All authors contributed to the analysis, writing, and editing of the final manuscript. Silkiss, Tyler, Koppinger, and Truong additionally contributed to the design and execution of the study. We are grateful to the Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation (BEBRF) for their grant support; Greenwich Biosciences (GWPH – now a part of Jazz Pharmaceuticals (Palo Alto, CA), for their donation of medication and placebo; and the Pacific Vision Foundation for seed grant support. We additionally thank the BEBRF, and particularly Mark Hallett, for assistance in the study design and manuscript review. The authors have no conflicting relationships to report. Silkiss and Koppinger had full access to all the data in the study and took responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. The research was presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, 2021.
Financial Disclosure: The research team reports group funding in the form of grants from the Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation and Pacific Vision Foundation. Individually, Silkiss' salary is entirely derived from her private practice at Silkiss Eye Surgery. She reports no conflicts of interest, grants, partnerships, consultancies, contracts, or other financial or funded sources. Koppinger was employed at the VA Sierra Nevada Health System at the time of the study and reports no conflicts of interest, grants, partnerships, consultancies, contracts, or other financial or funded sources. Truong was employed with the California Pacific Medical Center at the time of the study and reports no conflicts of interest, grants, partnerships, consultancies, contracts, or other financial or funding sources. David Gibson was employed at the time of the study with the University of California – San Francisco and reports no conflicts of interest, grants, partnerships, consultancies, contracts, or other financial or funding sources. Tyler is employed with the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute. He reports additional funding for his ongoing research below.
EY030155 Christopher Tyler (PI) April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023.
National Institutes of Health/National Eye Institute (NIH/NEI).
“Spectral ERG Analysis of Hypersensitivity to Light in Traumatic Brain Injury”.
The goal is to use spectral analysis of light-adapted electroretinographic (ERG) responses as a function of intensity and wavelength to assess unsuspected damage to the retina of the human eye from mild traumatic brain injury and determine its retinal-cell source.
Christopher Tyler (PI) December 1, 2019 to May 31, 2022.
“Quantification of Normative Photosensitivity Range and Variation”.
The goal of this pilot project is to assess the normative ranges of photosensitivity subpopulations.
R01EY024056 Lora Likova (PI) September 30, 2019 to June 30, 2024.
“Advanced Spatial Motor Rehabilitation for Navigation in Blindness & Visual Impairment”.
The goal of this grant is to use a novel spatiomotor training developed by Dr. Likova, and brain imaging techniques to assess brain and behavioral rehabilitation effects and to evaluate the efficacy of a novel rehabilitation approach in people with blindness or severely low vision.
Meeting Presentation: Presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2021.
Supported by the Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation and the Pacific Vision Foundation. Financial contract support was provided by the NIH/NEI 1R01EY030155.
Medication support was provided by the Greenwich Biosciences (medication only).
Disclosure: R.Z. Silkiss, None; J. Koppinger, None; T. Truong, None; C. Tyler, None