To evaluate the thickness of the intraoperative layers of 10 different ophthalmic viscosurgical devices (OVD) covering the corneal endothelium during simulated lens surgery in a porcine model.
This experimental study took place at the Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. Ten OVDs with different viscoelastic properties (ProVisc, Z-Hyalin plus, Amvisc plus, DisCoVisc, Healon EndoCoat, Viscoat, Z-Hyalcoat, Combivisc, Duo-Visc, and Twinvisc) were assessed in 10 porcine eyes each, yielding a total of 100 eyes. Simulated cataract surgery was performed with volumetric intraoperative OCT imaging during phacoemulsification and during irrigation/aspiration to determine the remaining amount of OVD coating the endothelium over a scan field of 6 × 6 mm. Indirect visualization of the OVD was enabled by replacing the irrigating solution by a higher scattering diluted milk solution. A deep convolutional neural network (CNN) was used to evaluate OVD layer thickness based on the B-scans.
Median thickness values after phacoemulsification were lowest for the cohesive OVDs Z-Hyalin plus (38 µm) and ProVisc (39 µm), followed by the combination systems Twinvisc (342 µm) and Duo-Visc (537 µm). Highest values were observed for the dispersive OVDs and the combination system Combivisc (Viscoat: 957 µm; Z-Hyalcoat: 988 µm, Combivisc: 1042 µm; Amvisc plus: 1259 µm; Healon EndoCoat: 1303 µm; DisCoVisc: 1356 µm). The difference between the OVDs was statistically significant (P < 0.01).
The results of this study confirm that at completion of phacoemulsification, thickest residual layers of OVD remain when using dispersive substances, followed by combination systems and lowest thickness values were observed with cohesive OVDs. The use of an intraoperative OCT and a deep convolutional neural network allowed measurements over a large scan field of 6 × 6 mm and a precise evaluation of the OVD layer coating the corneal endothelium. The OVD layer seemed to be more like a ragged terrain instead of a flat layer, indicating that the film-forming effect of dispersive OVDs is the result of their volume rheology rather than a surface interaction.
Translational Relevance:
Evaluating the protective properties provides valuable insights into how different OVDs with different viscoelastic properties form layers beneath the corneal endothelium and helps to understand their persistence during the various steps of cataract surgeries.
Each eye was mounted to perform simulated cataract surgery using an operating microscope (OPMI Lumera 700, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG). At first, a self-sealing 2-mm incision was made, followed by injection of OVD and an exposure time of 5 minutes to bridge the time of the paracenteses not required in the experimental procedure and to ensure complete adhesion of the OVD to the corneal endothelium. Then, an anterior continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis was performed. As sculpting, the process of debulking the central nucleus, was not necessary in the young, soft lenses of the porcine eyes, this step was simulated by irrigation/aspiration (I/A) without the use of ultrasound guidance (device settings: vacuum level, 100 mm Hg; aspiration flow rate, 20 mm/min; bottle height, 80 cm H2O; time, 1 min).
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging was used to determine the remaining amount of OVD at this time point (first measurement). A standard 6-mm scan with the RESCAN 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) was used, Additionally, to visualize the OVD in the anterior chamber, milk was added to the balanced salt solution, which was used during I/A and phacoemulsification, in a mixing ratio of 100:1. Owing to the higher scattering properties of this material, a distinction between the clear OVD and the diluted milk in the OCT image was enabled.
Segment removal of the lens was done by using a phacoemulsification probe (Visalis V500, Zeiss Meditec AG; device settings: vacuum level, 400 mm Hg; aspiration flow rate, 40 mm/min; bottle height, 80 cm H2O; power, 40%; effective phacoemulsification time, 7 seconds). Because each lens behaves individually during the process of phacoemulsification and the time required for complete removal varies, an average effective phacoemulsification time of 7 seconds was determined. The aim was not to remove the entire lens, but to standardize the experimental conditions. To evaluate the remaining amount of OVD, an OCT volume scan was taken again after this step (second measurement).
To compare the results based on the OCT images, the refractive index of each OVD needed to be defined. Therefore, a calibration cuvette of known thickness was used and OCT imaging took place to determine the path length difference between air and each OVD within the walls of the cuvette. For the combination systems, an average refractive index of the OVD mixture present in the anterior chamber at the time of measurement was estimated by using weighted average values of the refractive indices of the two subsets (weighting: 2/3 dispersive OVD, 1/3 cohesive OVD). The measurements were performed in a similar way, however, without monitoring the temperature during the experiment.
The refractive indices of the OVDs, as listed in
Table 2 were calculated by Snell's law and used to convert from optical [pixels] to geometric [micrometers] path lengths. Those values were applied to the entire OCT volume scan and plotted as heat maps. When considering the segmentation and image processing error threshold and the resolution of the OCT image, the lateral accuracy of our evaluations was approximately 25 µm.
Table 2. Refractive Indices of the OVDs
Table 2. Refractive Indices of the OVDs
A data analysis was performed using MATLAB (2019b) and Python (3.7.1) software and, because our data were not normally distributed, the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test was used to test for differences between the groups. A P value of less than .05 was defined as significant.
To further evaluate the results, a threshold of 200 µm was defined as the minimum thickness needed to provide a certain degree of protection to the endothelium. So far, no existing data indicate how thick the remaining OVD layer needs to be for sufficient protection. Thus, we used the information on average values of residual OVD volume available in the literature.
The range for cohesive OVDs is approximately 0 to 300 µm, with mean or median values close to 0 µm.
7–9 For dispersive and viscoadaptive OVDs, a higher distribution of ranges is given: 1 to 650 µm,
7 100 to 550 µm
8 and 390 to 1120 µm,
9 with mean or median values of greater than 250 µm. Based on these data, a limit between cohesive and dispersive OVDs of about 200 µm was estimated and used in the evaluation of this series of experiments as a threshold value.
Because OVD layer thickness proved to behave quite uneven and thickness values varied significantly within one scan, thickness distribution was further evaluated for the central area of the cornea (3 mm in diameter), which is the most vital part to protect during surgery.
Continuing advances in cataract surgery, such as improved surgical techniques or OVD materials, involve more specialized OVD formulations with unique rheologic features.
10 Lower viscosity dispersive and higher viscosity cohesive materials both have their advantages and disadvantages, and there is no single ideal substance for all ocular applications. Hence, adequate evaluation of OVD performance is essential to select the best OVD to suit the clinical situation.
In this study, we focused on one important quality of OVDs, namely, their ability to form a protection layer that covers the corneal endothelial cells during cataract surgery, to prevent them from being damaged by mechanical trauma from lens fragments or fluid turbulence during phacoemulsification as well as I/A, all of which would result in a decrease in endothelial pump function.
Belda et al.
12 compared OVDs with different concentrations of sodium hyaluronate to a control group in which no OVD was used and showed that all examined OVDs efficiently reduced lesions to the endothelium following oxidative stress induced by H
Oshika et al.,
13 in a study similar to ours, investigated the volume of different OVDs in the anterior chamber of porcine eyes after phacoemulsification. However, they only measured the time needed to remove the OVD completely to approximate the residual volume. In the present study, a quantitative method to directly measure the remaining amount of OVD covering the corneal endothelium after phacoemulsification over a large scan field of 6 × 6 mm was evaluated.
The high fluctuation and inhomogeneity of thickness values is consistent with the results of Petroll et al.,
8 Mori et al.,
4 and McDermott et al.,
7 who also observed a high variability in their measurements. A smaller standard deviation of the residual OVD layer thickness was reported by Yoshino et al.,
9 whose images generated by a Scheimpflug camera show more uniform and planar OVD layers compared with the heat maps of our work. However, they did not measure thickness values over a large area of the cornea but rather at one point at its center, which might be the reason for the lower standard deviations.
Some studies state that the presence of chondroitin sulfate as a content of the OVD results in accumulation on the corneal endothelium owing to its large portion of negative charges.
14 By evaluating a large area of the corneal endothelium, the present study showed that the formation of the residual OVD resembles a quite uneven and ragged surface rather than a flat layer, which also applies for the OVDs containing chondroitin sulfate. Hence, the results of this study may indicate the film-forming effect not being a result of the OVD's stickiness or surface interaction but rather it's volume rheology.
Naturally, the amount of residual OVD was significantly lower after phacoemulsification than before phacoemulsification in all tested substances, because the turbulent flow present during phacoemulsification inevitably results in a wash-off of OVD from the anterior chamber.
Increasing device settings during phacoemulsification results in a greater decrease of OVD layer thickness from the first to the second measurement repetition. This decrease is more pronounced for cohesive OVDs, suggesting that cohesive substances are aspirated at lower I/A flow rates.
Many studies have confirmed that cohesive OVDs tend to escape from the anterior chamber as a solid mass during phacoemulsification and, therefore, leave the endothelial cells without sufficient protection,
1,16,17 whereas dispersive OVDs are highly retentive, thus providing good endothelium coverage,
7,10,11,16,18 which is consistent with the results of our study: the largest residual amount of OVD was observed with the dispersive OVDs, followed by the combination systems, whereas Combivisc achieved results similar to those of the dispersive OVDs. The lowest amount of residual OVD was seen with cohesive substances.
When comparing the heat maps of the dispersive OVDs to the combination systems, it becomes apparent that the OVD layers are slightly more homogeneous and uniform when using the latter, whereas the overall thickness values are lower. This finding may be explained by the soft shell technique, which was used when applying the combination systems: the cohesive OVD is injected beneath the dispersive OVD, pushing it toward the cornea and flattening it, which may result in better adhesion to the endothelium. Flattening of the OVD implies a portion of it being displaced toward the periphery; thus, the volume of the dispersive OVD is smaller with the soft shell technique than with the use of a single dispersive OVD, which may account for the overall lower OVD layer thicknesses of the combination systems as opposed to the dispersive OVDs. Future research should analyze the distribution of the two subsets of combination systems in the anterior chamber, for example, by staining the two OVDs with fluorophores fluorescing at different wavelengths. To prevent the small fluorophore molecules from crossing the interface between the OVDs before the two subsets mix up, ideally, OVDs with covalently bound fluorophores should be used. This practice would further be useful for the exact determination of the average refractive index needed to convert from optical (pixels) to geometric (micrometers) path lengths. These assumptions would need further evaluation, which could be accomplished by using an OCT system with a larger scan field, higher sampling, and isotropic resolution.
The present study has some limitations. First, a porcine model was used. Although the corneal endothelium of pigs resembles the human endothelium by having a similar cell density and shape, the results cannot be applied directly to human eyes. The porcine lenses were young, soft, and easy to extract, whereas in clinical practice, most patients scheduled for cataract surgery present with lenses older and harder, and to be removed, they may consequently require higher ultrasonic energy than the standard device settings used in this study. Second, the extent of endothelial cell damage at the sites of OVD thickness values below the estimated threshold of 200 µm should be evaluated to approve some of the statements arising from this study. Because the refractive index of the OVD depends on temperature and sugar monomer concentration, both of which were not determined during the cuvette measurements to determine the refractive index, there could be some deviations in the exact values of some indices. This error, however, is negligible for the analysis and conclusions carried out in this study.
It would be of interest to analyze whether endothelial cell damage occurs if this threshold is undercut, for example by measuring endothelial cell density.
The authors have no proprietary or financial interest in any of the materials or equipment mentioned in this study.
Disclosure: M. Wüst, None; P. Matten, None; M. Nenning, None; O. Findl, Alcon (C), Croma (C), Carl Zeiss Meditec AG (C), Johnson & Johnson (C), Merck (C)