Noninvasive measures of inner retinal thickness have become essential for the detection, and monitoring of optic neuropathies. In the NHP experimental glaucoma model, morphological changes are assessed using a combination of raster, radial, and circular OCT scans.
26–29 These well-established scan protocols have very good repeatability but are limited to a 30° scan area.
30 Although there is evidence from clinical studies that widefield imaging has advantages,
9,31,32 these have not been adopted in the NHP, because of a lack of normative data. The present study of healthy NHP eyes shows that inner retinal thickness measures from widefield imaging are similar to those from standard raster scans, and have similar repeatability. In addition, aligned data from 30 healthy NHP subjects provide normative data for both 20° and widefield raster scans.
Thickness measures from OCT systems are known to correspond well with histology.
33,34 However, there are often discrepancies in absolute thickness measurements and repeatability when comparing different OCT systems.
4,35–37 Although instrument differences in image quality can be a factor,
38 discrepancy in thickness measures often reflects differences in image processing.
36,39 This is due to lack of standards for retinal layer segmentation and the fact that most algorithms are proprietary. Furthermore, in experimental animal models, instrument-based segmentation generally performs poorly, necessitating the development of custom algorithms. In the described study, the training data set for the neural networks were segmented using identical criteria for each of the three raster scan types. Briefly, borders of the inner limiting membrane, nerve fiber layer, inner plexiform layer and Bruch's membrane were manually marked, and major retinal vessels were included in the nerve fiber layer when these had any physical contact with that layer.
2,21,22 Hence, although there were differences in the transverse spacing of A-scans and B-scans, thickness measures were similar for traditional 20° scan protocols and widefield imaging.
RNFL thickness profiles (i.e., temporal-superior-nasal-inferior-temporal [TSNIT] plots) from circumpapillary scans and the corresponding sectoral and global average thicknesses are among the most commonly used analyses to monitor clinical disease and experimental glaucoma in the non-human primate.
40–42 Nominally these are derived from a single circular scan, 12° in diameter, but interpolated images extracted from raster scans are also used.
22 Regardless of methodology, global circumpapillary RNFL thickness is correlated with total retrobulbar axons.
1,2,43 Although thickness metrics from circumpapillary scans are sensitive, and local defects can be identified on TSNIT profiles, they cannot be used to determine the arcuate nature of loss. In this case, OCT en face images and RNFL probability maps from raster scans have excellent diagnostic value.
44–46 Furthermore, several clinical studies have shown that wedge defects identified on thickness or deviation maps mirror those on red-free fundus imaging.
47–50 Similarly, although NHP experimental glaucoma normally results in a global reduction in RNFL thickness, there are associated localized arcuate defects (
Fig. 6). Longitudinal monitoring of these measures could provide valuable insights regarding both structure-structure and structure-function relationships.
Arcuate losses visualized on RNFL thickness maps provide information on localizing defects to a specific optic nerve head sector but not the precise location of RGC soma loss. For this, GCIPL thickness is known to relate well with localized RGC soma content, at least for the macula region where cell density is greatest.
2 As with RGC densities from histology,
51 GCIPL thickness from widefield imaging is concentrated in the central 20° degrees (boxed region in
Fig. 3), thinning to a uniform thickness in the periphery. In principle, because in vivo structural measures and thresholds from visual fields reflect on RGC content, there should be good correspondence between the two measures. Although GCIPL thickness is reduced in the periphery, when combined with RNFL thickness, perimetric thresholds can be predicted from in vivo structure.
7,8 This suggests that peripheral thickness measures from widefield imaging may provide useful insight into RGC content. Hence, it is possible that longitudinal monitoring of disease progression using widefield imaging may provide valuable insights into the compartmental losses associated with glaucoma.
The confidence for detecting progression depends on the sources of variability for OCT thickness measures, which include animal factors, instrument factors, and segmentation. All animals used for assessing repeatability had good health throughout the imaging session for the described experiment. In addition, all sessions were at approximately the same time of the day, minimizing diurnal sources of variability. Imaging with OCT technology is robust. However, two instances of instrument error were encountered and images from these sessions were excluded from analysis. In our previous work,
2,20–22 we used semiautomated segmentation, which was depended on manually correcting segmentation errors, and inherently had subjective bias. Although the neural network learns some of these biases, they are typically agnostic to the eye being analyzed and the disease state. Repeatability using segmentation from neural networks of widefield imaging is on par with measures from standard 20° scan protocols. Furthermore, although the dynamic range of widefield inner retinal thickness is not currently known for this model, repeatability (
Fig. 5) is at least five times the average thickness (
Figs. 2,
3), suggesting that loss of inner retinal thickness, even in peripheral locations should be quantifiable.
There are several limitations to the current work. Although identical criteria were used for manual segmentation, the training dataset was labeled by only three individuals, and differences between the three were not considered. During imaging, we were careful with maintaining clear optics and alignment. However, sedated animals can have cyclotorsion, and scans were not acquired aligned to either the fovea—Bruch's membrane opening axis—or the horizontal raphe.
39,52 Each of the animals used for determining repeatability had healthy eyes. Although OCT measures are known to have good repeatability in disease eyes,
30 it will be important to establish repeatability at varying stages of neuropathy to assess the utility of widefield imaging in experimental disease. Previous work comparing thickness from widefield imaging and raster scans accounted for differences in retinal curvature,
10 which were not accounted for in the present study. Although this was initially part of the experimental design, animals used for the current work were emmetropic, and scans acquired were relatively flat. However, accounting for retinal curvature will likely be needed for myopic eyes.
In this study, we show that RNFL and GCIPL thickness can be reliably quantified using widefield imaging in the non-human primate. The data encompass standard 20° raster scans and have similar thickness and repeatability. Although histological correlations for widefield in vivo measures are unknown, they could provide methods for predicting visual thresholds and determining the time course of compartmental losses in experimental disease. Because the NHP is a scarce resource, the normative data and neural networks used in this study will be made freely available.