The upper bound, above which there was an apparent step change worsening the signal-to-noise ratio, was around 31 dB. For clinical care, the regions of most interest for monitoring progression are locations with sensitivity below this point. The implications are related more to methods for improving on current clinical perimetry, since this cutoff occurs at the approximate point at which Ricco's area of complete spatial summation equals the area of the size III stimulus used. There is ongoing debate over whether it is better to increase the stimulus size (most likely from size III to size V),
7,37 which would greatly increase the proportion of locations that are above this cutoff,
13 or to decrease the stimulus size (to ensure it stays within Ricco's area),
15,38 which would ensure that all locations were below this cutoff,
17 or whether the difference is too small to be of clinical relevance. The results of the above analyses may prove to be a Rorschach test for each point of view. Proponents of using stimuli smaller than Ricco's area might point to evidence in
Figure 2 and the subsequent quantile regression analyses that the signal-to-noise ratio, in the form of the LSNR, was indeed better below the cutoff. Proponents of using stimuli that are larger than Ricco's area in healthy observers, in order to increase sensitivities, might point out that there are sufficient caveats with these results that they do not disprove the benefits of larger stimuli. Our results could be caused by the distribution of rates of loss, not by any inherent upper limit on the optimal dynamic range. There are likely to be a lower proportion of locations that are truly progressing (and hence have more negative LSNR) at sensitivities 31 to 35 dB than at 27 to 31 dB; this caveat is reduced by looking at the 5th, 10th, and 20th percentiles of the distribution but is not eliminated entirely. Further, significant step changes in LSNR were not found when using cutoffs of 30 dB or 32 dB, which could be taken as evidence that the results are not robust or could be taken as evidence that the 31-dB cutoff is indeed appropriate and optimal given its agreement with previous literature.
17 Finally, it should be pointed out that Ricco's area enlarges in glaucoma, and so in regions of advanced damage, a larger stimulus might extend the effective dynamic range while remaining within Ricco's area.
16 Meanwhile, the relatively small difference in LSNR above/below the cutoff (the 10th percentile in
Figure 2 was −2.53 y
−1 for locations with sensitivity 30–31 dB versus −2.31 y
−1 for locations with sensitivity 31–32 dB) could be taken as evidence that the difference is too small to be clinically relevant, and hence that practical factors such as patient experience should take precedence,
39 although it should be noted that this difference is diluted by the fact that most locations whose mean sensitivity is near 31 dB will have been above the cutoff on some visits and below on others. A useful next step would be to perform LSNR analysis on series of fields acquired with different stimulus sizes on the same days. If staying below Ricco's area is indeed beneficial, we would predict that the LSNR at progressing locations would be more negative for size III than size V when the location is below 31 dB for size III but above 31 dB for size V but approximately equal otherwise. If using larger stimuli is indeed beneficial, we would predict that the LSNR at progressing locations would be more negative for size V than size III across the range.