In recent years, AI has been applied to various domains, including health care (medicine), and specifically in ophthalmology. Several novel algorithms have been applied to various tasks such as disease diagnosis in ophthalmology, as described in several previous studies.
9–20 Most of these algorithms were introduced to automatically detect and differentiate macular diseases, such as AMD.
21 A large number of medical images combined with automated image analysis yielded a satisfactory result from the developed models that was near equal to the results from human evaluation. Fundus photographs and SD-OCT are among the most common imaging tests to diagnose retinal diseases.
A fundus photograph is normally used to document and sometimes diagnose certain eye conditions, including macular diseases such as AMD and PCV. An automated prediagnosis of AMD using typical machine learning models to detect an appearance of a drusen from fundus images was proposed.
22 Even though machine learning methods perform relatively well, a lot of effort is needed to sufficiently train them to identify important features. To address this, deep learning models, especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their variations, have gained popularity over the past few years. A custom-designed CNN was employed to automatically and accurately diagnose AMD at an early stage.
23 Another deep convolutional neural network–based model was introduced to predict exudative AMD based on fundus images.
24 In addition, DeepSeeNet
25 and its extension
26 were proposed to detect individual AMD risk factors, which were further used to classify different disease severity stages. Similar works by Burlina et al.,
27 Grassmann et al.,
28 and Liu et al.
29 used CNN-based models to perform this task. Another pool of research work relied on a transfer learning concept that applied knowledge learned from one task to another task. The networks fully trained on a standard large data set were fine-tuned with a retina image data set, as proposed in previous studies.
An ophthalmologist typically uses SD-OCT for a certain diagnosis by observing the macula's distinctive layers to map the abnormal characteristic and measure the central retinal thickness. In an early era of advanced AI, the traditional machine learning method, coupled with specific techniques, was implemented to detect different stages of disease based on SD-OCT images.
35–38 Other research set forth to identify and segment specific macular fluid from SD-OCT images using a CNN-based autoencoder.
39,40 In addition, a large pool of work relied on deep neural networks to classify input SD-OCT images into different abnormalities, such as AMD versus normal. Some of these works trained CNNs from a completely blank network,
41–44 while others relied on the transfer learning method.
45–50 Additional complicated techniques were considered when training deep neural networks, such as segmenting retina components
51-53 and incorporating a novel residual unit subsuming atrous separable convolution.
54 In addition, an attention technique
55 was adopted for automated retinal image localization and recognition. For example, Fang et al.
56 introduced a novel lesion-aware convolutional neural network (LACNN) using a soft attention map to identify lesion location within SD-OCT images. Mishra et al.
57 developed multilevel CNNs with dual-attention, while Wu et al.
58 focused on specific parts of an image in the model. A novel joint-attention network consisting of a supervised encoding network and an unsupervised attention network was introduced.
Although various models have been proposed to distinguish types of AMD, very few studies have focused on the detection of PCV. Most PCV-related works aimed to automate segmentation of PED or to quantify measurement of PED volume. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) and multiple image systems were used to evaluate the three-dimensional characteristics of polypoidal structures, BVNs, and PCV.
60 Another work by Xu et al.
61 introduced dual-stage deep neural networks for PED segmentation in PCV. Recent work has been proposed to directly diagnose PCV disease. Yang et al.
62 distinguish normal nvAMD from PCV using ICG angiography images. Xu et al.
63 used a bimodality convolutional neural network to differentiate AMD from PCV using fundus and SD-OCT images.