After two consecutive IVR treatments, only responders demonstrated a significant decrease in the KRT8 level after IVR, whereas poor responders showed persistent elevated KRT8 level. Furthermore, a higher KRT8 level at month two was associated with the presence of persistent fluid in OCT at month three after adjusting for other variables. Elevated KRT8 level in nAMD eyes early in the disease course is possibly a reparative or protective mechanism; however, prolonged elevation of KRT8 level might be detrimental, as it could be related to epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).
18 In EMT, polarized epithelial cells convert to motile mesenchymal cells, and transdifferentiated RPE cells are the principal nonvascular stromal cells in vascular and fibrotic nAMD-related CNVMs.
22 EMT ultimately results in the loss of RPE characteristics,
17 which is concomitant with a rearrangement of the cytoskeleton.
24 Our previous study showed that under prolonged oxidative stress, a high KRT8 level induces EMT via its phosphorylation, resulting in loss of RPE cell junction integrity and degeneration of the RPE.
18 Similar results have been reported in pancreatic and gastric cancer cells.
25 Although there has been no study on how EMT causes resistance to treatment in nAMD patients, several studies have shown that EMT is associated with resistance to anti-VEGF treatment in various tumors, including pancreatic cancers,
26 genitourinary cancers,
27 and brain tumours.
28 In gastric cancer, KRT8 overexpression leads to EMT and enhances the proliferation and migration of cancer cells, and patients with a high KRT8 level tend to have unfavorable outcomes.
29 Moreover, EMT in RPE contributes to retinal fibrosis in nAMD eyes,
30 and fibrosis often develops in poor responders to anti-VEGF treatment.
31 Based on these findings, we speculate that in responders, KRT8 expression is elevated as a reactive RPE change with the development of CNV and then decreases when the wound healing process proceeds and CNV regresses with anti-VEGF treatments. An unsuccessful treatment response could result in progression of tissue injury, inflammation, and prolonged loss of RPE cell-to-cell contact, which are responsible for initiating EMT and fibrosis. These processes might contribute to the persistence of KRT8 upregulation in poor responders. It remains to be determined whether upregulated KRT8 expression reflects the consequences or the causes of poor treatment response to IVR; in other words, prolonged KRT upregulation in poor responders might induce EMT, leading to resistance to anti-VEGF treatments.