Baseline refractive error and axial length data, as well as anterior corneal curvature, retinal thickness, and choroidal thickness data were collected and then at weekly intervals after initiation of treatments. From collected high resolution choroidal images, various structural parameters were also derived. Measurements on individual animals were performed at the same time of day, around 1:00 PM, to avoid possible confounding effects of circadian rhythms in eye growth.
Both refractive error and axial length data were collected on awake animals. Refractive errors were measured using streak retinoscopy (Welch Allyn, Skaneateles Falls, NY, USA), following cycloplegia with 1% cyclopentolate hydrochloride (Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY, USA), instilled 30 minutes prior to measurement, and are reported as spherical equivalent refractive errors (SERs; average of the results for the two principal meridians). A Lenstar (Haag-Streit Holdings, Köniz, Switzerland) was used to measure axial lengths (ALs). For these measurements, the Lenstar chin rest was replaced with a platform on which the guinea pigs were seated for measurements. Each measurement comprised an average of at least three readings. The Lenstar output includes peaks representing the anterior and posterior corneal surfaces, the front and back of the crystalline lens, vitreous/retina interface, and retina/choroid interface. The distances between these various peaks represent the following five ocular axial dimensions: central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), lens thickness (LT), vitreous chamber depth (VCD), and retinal thickness (RT). The AL reported here refers to the distance from the anterior surface of the cornea to the posterior surface of the retina (the retina/choroid interface), commonly referred to as the optical AL.
Corneal curvatures were derived from high-resolution images of the anterior ocular segment captured with a Visante Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (AS-OCT; Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA, USA). Guinea pigs were also not anesthetized for AS-OCT imaging. For optimal imaging, the position of each guinea pig was adjusted to ensure the images to be scanned were clear and in the center of the screen. Observation of a bright white line running perpendicular to the corneal apex was used as an indicator of good alignment and high-quality imaging. Captured images were processed off-line using a customized MATLAB program (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). In brief, both the right and left limbal margins (boundary between white sclera and grainy cornea) were first identified and a circle connecting these two points and the anterior corneal apex generated, the latter being identified automatically by the software. The radius of the circle was taken as the anterior corneal radius of curvature (CRC). Although this method can also be applied to obtain the posterior CRC, only anterior CRCs were analyzed in this study.
Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT; Bioptigen Envisu R-Series, Morrisville, NC, USA) was used to image the posterior ocular layers and so to obtain choroidal thickness (ChT) and retinal thickness (RT) data, as well as choroidal structural details (vascular and total interstitial areas). Guinea pigs were first anesthetized with a ketamine/xylazine cocktail (27/0.6 mg/kg body weight), and then positioned on a customized platform for imaging. The SD-OCT scanning protocol used in this study was as previously described
24 (i.e. 70 B-scans and 700 A-scans, with 30 frames per B-scan and a 2.6 × 2.6-mm-wide field of view). Choroidal analyses were restricted to the visual streak region, which is approximately 2.5 optic nerve head (ONH) diameters (approximately 700 µm) away from the center of the ONH. The use of the ONH as a reference landmark allowed capture of cross-sectional images from the same ocular fundus area at each measurement time point. The cornea was massaged through the eyelids, at approximately 5-minute intervals during imaging, to maintain the integrity of the tear film, in the interest of good quality images.
The built-in calipers in the Bioptgen instrument were used to measure ChT and RT from captured cross-sectional images. The middle third of the cross-sectional images was selected for analysis to avoid optical distortions affecting more peripheral (off-axis) parts of images. Choroidal vascular luminal and interstitial areas were also determined as described previously, using the binarization method in the Image J software (; provided in the public domain by the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA).
25 In brief, the middle third of each SD-OCT image was selected and added in the ImageJ ROI manager. Luminal areas were determined using the Threshold Tool after image manipulations aimed at reducing the noise in images. In addition to total luminal areas, total interstitial and choroidal areas were calculated, and the ratio of total vessel area to total choroidal area subsequently derived.
In a pilot study, a NeurOptics PLR-3000 pupillometer (NeurOptics, Irvine, CA, USA), modified with the attachment of a +16 D auxiliary imaging lens, was used to investigate the mydriatic effect of 1% topical atropine in guinea pigs. Adult guinea pigs were used in this study, because of the difficulty in reliably identifying the iris pupil boundary in young guinea pigs. Measurements were made on awake animals under a room illumination of 160 to 180 lux. The maximum resting pupil diameter (mm), minimum (contracted) pupil diameter (mm) after light stimulation, and the contraction ratio (%) were recorded. To establish the duration of action of one drop of 1% topical atropine in the guinea pig eye, data were collected from 4 guinea pigs, whose pupils were tracked over 5 days after instillation, measurements being made 1 hour later, and then daily up to 5 days. Additional data were obtained from nine guinea pigs, which were treated in one eye with daily topical 1% atropine for 6 weeks and monitored at weekly intervals.