding at examination would be required in further prospective studies. Second, as mentioned above, preoperative data were not available for the recurrent pterygium group. Most of the patients with recurrent pterygium who were included in the current study had not undergone their first surgery for primary pterygium at our institution, as they were referred to our institution for their second surgery. Therefore, we regarded the recurrent and primary pterygium as different and independent entities in the current study. A corneal scar remaining after primary pterygium resection could affect corneal irregularity after recurrent pterygium that advances on such a rough cornea. It is difficult to accurately evaluate the corneal irregularity that was made when primary pterygium was resected in the recurrent pterygium group. However, the corneal topographic information obtained after primary pterygium surgery in the recurrent pterygium group might help further research. Third, this study only included amniotic membrane and limbal allograft transplantation for recurrent pterygium. This procedure was reported with a low recurrence rate without serious complications because allografts would serve as a barrier to the invasiveness of recurrent proliferative tissue in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect of the amniotic membrane.
16 The surgical technique of the present study also included mitomycin usage for adjunctive therapy for the suppression of subconjunctival cell proliferation.
22–24 However, it is possible that the different surgical techniques could result in different patterns of corneal irregularity; therefore, further analysis, including other surgical techniques, especially conjunctival autograft, would be required.
In conclusion, Fourier harmonic analysis data showed that corneal irregularity significantly decreased after recurrent pterygium surgery. Larger corneal irregularity that could be corrected with spectacles remained for a longer time after excision of recurrent pterygium compared with that after excision of primary pterygium. Thus, prevention of recurrence is clinically critical for primary pterygium surgery in terms of corneal irregularity.