There are several limitations to this study. The first regarding scaling of our images. Whereas our approach used OCT-A images that were scaled using a participant's axial length, appropriate scaling of OCT-A images remains rare across most studies. Given this, it is still not known how a metric's sensitivity will change when using unscaled images commonly used in OCT-A studies,
49 although there are examples in the literature where axial scaling does not impact structure-function correlations.
50 As such, the scaling aspect is likely not a major limitation. Second, the sample of the data in the present study is relatively small and may not be generalizable to other populations. Specifically, with known variation of retinal vasculature metrics across sex,
51,52 race,
53,54 and age,
51,55,56 these results may not accurately reflect relative sensitivities in specific demographic cohorts. Third, our method of utilizing randomized capillary loss across the entire image may not accurately reflect capillary abnormalities in vivo. For instance, studies investigating diabetic retinopathy find statistically significant increases in FAZ area when compared to healthy controls and suggest that our findings may underestimate the true sensitivity of metrics involving the FAZ area, although the characteristics of the “healthy control” group can contribute to apparent differences in sensitivity observed between studies.
57,58 Certain pathologic processes, including larger vessel loss, abnormalities in vessel tortuosity, and neovascularization in diabetic retinopathy would also affect metric data and would need to be accounted for before clinical interpretation.
59,60 Simulating randomized vessel loss also may not coincide with pathologic abnormalities in vivo as studies have shown non-random capillary abnormalities in states of diabetic retinopathy,
61 sickle cell retinopathy,
62 and branch retinal vein occlusion.
63 However, randomized “loss” of capillaries may mimic changes in OCT-A images that result from intermittent flow or variations in image quality, and thus represent a useful tool to probe relative metric sensitivity. Furthermore, various retinal pathologies, such as age-related macular degeneration
64 and sickle cell retinopathy,
65 can selectively target different capillary layers within the retina. Because of this, additional studies investigating metric abnormalities should consider replicating specific patterns of loss for specific pathologies. Fourth, although this study highlights potential clinical applications in screening isolated images, it is important to note that absolute and relative metric sensitivities are likely quite different for assessing an OCT-A image when a baseline image for the same patient is available for comparison. Additionally, the analysis performed here applies only to averaged parafoveal images of the full retinal vascular slab. With the emergence of ultra-widefield OCT-A technology,
66–68 additional studies investigating the relative sensitivities of metrics would need to be carried out for ultra-widefield images, as the interplay between metrics (i.e. the FAZ area confounding the PICA metrics in this study) would be less pronounced in a larger image. Finally, given the proprietary nature of both image processing and metric derivation by commercially available OCT-A devices, how our analysis extends to images obtained with different devices or to different metric implementations is not known.