The authors thank Zeiss Inc. for making the Wide-Field Swept-source OCTA device (PlexElite OCT-A, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, CA) available to us.
Disclosure: H. Le Boité, None; A. Gaudric, None; A. Erginay, None; R. Tadayoni, personal fees from AbbVie Allergan (F, C, R), Alcon (F, C), Apellis (C), Bayer (F, C, R), Boehringer Ingelheim (F), Genentech (C, R), Iveric Bio (C), KHB (C, R), Novartis (F, C, R), Oculis (C, R), Roche (C, R), Thea (C), Zeiss (F); A. Couturier, personal fees from Alcon (C), Abbvie (C), Bayer (C), Horus (C), Novartis (C), and Roche (C) outside, of the submitted work