Chemical injuries to the cornea caused by NaOH vary from mild, self-limited ocular surface disturbances to devastating burns affecting the corneal epithelium, corneal limbus, stroma, and the corneal endothelium.
23,25–30 Severe alkali burn injuries are frequently associated with CNV and persistent epithelial defects.
25–30 Severe NaOH corneal burns can also injure the trabecular meshwork, iris, ciliary body, lens, retina, and optic nerve.
The 1N NaOH corneal burn injury method used in the present study was used in many prior rabbit studies.
23,26,27 The 1-month time point for analysis of the effect of alkali burn injury and the potential effects of the topical medications were selected because 1 month was when the wound-healing response to injury to the cornea peaked in prior studies.
5,17–20 The current study showed that severe chemical injury with 100 µL 1N NaOH delivered using a 5-mm filter paper delivery system for 1 minute penetrated through the stroma and uniformly injured a large underlying area of the corneal endothelium, and often Descemet's membrane, approximately 8 to 10 mm in diameter. No evidence of limbal injury was noted using this method. Similarly, no evidence of iris or lens damage was noted in the rabbit eyes after this injury. In preliminary experiments, even 15 seconds of exposure to 1N NaOH using this method damaged the corneal endothelium (L.P. Sampaio and S.E. Wilson, unpublished data, 2021), and, therefore, dilutions of the NaOH would likely be needed to produce a model with injury confined to the epithelium and anterior stroma of the cornea.
The mode of cell death of the affected epithelium, keratocytes, and corneal endothelium produced by the 1N NaOH was previously reported to be necrosis.
28,29 Cellular necrosis, along with denaturation of the underlying collagen fibrils,
30 likely triggered the severe corneal inflammatory response that was noted with the slit lamp in all corneas in this study during the first few days to 2 weeks after injury.
The opacities remaining at 1 month after injury and treatment in all groups were characterized by a dense central zone surrounded by a less dense ring (
Fig. 1A). We hypothesize that the dense central area represents denatured and disorganized collagen fibrils produced by the original NaOH injury, along with myofibroblasts that developed and the large amounts of disordered extracellular matrix these fibrotic cells produced.
5,20,31 The less dense ring may be associated with less severely damaged stromal collagen and corneal fibroblasts, along with lesser amounts of disordered extracellular matrix produced by corneal fibroblasts, although further investigation would be needed to confirm this hypothesis.
In a prior study,
7 topical 0.4 mg/mL losartan six times per day decreased corneal scarring and stromal myofibroblasts after descemetorhexis injury to the corneal endothelium and Descemet's membrane. In the present study, topical treatment with 0.2 mg/mL losartan in BSS, 1% prednisolone acetate, or combined losartan and prednisolone acetate six times per day decreased the total corneal opacity area measured with ImageJ on the standardized slit-lamp images (
Fig. 1B). The differences in the total area of opacity were not significantly different between the losartan, prednisolone acetate, or combined losartan/prednisolone acetate groups (
Table 2). The total opacity in pixels in the opacified area of cornea, also measured with ImageJ, was significantly lower in the 0.2-mg/mL losartan group or the combined 0.2-mg/mL losartan + 1% prednisolone acetate group compared to the vehicle BSS group. The 1% prednisolone acetate alone group trended toward decreased total opacity compared to the vehicle BSS group, but the difference did not reach statistical significance (
Table 3).
The most interesting findings in this study relate to myofibroblast development and stromal fibrosis in the different treatment groups (
Fig. 2A). All corneas that had the alkali burn followed by treatment with vehicle BSS had α-SMA–positive myofibroblasts and fibrosis throughout the full thickness of the cornea, although this fibrosis appeared to be greatest adjacent to the anterior and posterior stromal surfaces (
Supplementary Fig. S2), likely due to higher concentrations of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 penetrating the stroma from the tears, epithelium, residual peripheral corneal endothelium, and aqueous humor at the corneal surfaces.
5,20 In the NaOH-injured corneas treated with topical 0.2 mg/mL losartan, the greatest density of α-SMA–positive myofibroblasts tended to be noted in the posterior half of the stroma, although lesser amounts of anterior stromal α-SMA–positive myofibroblasts were noted in the two losartan-treated corneas after 1 month of treatment (
Supplementary Fig. S2). Persistent corneal epithelial defects are themselves associated with the development of anterior stromal myofibroblasts and fibrosis
32 and could have had a role in anterior myofibroblasts noted in two losartan-treated corneas. Alkali-injured corneas treated with 1% prednisolone acetate alone were more variable in stromal myofibroblast development (
Supplementary Fig. S2). After injury and treatment with combined losartan and prednisolone acetate, however, the α-SMA–positive myofibroblasts in all four corneas were restricted to the far posterior stroma (
Supplementary Fig. S2). It is important to note that the corneal endothelium and Descemet's membrane had not regenerated in any cornea in any of the treatment groups by the 1-month time point, as can be noted in the representative corneas in
Figure 2A.
When the area of α-SMA–positive myofibroblasts was determined using ImageJ in each of the central corneas (
Fig. 2B), the combined losartan + prednisolone acetate group was significantly different from the vehicle BSS-treated group (
P = 0.0005,
Table 4). This combined losartan + prednisolone acetate group also had low standard error of the mean for the area of α-SMA staining (
Fig. 2B). The combined losartan and prednisolone acetate group had a significantly lower area of α-SMA staining than the prednisolone acetate–alone group. Similarly, when the total α-SMA intensity per corneal section was determined using ImageJ in each of the corneas (
Fig. 2C), the combined losartan + prednisolone acetate treatment group was significantly lower than the vehicle BSS-treated group (
P = 0.002,
Table 5), and the combined losartan + prednisolone acetate treatment group was significantly lower than the prednisolone acetate–alone group (
P = 0.01). We hypothesize that the efficacy of the combined losartan + prednisolone acetate treatment after the severe alkali burns was attributable to the corticosteroid modulation of inflammation due to the severe tissue necrosis and the losartan modulation of profibrotic TGF-β effects on stromal myofibroblast development and, therefore, disordered collagen production by these cells. Bone marrow–derived fibrocytes also enter the stroma from the limbus after injury and, in addition to corneal fibroblasts, are TGF-β–driven precursors to myofibroblasts.
33,34 Corticosteroids inhibit the proliferation of fibrocytes necessary for generation of large numbers of myofibroblasts
35 and also trigger fibrocyte apoptosis.
36 Thus, the topical corticosteroids could contribute to losartan inhibition of myofibroblast development from both corneal fibroblasts and fibrocytes via these mechanisms.
One limitation of this study was that treatments after alkali burn injury were only applied for 1 month after injury. However, a decrease in myofibroblasts in the stroma is a first step to the resolution of fibrosis,
5,20 since it allows for the migration of corneal fibroblasts, and eventually keratocytes, from the peripheral cornea into the injured tissue. These stromal cells function to reabsorb damaged collagens and other matrix materials and regenerate ordered stromal collagen fibrils associated with corneal transparency.
5,19–22 We hypothesize that longer treatment with topical losartan and prednisolone acetate, probably for at least several months to a year, would produce a further increase in corneal transparency since stromal myofibroblast area and intensity of α-SMA staining were markedly and consistently decreased when both medications were applied (
Figs. 2B,
2C). Once the myofibroblasts are eliminated, keratocytes and corneal fibroblasts can begin the slow process of removing and reorganizing the disordered extracellular matrix that contributes to the scarring and eventually may restore transparency. Whether or not this leads to sufficient vision to reduce the need for corneal transplantation requires further study. Certainly, other factors, such as insufficient inhibition of TGF-β signaling by losartan and/or the effects of other growth factors, such as PDGF, could influence this efficacy of losartan on long-standing scars. Further studies in animals and humans will be needed to determine the efficacy of the losartan and topical corticosteroid combination in established corneal scars. Another explanation for why a greater increase in transparency was not noted after 1 month of losartan-prednisolone acetate treatment is that the corneal endothelium was not yet regenerated. Even after a simple 8-mm descemetorhexis in rabbits, the corneal endothelium and Descemet's membrane do not regenerate until 4 to 6 months after the injury.
37 Thus, some of the opacity is due to stromal edema. Full recovery of transparency, especially in human corneas with lower corneal endothelial proliferative potential, may require simultaneous treatment with rho-kinase inhibitors to stimulate corneal endothelial proliferation
38 or endothelial replacement surgery.
All alkali-burned corneas in this study treated with BSS vehicle six times a day developed moderate to severe CNV that further compromises corneal transparency and vision (
Fig. 1A,
Supplementary Fig. S1). Further study is needed to determine if losartan plus corticosteroid therapy alone could provide effective treatment to reduce CNV after severe corneal injuries or whether the application of other inhibitors of CNV would be needed.
This study demonstrated that severe sodium hydroxide injuries are commonly associated with damage to the corneal endothelium and Descemet's membrane that increase the corneal fibrosis response. This is analogous to findings regarding the effects of chemical burns caused by bioweapon agents, such as sulfur mustard, where corneal endothelial damage was a major determinate of the long-term outcomes of injury.
39,40 Combined topical losartan and corticosteroids could also decrease myofibroblast generation and corneal scarring fibrosis that occur in response to these chemical bio-weapon agents.
This study also found that collagen type IV produced by corneal fibroblasts, which was not associated with the epithelial BM or Descemet's BM, was upregulated in the stroma after alkali burn injury, similar to what was noted after descemetorhexis injury in prior studies.
7,22 The increase was most prominent in the anterior and posterior stroma, nearest to the tear film and aqueous humor sources of TGF-β1 and TGF-β2.
5,22 TGF-β1 directly stimulates corneal fibroblasts to upregulate collagen type IV production.
7 Since collagen type IV directly binds TGF-β1 and TGF-β2
41,42 and prevents their binding to the cognate TGF-β receptors, thereby modulating the effects of TGF-β on stromal cells, this collagen type IV upregulation likely represents a feedback regulatory pathway to modulate the effects of TGF-β on corneal fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, and other stromal cells.
7 This regulatory pathway is also likely active in other organs where injuries trigger fibrosis and organ dysfunction.
43 Losartan, via its modulation of TGF-β signaling, decreased collagen type IV production in the stroma after alkali burn injury, similar to what was found in the descemetorhexis injury model in rabbits.
7 This decrease in collagen type IV production extending to the posterior stroma confirms topical losartan penetration into the stroma.
In conclusion, combined topical treatment with losartan and corticosteroids most effectively decreased corneal opacity and stromal myofibroblast generation after severe alkali burn injury. Further study is needed to optimize the dosing regimens and the timing of treatment after injury to provide effective therapy for chemical burns in humans.