To investigate the behavior of silicone oil (SiO) at a steady equilibrium and during saccades in pseudophakic highly myopic eyes with posterior staphyloma with and without an encircling band and compare it to behavior in emmetropic eyes. The SiO–retina contact area and shear stress were calculated by computational fluid dynamics.
A numerical model of an emmetropic eye and a myopic eye with and without scleral band underwent a saccade of 50°/0.137 s. The vitreous chamber surface was divided into superior and inferior 180° sectors: lens, pre-equator, post-equator, and macula. SiO–retina contact was evaluated as a function of fill percentages between 80% and 90% for standing, 45° upward tilt, and supine patients. Maximum and average shear stress were calculated.
Overall, SiO–retina contact ranged between 40% and 83%; fill percentage varied between 80% and 95%. Neither the encircling scleral band nor the staphyloma significantly affected the SiO–retina contact area, although the presence of a scleral band proved disadvantageous when gazing 45° upward. The inferior retina–SiO contact remained below 40% despite 95% SiO fill. The SS significantly increased at the scleral band indentation and decreased elsewhere. The staphyloma greatly reduced shear stress at the macula.
The presence of a myopic staphyloma reduces shear stress at the macula but does not alter SiO–retina contact significantly. The apposition of a 360° scleral band may reduce SiO–retina contact at least in some postures and increases the SS at the indentation.
Translational Relevance:
Assessing SiO–retina contact when vitreous chamber geometry changes according to pathologic or iatrogenic modifications allows accurate prediction of real-life tamponade behavior and helps explain surgical outcomes.
Pars plana vitrectomy involves removal of the vitreous gel and substituting it with gases or liquids, collectively defined “tamponades,” that are intended to contact the broadest possible extension of the retinal surface, especially for retinal detachment repair.
Although all vitreous substitutes exert surface tension at the retinal interface, it is most likely the displacement of aqueous from retinal tears that prevents retinal re-detachment, whereas several other factors play important roles: surface tension, gravity, buoyancy, patient positioning, and vitreous chamber shape.
Previous studies
2 that have investigated the static and dynamic contact of tamponades have provided important information gained through the use of phantom eyes and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of idealized eye models, but far less information has been obtained regarding the behavior of silicone oil (SiO) tamponade in eyes with geometric variations. Variants
3 of the eye morphology, such as the presence of a posterior staphyloma in pathologic myopia or iatrogenic modifications induced by an encircling scleral band, may significantly alter the vitreous chamber contour from theoretical models, challenging the validity of acquired results.
The present study used CFD to evaluate static and dynamic contact of SiO tamponade with the retinal surface of myopic eyes, in the presence of posterior staphyloma and an encircling band, and compared it to emmetropic geometry.
The authors thank the Fondazione Roma, Rome, Italy.
Disclosure: T. Rossi, None; G. Querzoli, None; M.G. Badas, None; F. Angius, None; G. Ripandelli, None
In this study, the unsteady two-phase flow of tamponade and aqueous is modeled by means of the public-domain CFD code OpenFOAM, under the hypothesis of incompressible, isothermal, immiscible fluids. The governing equations of fluid mechanics are discretized using the finite volume approach and solved simultaneously for aqueous and silicone by means of the volume of fluid (VOF) method, which is based on introducing the volume fraction α, which is the ratio of the volume occupied in a cell by one fluid (in our case the water) to the cell volume. In the VOF method, the density ρ is defined as
\begin{eqnarray*}{\rm{\rho }} = {\rm{\alpha }}{{\rm{\rho }}_1} + (1 - {\rm{\alpha }}){{\rm{\rho }}_2}\end{eqnarray*}
where the volume fraction α ranges from 1 inside fluid 1 (the aqueous) having density ρ
1 to 0 inside fluid 2 (the tamponade) having density ρ
2. The governing equations read as follows:
\begin{eqnarray*}\frac{{\partial {u_j}}}{{\partial {x_j}}} = 0\end{eqnarray*}
\begin{eqnarray*}\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}\left( {{\rm{\rho }}{u_i}} \right) + \frac{\partial }{{\partial {x_j}}}\left( {{\rm{\rho }}{u_i}{u_j}} \right) = - \frac{{\partial p}}{{\partial {x_i}}} + {\rm{\rho }}{f_i} + \mu \frac{{\partial {u_i}}}{{\partial {x_j}^2}} + {\rm{\rho }}{f_{{\rm{\sigma }}i}}\end{eqnarray*}
The former states the conservation of mass (the so-called continuity equation), and the latter represents the momentum balance (namely, the Navier–Stokes equation). In these equations, µ is the dynamical viscosity,
p is the pressure,
ui is the
ith velocity component, and
fi and
fσi are the gravitational and the surface tension forces per unit mass, respectively. Continuity and Navier–Stokes equations are coupled with a transport equation for the aqueous volume fraction:
\begin{eqnarray*}\frac{{\partial {\rm{\alpha }}}}{{\partial t}} + \frac{\partial }{{\partial {x_j}}}\left( {{\rm{\alpha }}{u_j}} \right) = 0\end{eqnarray*}
The above equations were numerically solved on the computational grid using spatially second-order accurate schemes, whereas temporal advancement of the flow and of the volume fraction was performed using the implicit, first-order accurate Euler scheme. The solution of the pressure–velocity coupling was obtained through the pressure-implicit with splitting of operators (PISO) method.
The fluid domain was discretized with an unstructured mesh consisting of hexahedral and tetrahedral cells, using the grid generation tool snappyHexMesh, included in the OpenFOAM library. Following an independence grid sensitivity test, the adopted meshes had around 350,000 cells, and they were characterized by five layers of extruded hexahedral cells at the eye surface, with a maximum stretching ratio of 1.1. The dynamic mesh technique was adopted, and the grid was rigidly rotated according to the law of motion reproducing the saccade.