Various methods have been proposed to measure ocular ductions objectively and quantitatively. Kestenbaum
2 developed the limbus test, which measures ocular ductions in millimeters via a transparent ruler placed in front of the cornea. Urist
3 developed a lateral version light-reflex test, which measures the change in position of the light reflex during extreme lateroversion and converts the measurement using a Hirschberg-type scale. Kushner
9 developed a cervical range-of-motion device to record abnormal head postures, duction limitations, and the range of single binocular vision. The current gold-standard method for measuring ocular ductions uses the Goldmann perimeter.
4–6 In many studies, the GPT showed good reproducibility and accuracy.
4,10,11 However, this method requires an instrument that is no longer in production and also depends on the availability of a trained technician.
11 Lim et al.
12 developed a modified limbus test for measuring the angles of ocular movements using photographs of cardinal positions of gaze. However, the results cannot be obtained immediately because additional image processing and analysis are required. Scleral search coils and video-oculography techniques have been developed to measure eye movement automatically.
13–17 However, these methods were developed for recording eye movements rather than range of ductions. In addition, scleral search coils and contact lenses are complicated, cause excessive discomfort, and are not practical for use in clinical settings. In addition, both scleral search coil and video-oculography techniques require expensive equipment.
In this study, we described a novel method for measuring ocular ductions using a laser pointer technique. The new device has a relatively simple configuration and requires low cost; this facilitates clinical application, especially for underequipped facilities and institutions in developing countries.
The mean horizontal and vertical ductions were 95.2° and 84.1°, respectively, using the LPT in the present study. The mean horizontal duction range was similar to those previously reported using a modified hand perimeter
10 and modified limbus test.
12 The mean vertical duction measured using the LPT was between the above two studies. Mourits et al.
10 adapted a hand perimeter to objectively measure the ocular duction in 40 healthy participants and reported that the mean maximal duction ranges were 94° in horizontal duction and 92° in vertical duction. Lim et al.
12 described a photographic method for measuring ocular movements using a modified limbus test and reported the following mean angles of ocular movements in healthy participants: adduction, 47.4°; abduction, 46.4° (93.8° of horizontal range); elevation, 31.8°; and depression, 47.8° (79.6° of vertical range). Photographs of nine cardinal positions were taken with a digital camera, and the images were then analyzed using Photoshop (Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA) and ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). This method does not depend on the patient's response, so the operator's interpretation is minimally involved, which makes the test more objective.
Gerling et al.
5 used standard GPT to measure ductions in 100 healthy participants and reported horizontal duction of 100.3° and vertical duction of 95.6°. These measurements are slightly larger than the measurements with the LPT. Although the current gold standard for measuring ocular ductions is GPT, we believe the LPT has theoretical advantages over the GPT in some points. The standard GPT uses a white light, while the LPT uses an optotype as a fixation target. When participants can no longer maintain foveal fixation, they notice blurring. These moments of change may be detected rapidly and easily when using an optotype as the fixation target. In contrast, with the GPT, it may be more difficult to identify blurring of the light target when the participant has lost foveal fixation. We suppose that the difference between two methods may be one of many reasons for the discrepancy in the measurements. Differences in the testing environment may also contribute to the discrepancy. The GPT uses a white light target on the white background of a Goldmann bowl, whereas the LPT uses an optotype in the screen. The LPT has the advantage of using a real-world target.
The mean horizontal and vertical ductions measured using the GPT were 113.2° and 105.8° in the present study, which were larger than those reported in previous studies. A possible explanation for the discrepant finding is the different assessment methods used in the study. With the GPT, ductions can be assessed subjectively (i.e., participants indicate when central fixation has been lost) or objectively (i.e., the examiner observes the endpoint of the pursuit movements by telescope). Both Gerling et al.
5 and Mourits et al.
10 used objective endpoints, whereas we used subjective endpoints in this study. In a study comparing clinical techniques for measuring ocular ductions in thyroid orbitopathy, Dolman et al.
11 reported that the subjective measurements were 5° to 10° larger than the objective measurements using the GPT, probably because the fixation light was visible within 5° of the fixation point.
The time required for testing is important, which represents ease of use. The total time required for testing with the LPT was found to be shorter compared to that with the GPT. One reason for this is the difference in the visual target. As described above, loss of central fixation could be detected more easily when using an optotype target compared to a light target. When measuring duction with GPT, repeated measurements were frequently required because volunteers failed to detect the exact moment of blurring of the light target, which resulted in prolongation of testing time. Another possible reason for the shorter test duration with the LPT is the mechanism of eye movement involved in the tests. Whereas the eye movement for the LPT relies mainly on the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR), that for the GPT relies mainly on smooth pursuit. The VOR is one of the fastest reflexes in the human body and can stabilize the eyes accurately at angular velocities of >300°/s and frequencies >20 Hz. This is because the VOR pathway is relatively short and activates motor neurons using only vestibular sensory information.
19 Therefore, the VOR is intrinsically rapid, accurate, and easy to elicit. In contrast, smooth pursuit is a much slower tracking eye movement, which has a considerably more complex pathway. Smooth pursuit is intrinsically slow and difficult to elicit compared to the VOR.
Our study compared repeatability of the measurements obtained using the LPT and GPT. Using both the LPT and GPT, intraobserver and interobserver ICCs of both horizontal and vertical ductions showed excellent repeatability. All ICC values measured by the LPT showed greater numbers than those measured by the GPT. The CVs of the mean horizontal and vertical ductions were less than 10% with both the LPT and GPT, which indicates good repeatability for both techniques. All CV values measured by the LPT showed greater numbers than those measured by the GPT. Our results were consistent with previous studies that reported good reproducibility of the GPT.
5,6,10,11 Consequentially, we believe that the LPT has acceptable reproducibility.
Despite many advantages, the LPT has several disadvantages. First, slight back-and-forth, lateral, vertical, and tilting movements of the head could occur during the examination, which may cause errors in the measurement. However, the examiner monitors the participant and corrects for undesired head movements. This is not a difficult task for both examiner and participant, and monitoring the head position is also needed in the standard GPT. Second, because the patients cannot see the meridians during the examination, the laser light may fail to track the meridians when they rotate their heads. In this study, if the laser light derailed the meridians, the patient was instructed to correct the head position, and most of the participants followed the instruction well. We evaluated ductions only along horizontal and vertical meridians, and there was no particular difficulty in this process. Examining the diagonal meridians could be difficult for some patients. In this situation, the examiner could help the patient by gently holding and slowly turning the patient's head, thereby tracking the laser light on the diagonal meridians. Third, geometric errors still exist in the LPT even after adding a step to correct the errors, because we used fixed anthropometric data in the process of calculating the error angle. However, we believe that the errors resulting from individual variation would not be that significant, and the LPT still has acceptable accuracy. Last, the LPT requires a large space for the screen. We are developing a new device that uses a gyro sensor instead of the laser pointer and screen, which will not require a large space.
In conclusion, the LPT, a new method for measuring ocular ductions described herein, showed excellent reproducibility and minimal interobserver variability. The LPT requires a shorter test time than the GPT and is easy to perform. Considering its reproducibility, accuracy, and simplicity, the LPT is expected to be useful for evaluating patients with ocular motility disorders as a first-order evaluation in the absence of sophisticated examination devices (i.e., GPT) in clinical settings.