Blind and visually impaired (BVI) people often rely on public transportation, such as buses and subways, to travel for employment, leisure, and for other needs.
1,2 Geolocation and transportation information accessed through smartphones has greatly facilitated macro-navigation. Navigation apps make up one of the major groups of vision assistance mobile apps available in the App store and Play store.
3 Using smartphone apps, one can plan a route and get detailed instructions on mobile devices for point-to-point navigation via public transit. On the other hand, micro-navigation – navigating precisely to the desired destination at any stage of the journey – remains a largely unsolved issue for BVI individuals.
4,5 Regional transit agencies are required to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) regarding the accessibility of transit infrastructures.
6 In the context of vision disabilities, the requirements include placing of large-print signage at bus stops, providing braille and tactile information within transit stations, and making stop announcements inside transit vehicles at main points, among others. However, lack of cues accessible from a distance is one of the main barriers to equal access to public transportation (for example, tactile bus stop signs are accessible only one touches them).
Systemic inaccuracies in the GPS based location services is one of the underlying problems that lead to micro-navigation challenges faced by people with BVI. This is also referred to as the last 30-feet or last 10-meter problem in wayfinding. For example, when navigating to a bus stop, a blind person following GPS-based navigation apps, may arrive at the app-indicated location with a considerable gap (typically a few to 10 meters) from the actual bus stop due to the localization error in the GPS service. For perspective, a 10 meter gap could be almost equal to an entire standard bus length. According to the feedback from blind travelers, sometimes even a small gap can be large enough for them to miss the bus because the bus drivers misunderstand their intention and not stop for them.
13–16 Weather and environment (density of tall buildings in downtown areas, for example) can further affect GPS-based localization. In the worst-case scenario, especially in crowded cities, the GPS localization may be off by more than a block, making the macro-navigation apps essentially useless in the pedestrian mode.
17 In addition to localization error, there is a possibility of mapping errors (sometimes very large) in the stop locations that are made publicly available by the transit agencies. In our survey of 174 bus stop locations in the Boston metro area, about 23% were mapped more than 2 bus lengths away.
18 Some large mapping errors are typically due to outdated mapping data for relocated bus stops.
Mapping and localization errors together contribute toward making purely location-based services unreliable for micro-navigation tasks, such as finding bus stops. Making matters worse, bus stop signs can be one of many signs on a typical urban street (among traffic/parking signs and street signs), and thus finding it becomes a visual search task, in addition to a plain geolocation task. Because visual search performance is known to be significantly degraded in people with low vision,
19,20 it is evident that a navigation aid is needed for micro-navigation with visual search capabilities that could work together with macro-navigation apps, especially in the last 10 to 15 meters of the destination.
One of the conventional wayfinding solutions is the use of Bluetooth beacons or WiFi access points to provide micro-location information high accuracy on nearby landmarks.
4,21–25 The scalability and applicability of this approach in outdoor environments are restricted due to the high cost for infrastructure modification and maintenance. On the other hand, smartphones could allow rapid scaling of accessibility. A few smartphone apps have been developed, tested, or released to help people with BVI access public transportation specifically, or to navigate to destinations in general.
26–28 Apps such as Blindsquare and Lazarillo use GPS and location-based data to help users navigate, providing them with information about nearby points of interest, public transportation stops, and bus and train schedules. Because these apps are primarily GPS-based, they are still subject to the limitations of GPS-based navigation systems detailed above. In order to achieve localization more accurately, some apps combine location information together with landmark recognition.
15,16,29,30 For example, the BlindWays app guides blind bus riders with crowdsourced clues that describe recognizable and permanent landmarks near the bus stop, like a tree, a fire hydrant, or a mailbox. However, landmark maps around the various locations have to be built, maintained, and made widely available prior to use. Combing signage information in General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) with optical character recognition could provide a viable micro-navigation solution.
31 For the purpose of bus stop navigation, a purely visual approach can work well if combined with a typical macro-navigation app.
We have developed a micro-navigation mobile app, All_Aboard, which recognizes bus stop signs to help the users navigate within a short range of the physical location of the sign.
32 The All_Aboard app is intended to be used together with a macro-navigation app like Google Maps in real-world usage. When users arrive within the vicinity of the bus stops, they can scan the surroundings with the All_Aboard app to find the bus stop signs. Our preliminary testing of the All_Aboard app indicated its superior localization performance compared to Google Maps app alone.
17 The goal of this study was to evaluate All_Aborad to understand whether it would be successful in helping BVI transit users in detecting bus stop signs in real-world conditions and be able to close the gap, relative to macro-navigation aids. Our primary hypothesis was that the localization based on All_Aboard app was significantly better than just using a conventional navigation app (Google Maps) in terms of distance to the desired bus-stop location and rate of successful localizations. Given that GPS-based localization typically suffers in densely built downtown areas, we further hypothesized that All_Aboard might be more beneficial in these locations compared to more sparsely populated suburban areas.