We can also infer from the results in Experiment 1 that the Henson model of short-term variability
10 used in some simulation studies
57–59 may be suboptimal. It has previously been suggested that the Henson model overestimates variability at low sensitivities and that, when including such locations, an exponential model with different coefficients giving lower estimates could be more accurate
60; this is consistent with the results of fitting the exponential model to our data from Experiment 1. It has also been suggested that the Henson model could be used, but a maximum standard deviation of 6 dB should be imposed to better represent empirical estimates of variability at low sensitivities.
31 However those studies and the original study by Henson et al.
10 all assumed that the relation between sensitivity and variability should be consistent across the range, of sensitivities. Yet, recent studies have shown that properties of sensitivity estimates from perimetry differ between locations where the stimulus area is within versus outside Ricco's area.
26,27,37–39 We propose that the same may be true of the relation between sensitivity and variability. Data from this study and from previous studies
31,61 are actually more consistent with a linear model. Such a model would assume that, when sensitivity is below around 28 dB, variability increases linearly as sensitivity decreases. Such a model gives a very similar fit to the exponential model from 10 to 28 dB but without the excessively high estimates at lower sensitivities. The apparently better fit of the exponential model is solely due to the influence of locations with sensitivities above this cutoff. The exact upper cutoff that is optimal and the form of the model that could be used above that sensitivity cannot be determined from our data. The linear model used in the simulations of Experiment 3 assumed constant variability at locations above 28 dB, but that assumption was made for simplicity in the absence of better information. The exact sensitivity at which complete spatial summation ends will inevitably vary between individuals, and 28 dB is an approximation based on previous studies
37,39 rather than a definitively optimized value. Above whatever cutoff is chosen, it is certainly plausible that variability could still be related to sensitivity among locations undergoing partial spatial summation, just with a shallower slope.
56 It should be noted that, when results were based on 30 stimulus presentations per location, the model used did not appreciably impact the estimated short-term variability of the testing algorithm or the consequent estimate of the long-term variability, as seen in
Figures 3C and
4. For the purposes of this study, an inaccurate model delays but does not prevent convergence to the sensitivity estimate. Thus, although this issue is important for future studies and indeed our results from Experiment 1 can contribute to those studies, it does not affect the validity of our conclusions concerning long-term variability.