Six hundred eighty-eight corneas were used in the pepsin digestion assay, divided in five experiments. These experiments were performed in batches of 20 to 30 eyes, which were processed during the same day. In each batch, the corneas were randomly allocated to the control group or one of the various treatment groups representing the PACK-CXL protocol modifications investigated. In experiment 1 (acceleration), a 10 minute 9 mW, and 2 minute 45 mW protocol were compared to a 30 minute 3 mW, 5.4 J/cm
2 protocol (135 corneas). In experiment 2 (fluence), 10.8, 16.2, 21.6, 26, and 32.4 J/cm
2 protocols were compared to a 10 minute 9 mW, 5.4 J/cm
2 protocol (263 corneas). In experiment 3 (riboflavin concentration and D
2O supplementation), 0.1 and 0.4% riboflavin concentrations were compared, and the supplementation of D
2O was evaluated, using a 10 minute 9 mW, 5.4 J/cm
2 protocol (125 corneas). In experiment 4 (riboflavin carrier), HPMC was compared to Dextran as chromophore carrier using a 10 minute 9 mW, 5.4 J/cm
2 protocol (122 corneas). In experiment 5 (riboflavin replenishment), two 10 minute 9 mW + 2 × 2 minutes 45 mW, 16.2 J/cm
2 protocols were compared, during which riboflavin was either replenished during and between irradiation cycles, or not (41 corneas). See
Tables 1a and
1b for the detailed experimental layout.