After a decade of clinical and experimental studies, it is well-known that a sufficient concentration of riboflavin in the corneal stroma is crucial to obtain a comparable biomechanical effect to corneal CXL.
19,20 Because riboflavin cannot penetrate an intact corneal epithelium owing to its chemical properties, the central corneal epithelium is mechanically debrided in current standard CXL (epi-off) techniques to enable sufficient riboflavin stromal imbibition.
21 However, the epithelial removal induces various side effects, including postoperative pain and visual decline after the procedure. Furthermore, it can predispose patients to serious corneal infections and loss of corneal transparency owing to abnormal corneal stromal scarring processes.
21 Thus, in recent years, much effort has been put into developing new efficient transepithelial riboflavin penetration techniques. We reported a novel technology, KeraVio, which consisted of VL irradiation and riboflavin treatment in human corneas.
11 KeraVio halted disease progression in eyes with corneal ectasia, which was similar to the outcome of the CXL technique. The topical epithelium-on riboflavin administration might have an impact on corneal cross-linking and its concentration of corneal stroma was observed in the current study. The KeraVio treatment uses an eyeglass with a 375-nm wavelength VL source to apply light to the cornea. The patients wore the eyeglass daily without limitations. The KeraVio treatment avoids the complications of CXL surgery and may become another option to treat KC, but its efficacy has not been compared with that of CXL. In the current study, we preliminarily identified physiological riboflavin in the human cornea without adding riboflavin drops. No studies investigated the association between oral riboflavin and physiological riboflavin concentrations in the corneal stroma. Recently, some clinicians reported a possible solution, where high doses of oral riboflavin combined with sunlight could similarly stabilize the cornea to CXL treatment. In a small, unpublished study, participants with KC who took dietary riboflavin and spent time outside achieved corneal stabilization and/or flattening.
22 The strategy might enhance the impact of the proposed natural cross-linking technique. As for oral supplementation, there were no studies investigating the riboflavin concentrations in the corneal stroma after oral administration. In our study, a relatively low intensity of VL irradiation strengthened the corneal stiffness in porcine corneas. In a normal eye, VL is absorbed by the cornea, which contains physiological riboflavin and other photosensitizers, leading to CXL in the cornea. If physiological riboflavin originally exists in the human cornea, VL irradiation may strengthen the corneal stiffness without adding riboflavin drops in the KeraVio technique. To our knowledge, this study is the first to quantify the concentration of physiological corneal riboflavin in humans and compare the corneal elastic modulus between treatments with and without drops. A recent clinical trial of KeraVio without riboflavin drops was launched (jRCTs032190267).