Participants’ sex, age, and the type, duration, and treatment of thyroid disease were recorded. Patients with GO also provided the duration and CAS. Clinical measurements included the following: (1) proptosis and palpebral fissure height (PFH); (2) Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI; score 0–100), an effective scale for evaluating the severity of dry eye that assigns higher scores to more severe symptoms; (3) lipid layer thickness (LLT) and partial blinking rate (PBR) measured by a LipiView Ocular Surface Interferometer (Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Jacksonville, FL; LLT was artificially set to 100 nm, as the instrument cannot display accurate LLT value if they exceed 100 nm); (4) tear meniscus height (TMH), noninvasive breakup time (NIBUT), conjunctival congestion score (CCS), and meibography scores for upper and lower eyelids, which were evaluated with the OCULUS Keratograph 5M (OCULUS, Wetzlar, Germany), with meibography scores calculated according to the meibomian gland dropout area (0, no dropout; 1, dropout area < 1/3; 2, dropout area = 1/3 to 2/3; 3, dropout area > 2/3); (5) Schirmer I test (SIT), measured for 5 minutes without anesthesia to assess tear secretion in each eye; (6) corneal fluorescein staining (CFS), where the cornea was divided into four quadrants and each quadrant was scored on a scale of 0 to 3, with a maximum score of 12; and (7) conjunctival lisamine green staining (LGS), which was scored from 0 to 3 in the exposed nasal and temporal bulbar conjunctiva, with a maximum total score of 6.