We aimed to develop a magnetic levator prosthesis with adjustable force to address the need for customization in the magnetic correction of severe paralytic blepharoptosis. The study results support the hypothesis that our novel approach of angular translation is clinically feasible and produces an adequate range of magnetic forces for real time titration of the force that controls the lid's position. Clinical empirical data were validated mathematically using COMSOL multi-physics analysis, which allowed further optimization of the parameters of the device in a laboratory setting. Proof of concept was subsequently confirmed by fabricating a prototype device that was used in two participants with ptosis and was able to change the interpalpebral fissure height and the amount of closing during spontaneous blinking by changing the spectacle magnet angular position (see
Fig. 5). To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of successful blink re-animation using a proof of concept manually adjustable MLP device. This adjustable force feature should help address issues of incomplete spontaneous blinking, as identified in our prior work
12 and provide improved fitting and ease of force titration. This addresses a major limitation of using fixed magnets for blink re-animation which are known to partially impede spontaneous lid closing.
The masked box experiment with the box magnet is the first to systematically study the effect of magnet force on eyelid dynamics in severe ptosis during eyelid re-amination. Our results demonstrate saturation of eyelid opening around 55 gF for type I arrays and 45 gF for type II arrays (see
Fig. 2A) without impeding volitional blink. Spontaneous blink was impeded at 45 gF for type I arrays and >55 gF for type II arrays. This apparent difference between arrays may be related to higher force at the magnet interface due to greater thickness of the type I array magnets in the polarized direction (2 mm in type I vs. 1 mm in type II). The force is also distributed over a wider area (6 mm
2 in type II vs. 3 mm
2 in type I). Despite this apparent difference, analysis did not find significance, that is, differences between eye closing during spontaneous blinking was not different for type I compared to the type II eyelid array magnet, in this small sample. Analysis of the optimal settings showed that both type I and type II arrays should be available for fitting in future studies.
Although the aMLP provided good blink dynamics in these two cases, there are likely ways to make further improvements. We observed that in these two cases with unilateral ptosis, where the spectacle frame magnet was fitted only on one eye, the lightweight frame that we selected would sag onto one side due to the weight of the spectacle frame magnet. Substantial force changes occur with frame movements as small as 1 mm, therefore a more stable frame is paramount. While adding counterweights to the other side of the spectacle frame might be helpful to balance the weight distribution for the unilateral ptosis cases, distributing counterweight along a traditional frame might be challenging and would make the frame bulky and prone to sagging on the face. Using custom designed 3D printed spectacle frames, specifically designed for the individual user that provide better fit and allow uniform distribution of counterweight, as reported previously in a recent phase I study,
16 would likely be a better alternative to using the frames used in this study.
An interesting observation in this proof-of-concept study was the dynamic rotational behavior of the eyelid array when the spectacle frame magnet was set at 90 degrees and 180 degrees rotation. From COMSOL modeling, we expected that these orientations of the spectacle frame magnet would repel the eyelid array magnet as both magnets were fixed in the simulated COMSOL environment. However, in actual testing with the two cases reported, the eyelid array magnet rolled on the participant's coronal axis, folding into the eyelid skin, effectively flipping the orientation of the magnetic poles so they aligned for attraction (0 degrees rotation). The eyelid skin thickness likely affected the amount of rolling. Further investigation is necessary to determine inter-subject variability in this rotational response and how this characteristic may be harnessed to improve performance and cosmesis. For example, rolling of the array had the effect of hiding it within the lid skin, and this is cosmetically preferable. In addition, rolling of the skin around the array appears to improve lid response to magnetic pull, and acts similarly to blepharoplasty, where the lid is shortened to correct ptosis. One possible method to control the rolling could be to increase or decrease the amount of PDMS flange on the surface of the IV 3000. To this end, a COMSOL model should be developed to account for changes in orientation with resistance factor, such as degree of skin laxity and thickness. This will accelerate prototyping, reduce cost, and remove the burden of testing with participants.
Our study has some limitations. In the box experiment, boxes were held in place by the experimenter. Although this was a rapid, and therefore, clinically feasible way to test the range of magnet strengths, it may have allowed the experimenter to realize the size of the magnet in the box or help the patient blink by unintentionally moving the box downward. Future studies should use an interchangeable holder on a sturdy spectacle frame to eliminate this. Precise positioning of the box using landmarks, such as the eyebrow, should be used so that placement is consistent between and within subjects. Characterization of spontaneous versus volitional blinks was a potential problem in the study and is currently our best explanation for the bimodal distribution seen in the box experiment data. We used verbal instruction (blink rapidly = spontaneous, and close tightly and open as volitional). In fact, the blinks classified as spontaneous may not represent true spontaneous blinks. If this is the case, our results may underestimate the force where true spontaneous blink would be affected. Video recording for longer durations without specific instruction to blink may have allowed us to capture true spontaneous blinks, and, if so, the results could be different. We only chose box magnets in the range of 5 to 55 gF due to the lack of availability of off-the-shelf rectangular magnets. To know the exact upper limit for the optimal range of magnetic force, higher magnetic force testing would be required. With higher magnetic forces we expect that eye opening would reach a ceiling while it would eventually completely prevent eye closing (volitional and spontaneous). This would be painful, however, and may not be ethical (or necessary). Despite these limitations, the results provide an important proof of concept on the relevance of angular translation of the spectacle magnet to provide the opportunity for better fitting and ease of customization of the aMLP for blink re-animation in participants with ptosis.
The aMLP is currently a working prototype, which needs to be further evaluated with a larger patient population to determine the efficacy. As such, it is not available as an off-the-shelf product and can only be procured from the clinicians involved in this study. The aMLP must be used under the supervision of a clinician. Furthermore, as a research device, it has not been extensively validated to be used outside the research settings. However, the authors aim to further evaluate the aMLP in future studies as a take-home device. As such, there need to be guidelines for the usage of the aMLP. The functionality of the aMLP can be interfered by other strong magnetic forces, which can be caused by devices that provide strong magnetic fields, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), metal detectors, electric motors, metallic implants and prostheses closer to the eyes, and any other ferromagnetic substances. Hence, we recommend the users to steer away from such devices. Moreover, as the aMLP have magnetic substances and rest on the head, any activities that would involve sudden movement should not be performed when using the aMLP.