Supported by the Greenwald Family Research Fund, a Research to Prevent Blindness grant to the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Colorado, the Frederic C. Hamilton Macular Degeneration Center, Sue Anschutz-Rogers Eye Center Research Fund, NIH/NCATS Colorado CTSA Grant Number UL1 TR002535, and in part by the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01EY032456 (A.M.L.)
The University of Colorado Retina Research Group: Melanie Akau, OD, Rebecca Baldermann, BA, Karen L. Christopher, MD, Richard Davidson, MD, Talisa E. De Carlo Forest, MD, C. Rob Graef, OD, Ramya Gnanaraj, MD, Anne M. Lynch, MB, BCH, BAO, MSPH, Naresh Mandava, MD, Niranjan Manoharan, MD, Marc T. Mathias, MD, Scott N. Oliver, MD, Jeffery L. Olson, MD, Alan G. Palestine, MD, Jennifer L. Patnaik, PhD, MHS, Jesse M. Smith, MD, and Brandie D. Wagner, PhD.
Disclosure: V. Rajeswaren, None; B.D. Wagner, None; J.L. Patnaik, None; N. Mandava, None; M.T. Mathias, None; N. Manoharan, None; T.E. De Carlo Forest, None; R. Gnanaraj, None; A.M. Lynch, None; A.G. Palestine, None