We propose a deep learning–based image reconstruction algorithm to produce high-resolution optical coherence tomographic angiograms (OCTA) of the intermediate capillary plexus (ICP) and deep capillary plexus (DCP).
In this study, 6-mm × 6-mm macular scans with a 400 × 400 A-line sampling density and 3-mm × 3-mm scans with a 304 × 304 A-line sampling density were acquired on one or both eyes of 180 participants (including 230 eyes with diabetic retinopathy and 44 healthy controls) using a 70-kHz commercial OCT system (RTVue-XR; Optovue, Inc., Fremont, California, USA). Projection-resolved OCTA algorithm removed projection artifacts in voxel. ICP and DCP angiograms were generated by maximum projection of the OCTA signal within the respective plexus. We proposed a deep learning–based method, which receives inputs from registered 3-mm × 3-mm ICP and DCP angiograms with proper sampling density as the ground truth reference to reconstruct 6-mm × 6-mm high-resolution ICP and DCP en face OCTA. We applied the same network on 3-mm × 3-mm angiograms to enhance these images further. We evaluated the reconstructed 3-mm × 3-mm and 6-mm × 6-mm angiograms based on vascular connectivity, Weber contrast, false flow signal (flow signal erroneously generated from background), and the noise intensity in the foveal avascular zone.
Compared to the originals, the Deep Capillary Angiogram Reconstruction Network (DCARnet)–enhanced 6-mm × 6-mm angiograms had significantly reduced noise intensity (ICP, 7.38 ± 25.22, P < 0.001; DCP, 11.20 ± 22.52, P < 0.001), improved vascular connectivity (ICP, 0.95 ± 0.01, P < 0.001; DCP, 0.96 ± 0.01, P < 0.001), and enhanced Weber contrast (ICP, 4.25 ± 0.10, P < 0.001; DCP, 3.84 ± 0.84, P < 0.001), without generating false flow signal when noise intensity lower than 650. The DCARnet-enhanced 3-mm × 3-mm angiograms also reduced noise, improved connectivity, and enhanced Weber contrast in 3-mm × 3-mm ICP and DCP angiograms from 101 eyes. In addition, DCARnet preserved the appearance of the dilated vessels in the reconstructed angiograms in diabetic eyes.
DCARnet can enhance 3-mm × 3-mm and 6-mm × 6-mm ICP and DCP angiogram image quality without introducing artifacts.
Translational Relevance:
The enhanced 6-mm × 6-mm angiograms may be easier for clinicians to interpret qualitatively.
The training data set was expanded by several data augmentation methods, including horizontal flipping, vertical flipping, transposition, and 90-degree rotation. To reduce computation cost, 76 × 76-pixel patches were used for training. Thus, after data augmentation, the training data set included 1400 images that were further divided into 34,955 patches extracted by cropping the ICP and DCP angiograms with a stride of 38. The validation data set of 330 images was also decomposed into 9900 patches by randomly cropping an image into 30 patches. As DCARnet is a fully convolutional neural network, images with arbitrary sizes can be input into the DCARnet during testing. Thus, we input the entire image into the model for testing. We used an Adam optimizer with a learning rate 0.01 to train DCARnet. The training batch size was 128. We performed 10 epochs of training to get an optimal model. DCARnet was implemented in Python 3.6 with Keras (Tensorflow-backend) on a PC with a 32G RAM and Intel i9 CPU, as well as two NVIDIA, Santa Clara, California, USA. GeForce GTX1080Ti graphics cards.
Assessment of plexus-specific pathology in the ICP and DCP using projection-resolved OCTA is helpful in assessing DR
44,45 and other retinal vascular diseases.
4 However, OCTA data from the ICP and DCP are especially susceptible to image artifacts due to the attenuated flow signal.
46–48 Strong background noise and vessel fragments are common in ICP and DCP angiograms, affecting the quantitative and qualitative assessment of OCTA. Lower sampling densities used in wider-field-of-view OCTA further exacerbate these problems. Researchers have proposed many methods to enhance image quality. Traditional approaches with filters are less effective for wide-field-of-view OCTA with lower sampling density,
49 and averaging multiple en face images requires long acquisition time, increasing the probability of image artifacts caused by eye movements. However, the lack of accessible algorithms to enhance ICP and DCP OCTA en face images renders any possible advantage to be gained from high-resolution OCT angiograms inaccessible; therefore, we provide an open-source platform (
https://github.com/octangio/DCARnet) that we hope will be of use to other researchers that may find such enhancement. This study shows that a deep learning–based image enhancement approach, whether from eyes with DR or healthy eyes, achieves lower noise intensity, better connectivity, and stronger contrast than these alternative approaches without extending scan acquisition time.
Researchers have used very deep and complicated network structures to improve performance in natural image super-resolution reconstruction.
39,50,51 However, with increased depth, networks can encounter more problems during training, such as gradient explosion/vanishing and overfitting.
52,53 Furthermore, as the number of network layers increases, the features in the input image may be lost. Our proposed solution, DCARnet, is a simple, efficient, and easy-to-train network that aims to learn an end-to-end mapping function between the undersampled 6-mm × 6-mm angiograms and 3-mm × 3-mmmm angiograms with proper sampling density. Feature maps at the original resolution extracted more detailed information, such as vascular morphology. Down-sampled feature maps extracted enhanced the network's denoising ability. DCARnet fused multiscale features to enhance representational ability, preserve details, and improve tolerance to artifacts, low signal quality, and other disturbances. We used the validation data set to select the best model trained by the training data set. Then a test data set, which is completely independent of the training and validation data sets, is used to evaluate our algorithm. Even though DCARnet is not a very deep and complicated network, DCARnet produced good performance.
A significant concern in image reconstruction is the introduction of structure produced from noise that may mimic a true vascular signal. This is called a false signal and should be considered in image reconstruction projects. As noted, this is an issue for handcrafted algorithms such as a Frangi filter.
19 The angiograms reconstructed by DCARnet did not produce false flow signal in angiograms with normal noise intensities. However, for those angiograms with noise intensity higher than 650, which is above the average noise intensity of this data set, DCARnet may produce some artifacts. As the performance of OCT systems improves, the signal-to-noise ratios in OCTA images will grow. This issue will therefore be less of a concern in future OCTA devices.
DCARnet was designed to remove background noise and reconstruct high-resolution capillary details. Our algorithm therefore does not suppress other artifacts due to projection or motion. For this reason, DCARnet is best used in conjunction with other artifact removal algorithms such as the reflectance-based algorithm for projection-resolved OCTA
7 and the regression-based algorithm for bulk motion subtraction in OCTA.
8 DCARnet also does not compensate for shadow artifacts to recover capillaries in the regions severely affected by shadows. If no capillary signal is detected by OCTA, DCARnet has no way to recover it. We also tested and demonstrated the strong generalization of this network on independent scans with similar sampling density acquired by a different device than the one used to acquire our training data.
We previously reported on High-resolution Angiogram Reconstruction Network (HARNet), which enhances SVC image resolution, and we now propose DCARnet to enhance ICP and DCP angiograms. Although a single, unified network theoretically could provide denoising simultaneously in the SVC, ICP, and DCP, anatomic differences between the layers make this difficult. Compared to SVC angiograms, ICP and DCP angiograms have denser capillaries and stronger background noise. If SVC, ICP, and DCP angiograms are trained together, the features specific to ICP and DCP angiograms may be introduced into SVC angiograms and vice versa. In addition, smaller blood vessels in the SVC may be lost due to excessive denoising. Conversely, noise will be misjudged as capillaries in ICP and DCP angiograms, because the noise intensity in the ICP and DCP is much higher than that in the SVC.
Supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (R01 EY027833, R01 EY024544, R01 EY031394, P30 EY010572, T32 EY023211), an unrestricted departmental funding grant, and the William & Mary Greve Special Scholar Award from the Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY) and the Bright Focus Foundation (G2020168).
Disclosure: M. Gao, None; T.T. Hormel, None; J. Wang, None; Y. Guo, None; S.T. Bailey, None; T. S. Hwang, None; Y. Jia, Optovue (F, P), Optos (P)