Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and have the ability to differentiate to any cell type from the three germ layers, mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm.
44 Discovered more recently, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be generated from adult cells by the overexpression of “Yamanaka factors,” which include Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and cMyc.
45,46 Various human fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and hematopoietic cells have been used to generate stable iPSC cell lines that show characteristics similar to ESCs.
The use of human ESCs (hESCs) has been explored for use in a wide range of retinal degenerative conditions. Established protocols include the differentiation of RPE (retinal pigment epithelium) for AMD (age-related macular degeneration)-based therapies
49 and the generation of retinal progenitors that express markers for differentiated rod and cone photoreceptors following injection to the rodent eye.
50 More recently, studies have shown that ESCs can be differentiated to generate RGCs using either chemically defined or CRISPR-engineered protocols.
51–54 Using a reporter stem cell line, RGCs expressing BRN3B and BRN3C can be FACS (fluorescence-activated cell sorting) sorted from adherent hESC-differentiated retinal tissue and grown on scaffolds to guide axonal outgrowth.
51 These cells survive in culture and could be generated rapidly within 4 weeks, exhibited axonal outgrowth, and were viable when transplanted in adult rat retina.
Both hESCs and human iPSCs (hiPSCs) have been used to generate three-dimensional retinal organoids that are shown to closely mimic in vivo development.
55–57 This differentiation protocol developed by Nakano et al.
55 has provided an easy-to-follow method for reliably generating laminated neuroretinal tissues. Adapted by many other laboratories,
56,58–60 this novel strategy has paved the way for modern retinal research, including development, disease pathogenesis, and regenerative medicine. Retinal organoids are physiologically and metabolically functional, where photoreceptors
61 and RGCs
62 have been demonstrated to produce electrophysiologic responses to light activity. RNA sequencing analysis of retinal organoids has identified multiple RGC subtypes, which highlights their cellular diversity during in vivo development.
53 One recent study demonstrated that RGCs derived from retinal organoids formed by hiPSCs survived for up to a month and improved function following injection into the vitreous of mice with optic neuropathy.
Differentiation of photoreceptor precursors has also been increased in retinal organoids by the addition of COCO, an antagonist of the Wnt, Notch, TGF-β, and BMP pathways.
64,65 The generation of RGCs using this method has proved more challenging, as there is a short competence window for the differentiation of RGCs during early retinal development. Furthermore, the number of RGCs decreases over time in retinal organoid cultures,
66 while photoreceptor numbers increase.
56 There is some in vivo evidence that the addition of microRNAs such as miR‐125b, miR‐9, and Let‐7 can increase the production of RGCs, in addition to promoting progenitor cell competence.
67 Additionally, it may also be possible to regulate RGC differentiation by mitophagy-dependent metabolic reprogramming via glycolysis.
68 Regulation of differentiation pathways such as Shh, TGFβ, Notch, and Wnt signaling has also shown to control RGC differentiation in mammalian retinas,
69–71 while the addition of netrin-1 to retinal organoid culture medium has shown to enhance RGC neurite outgrowth.
72 An in vitro approach using retinal organoids provides the perfect platform to discover and refine RGC differentiation techniques; as such, a robust protocol may be available in the not too distant future.
In some cases, methods to isolate cells from stem cell–derived retinal organoids may be more advantageous than trying to develop protocols to promote direct differentiation. RGCs are especially well suited for this, as they can be produced more rapidly due to being one of the first cell types to develop in retinal organoids.
72 In summary, ESC- and iPSC-based methodologies are ideal for the development of cell-based disease models and therapies for glaucoma and other retinal diseases.